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Civil society organizations are facing increasing political restrictions all over the world. Frequently , these restrictions apply to the foreign funding of NGOs and thus curtail the space for external civil society support, which, since... more
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      Development StudiesHuman Rights LawInternational DevelopmentHuman Rights
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    • Development cooperation
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      SecurityEuropean Foreign PolicyHorn of AfricaEuropean Union external relations
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      EngineeringKnowledge ManagementInternational DevelopmentOnline Communities
La ponencia describe y analiza la cooperación internacional captada por Costa Rica durante los últimos años, a partir de datos inéditos del Ministerio de Planificación y del Ministerio Hacienda. Se aborda también la cooperación que Costa... more
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      International RelationsInternational CooperationForeign AidCosta Rica
Group dynamics play an important role in the social interactions of both children and adults. A large amount of research has shown that merely being allocated to arbitrarily defined groups can evoke disproportionately positive attitudes... more
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      Developmental PsychologyGroup Processes & Intergroup RelationsDevelopment cooperationMinimal Group Paradigm
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      Urban SprawlDevelopment cooperationGIS
Globálne alebo rozvojové dobrovoľníctvo sa v medzinárodnej komunite čoraz viac uznáva ako významný nástroj na prekonávanie výziev v oblasti medzinárodného rozvoja (vrátanie riešenia problematiky migrácie). Je ho však ťažké... more
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      MigrationInternational MigrationMigration StudiesVolunteerism
Многомиллиардные объемы помощи развитию, оказываемой международными донорами странам- реципиентам, обусловливают необходимость разработать механизмы оценки эффективности подобных проектов. Критерии оценки при этом существенно разнятся и... more
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      Foreign AidDevelopment cooperationInternational Development CooperationEffectiveness of Foreign Aid in Sub Saharan Africa
Refer to attachment.
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      Economic DiplomacyThink TanksSouth AfricaNuclear Diplomacy
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      Development StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisForeign PolicyDebate
This paper analyses the livelihood strategies adopted by the Chepangs, a highly marginalized indigenous nationalities of Nepal. Household survey was conducted in Shaktikhor Village Development Committee (VDC) in Chitwan district and... more
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      AgronomyForestryAgricultureDevelopment cooperation
Archintorno is a non-profit organization of young architects based in Naples, that has been promoting initiatives of development cooperation with indigenous communities in the Mexican State of Oaxaca since 2005. These initiatives involve... more
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      ArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureDevelopment cooperationSelf-building
El libro “La Agenda 2030 en Iberoamérica” recoge las principales contribuciones al seminario internacional que la Fundación Carolina organizó en 2019, con el patrocinio de la Fundación ICO y la colaboración del Centro de Desarrollo de la... more
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      Latin American StudiesInternational DevelopmentDevelopment cooperationInternational Development Cooperation
En el marco de la crisis centroamericana de los años ochenta, la ayuda económica y militar de Estados Unidos fue uno de los instrumentos más destacados de su política hacia la región. Basándose en el marco de análisis de la economía... more
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      International RelationsCentral American StudiesLatin American Foreign PolicyForeign Aid
Achieving sustainable, equitable and resilient societies is humankind’s challenge for the 21st century. In pursuit of this ambition, the international development community needs a shared, universal framework to work more closely... more
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      StatisticsPublic ManagementSustainability IndicatorsMonitoring And Evaluation
India’s relation with UAE has flourished since the Federation of UAE in 1971 when trade was the primary source of their relation. From the very beginning, UAE has shown interest in maintaining relation with India as one of the growing and... more
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      Political EconomySocial SciencesRegional environmental agreementsCross-border cooperation
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    • Development cooperation
This book presents an accessible overview of city diplomacy's seven key dimensions (development cooperation, peacekeeping, economy, innovation, environment, culture, and migration). The book discusses its scope and challenges, maps the... more
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      International RelationsClimate ChangePublic DiplomacyCulture
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      AfricaTurkish Foreign PolicyDevelopment cooperation
The purpose of this study is to analyze, from a critical perspective, the contribution to peace and development of “Fez Process” in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, considering the role of diplomacy and religion in the... more
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      Cultural StudiesInternational RelationsDevelopment StudiesSustainable Development
The Bankwide Resettlement Review was initiated in 1992 to encompass all projects with resettlement in the Bank's portfolio between 1986 and 1993 and to assess consistency between policy and operations. The Bankwide review was assigned to... more
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      Development EconomicsInternational DevelopmentCommunity DevelopmentSocial and Cultural Anthropology
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    • Development cooperation
The anthology Social Media in Development Communication, edited by Ricky Storm Braskov, is an outcome of the Ørecomm Festival 2011. It brings together voices from key institutions and experts central in the established world of... more
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      Development StudiesDevelopment communicationSocial MediaCommunication for Social Change
What lights do International Relations (IR) theories shed on what is the nature of the politics of aid? The study of foreign aid as an avenue of foreign policy, albeit significant and not entirely new, has been less widely documented.... more
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      International RelationsDevelopment StudiesInternational Relations TheoryInternational Development
В эпоху экономического и индустриального подъёма государств Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона менеджеры северных стран активно осваивают эту территорию. Наш труд не только в некоторой степени раскрывает возможности специфических форм... more
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      Brand ManagementStrategic Brand ManagementInternational CooperationNation Branding
In Africa, and Tanzania in particular, international donors increasingly exert influence on governments to embrace accountability reforms as a pre-condition for receiving bilateral and multilateral development aid. This influence is... more
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      GovernmentalityRural DevelopmentLocal Government and Local DevelopmentICT4D
The bilateral relations between the European Union and South Asia can trace back to the establishment of the European Economic Community (EEC). The relations between these two regions develop predominantly with the evolution of the Treaty... more
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      South Asian StudiesSecurity StudiesEuropean UnionCooperation
La pandemia ha supuesto una coyuntura crítica tanto para América Latina y la Unión Europea, en la que, junto a los efectos de una profunda crisis sanitaria y socioeconómica, y ahora, geopolítica, se abren oportunidades para establecer un... more
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      Latin American StudiesDevelopment StudiesLatin American Foreign PolicyEuropean Union
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      Development StudiesInternational DevelopmentGlobalisation and DevelopmentForeign Aid
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    • Development cooperation
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    • Development cooperation
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    • Development cooperation
La relación entre la paz, la seguridad, y las políticas de desarrollo es una cuestión debatida y con importantes implicaciones para la cooperación internacional. En el escenario de la posguerra fría, esa relación se definió a través del... more
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      Latin American StudiesDevelopment StudiesInternational SecurityAfghanistan
En este libro se analizan las motivaciones, los instrumentos y los propósitos de la asistencia facilitada a través del Plan Marshall, la “Alianza para el Progreso”, entre otros programas de ayuda exterior de Estados Unidos en el periodo... more
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      Foreign AidHistory Of U.S. Foreign RelationsU.S. Foreign PolicyDevelopment cooperation
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    • Development cooperation
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      Development StudiesCivil SocietyDevelopment cooperation
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    • Development cooperation
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      JapanDevelopment cooperationOfficial development assistance
The book is structured like a dictionary and as such presents 23 short contributions, each with a different topic and an author’s profile and disciplinary perspective. All letters aim to show how diverse, rich and old is the co-operative... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsInternational EconomicsPolitical Economy
This chapter contains a brief analysis of the institutional evolution of Colombian international development aid cooperation, and its organisation and mandates. It deals with Colombia’s approach to both ‘traditional’ relationships between... more
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      International RelationsInternational DevelopmentColombiaInternational Cooperation
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      Foreign AidCooperación Internacional Para El DesarrolloDevelopment cooperationInternational Development Cooperation
In Sierra Leone l’agricoltura è uno dei pilastri dell’economia e fornisce occupazione a circa il 75% della popolazione. Nonostante il Paese sia dotato di molte risorse naturali, acqua e favorevoli condizioni climatiche, il raggiungimento... more
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      ConservationCommunity DevelopmentWest AfricaLocal food
A partir de 2016, la desaceleración del comercio mundial y de los flujos internacionales del capital, así como las restricciones crecientes a las migraciones internacionales, han provocado la reducción de la interdependencia económica... more
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      BoliviaChinaDevelopment cooperationAmérica Latina
It has recently been suggested that the age of human rights is over. The West, itself often not respecting human rights, is said to have abused the concept as a tool to retain control over the developing world. Human rights have remained... more
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      Intellectual PropertyHuman RightsAfricaLaw and Development
This study will be discussed related to the professionalism of teachers after certification, the efforts made to develop the professionalism of teachers, and the impact of certification policy on the quality of education. This research... more
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      Development cooperationEnterpreneurship
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      Immigration And Integration In EuropeEuropean Union-Africa relationsEU development policyDevelopment cooperation
Este trabajo examina la cooperación española con América Latina a partir de un marco explicativo integrado por los intereses, las identidades y los valores, en los tres casos entendidos como construcciones sociales. Se analizan cómo han... more
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      Latin American StudiesInternational RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisInternational Development
The objective in this paper is to locate and analyze parameters within indigenous communities, as well as within the larger framework of the surrounding nation states and the global system, that interact and together structure and... more
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      Knowledge ManagementInternational DevelopmentCommunity Engagement & ParticipationSocial and Cultural Anthropology