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      EmotionNeuroimagingMethodologyCoping Strategies
Current individual-based, process-oriented approaches (dynamic systems theory and the microgenetic perspective) have led to an increase of variability-centred studies in the literature. The aim of this article is to propose a technique... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLanguage AcquisitionChild Development
We present a new formulation and a numerical procedure for the quasi-static analysis of threedimensional crack propagation in brittle and quasi-brittle solids. The extended finite element method (XFEM) is combined with linear tetrahedral... more
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      EngineeringModelingFinite element methodCrack propagation
A series of numerical schemes: first-order upstream, Lax -Friedrichs; second-order upstream, central difference, Lax-Wendroff, Beam-Warming, Fromm; third-order QUICK, QUICKEST and high resolution flux-corrected transport and total... more
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      EngineeringConvectionComputational Fluid DynamicsComparative Study
This article is concerned with interface problems for Lipschitz mappings f + : R n + → R m and f − : R n − → R m in the half spaces, which agree on the common boundary R n−1 = ∂R n + = ∂R n − . These naturally occur in mathematical models... more
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      Applied MathematicsMicrostructureModelingPure Mathematics
A recent development in the use of lidar remote sensing techniques is ground-based laser scanning. Laser scanning of rock faces yields the spatial relation between all scanned rock surface points, at a very high resolution, basically a... more
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      Rock MechanicsGeotechnical EngineeringLaserLiDAR
A succession of technological discontinuities and dominant designs between automakers has historically epitomized the automotive industry. This is a complex and uncertain process of innovation in which the technology variable is... more
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      TechnologyDiscontinuityFord Motor Company
Based on contextual information, forecasters often make judgmental adjustments to the forecasts of exponential smoothing models. This approach can produce sound initial forecasts, but it can result in diminished accuracy for forecast... more
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      Time SeriesForecastingDiscontinuity
Détection et localisation de défauts dans des réseaux filaires de topologie complexe. Auteur principal : Fabrice AUZANNEAU -CEA LIST Tél : 01 69 08 90 70 -email : L'auteur est le responsable du Laboratoire de... more
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      Model TheoryEmbedded SystemsNumerical SimulationDiscontinuity
Lamoure J, Stovel J. Serotonin Syndrome: A Perfect Storm. How to Prevent, Recognize and Manage Serotonin Syndrome. Pharmacy Practice. 2011; 27 (2): 22-26,30-31
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Não é razoável, dizem eles, que Deus, sempre consistente consigo mesmo, tenha sofrido tão grande mudança que desaprovasse depois o que uma vez ordenara e recomendara. Respondo que Deus não deve ser considerado mutável por acomodar... more
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      Covenant TheologyDispensationalismDiscontinuityBiblical Covenants
The connection between film elements and brain responses has been suggested by a number of neurocognitive studies. The studies of event segmentation, in particular, support that film editing conditions cognitive responses. After... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceMedia StudiesFilm Studies
Challenged by competition pressures and the unprecedented pace of change, firms cannot choose anymore whether to concentrate on the needs of today's customers or on the anticipation of tomorrow's needs: they must be excellent at both.... more
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      Business and ManagementInnovation ManagementDiscontinuityExploration
Exceeding the shear strength results in failure of the ground which can be described by the Mohr-Coulomb Failure Envelope. This is also used, sometimes, as a constitutive model for the shear strength along surfaces of, for example,... more
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      Rock MechanicsGeomechanicsSoil MechanicsDiscontinuity
A pre-requisite in slope stability analyses is that the internal structure and the mechanical properties of the soil or rock mass of the slope, are known or can be estimated with a reasonable degree of certainty. Geophysical methods to... more
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      GeophysicsRock MechanicsSoil MechanicsSlope Stability
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      EmotionQueer StudiesPhilosophyEthics
In this paper we draw together the changing orientations that have been shaping the project business arena during the past years and discuss their implications for the future of project marketing theory and practice. Based on empirical... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingLongitudinal ResearchBusiness and Management
Three published rock mass classi®cation systems (RMR, SMR, RMS) were applied to weak Waikato Coal Measure mudrocks in order to assess their value as indicators of rock mass conditions and stable slope angles. The SMR classi®cation gives... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeomorphologyRock MechanicsFracture
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      Literary CriticismHermeneuticsOulipoHermeneutics and Narrative
A lot has been speculated and written over the last few decades on the similarities between Eastern Religions and Quantum Physics. Most of the time the connection is oversimplified and blurred, and it is taken for granted that somehow... more
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      BuddhismQuantum PhysicsNagarjunaTibetan Buddhism
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      Critical TheorySociologyCollective BehaviorPolitical Sociology
The strength of a rock mass for foundation purposes is for a large part determined by the discontinuities in the rock mass. Numerical calculations of discontinuous rock masses prove often to be cumbersome and unreliable. Rock mass... more
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      Rock MechanicsGeotechnical EngineeringWeatheringDiscontinuity
We present in this paper recent achievements realised on the application of strain smoothing in finite elements and propose suitable extensions to problems with discontinuities and singularities. The numerical results indicate that for 2D... more
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      EngineeringModelingLinear ElasticityMesh generation
A new approach for modelling discrete cracks in meshfree particle methods in three dimensions is described. The cracks can be arbitrarily oriented, but their growth is represented discretely by activation of crack surfaces at individual... more
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      EngineeringMeshfree MethodsModelingMesh generation
Resumen: Un gran número de comentaristas de Foucault afirman que la biopolítica forma parte de manera fundamental del corpus de su obra. La discusión acerca de esta noción está imbricada en la política contemporánea, pero dicha... more
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      PhilosophyGiorgio AgambenMichel FoucaultRoberto Esposito
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage TypologyLinguistic TypologyReduplication
The kinematic test for toppling developed by Goodman and Bray (1976) was based on a two dimensional relationship (90°-δ) +φj <α (where δ= dip of discontinuity, φj, = friction angle of the discontinuity and, α = slope angle). The steeply... more
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      Rock MechanicsGeotechnical EngineeringFractureSlope Stability
This paper proposes a new analysis in a Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) of long-known coordination and discontinuity data in English. The analysis is based on the wrap operation first proposed by . It goes on to explore new data... more
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      SemanticsSyntaxCombinatory Categorial GrammarCategorial grammar
Iniziato a scrivere 28 anni fa e interrotto, più che concluso, nel 2002, Works è stato pubblicato da Einaudi nel 2016. È un libro straordinariamente lungo, strabordante. Seicentocinquanta pagine di pensieri minuziosi, dove il... more
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A volume of fluid method is developed in order to simulate reactive mass transfer in two-phase flows and is applied to study reactive laminar liquid film. The thermodynamic equilibrium of chemical species at the interface is considered... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringThermodynamicsMass Transfer
3D terrestrial laser scanning is nowadays the technique for 3D mapping and documentation of rock faces and tunnels that shows most potential. In this paper two state-of-the-art methods are described to map rock mass fractures on the basis... more
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      3D GISRock MechanicsGeotechnical EngineeringLaser
Article based on paper presented as part of Panel 24: ‘Looting, Refusing, Negating, Embodying’ ‘Critical Refusals’ Fourth Biennal Conference of the International Herbert Marcuse Society, University of Pennsylvania, 27-29th October... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryModern HistorySociology
In: R. Karl & J. Leskovar (Hrsg.), Interpretierte Eisenzeiten. Fallstudien, Methoden, Theorie. Tagungsbeiträge der 8. Linzer Gespräche zur interpretativen Eisenzeitarchäologie. Studien zur Kulturgeschichte von Oberösterreich, Folge 49... more
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      History of Archaeological ResearchChronologyDiscontinuityContinuity
Landslide studies are commonly guided by ground knowledge and field measurements of rock strength and slope failure criteria. With increasing sophistication of GIS-based statistical methods, however, landslide susceptibility studies... more
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      Rock MechanicsSlope StabilityIndiaHimalayas
Edited version of published paper presented at 'Is Black and Red Dead?' Conference, Centre for the Study of Social and Global and Justice (CSSGJ) University of Nottingham, 7-8 September, 2009... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
This paper describes a futures method called the &quot;Three Horizons &quot; which enables different futures and strategic methods to be integrated as and when appropriate. The method is still in development. It differs significantly from... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyEngineering GeologyAnisotropy
En las últimas décadas, el conocimiento del comportamiento de los macizos rocosos se ha desarrollado tremendamente. En la construcción, así como en la excavación de taludes, cimentaciones y túneles superficiales se ha comprobado que las... more
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      Rock MechanicsGeotechnical EngineeringSlope StabilityEngineering Geology
Modern age was characterized by the prevailing influence of the systematic thought. Causal order in the physical world and formal order in axiomatic systems became dominant in scientific knowledge and inspired for a couple of centuries... more
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      RhetoricPhilosophy Of LawLaw and LiteratureComplexity
A meshfree method for thin shells with finite strains and arbitrary evolving cracks is described. The C1 displacement continuity requirement is met by the approximation, so no special treatments for fulfilling the Kirchhoff condition are... more
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      EngineeringMeshfree MethodsModelingCrack propagation
In order to understand and improve the crashworthiness of airdropped flexible containers, this paper presents the work of numerical simulations about the dynamic behaviour of the container under impact loading. A finite element model of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringAerospace EngineeringModeling
Dis)Continuité Journées d'Études Doctorants et Jeunes Chercheurs -Laboratoire ICTT 36 Continuité et discontinuité sur la scène britannique contemporaine: le cas du théâtre « verbatim » 1
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      Political theatreDiscontinuityTestimony, verbatim, documentary theatre
Bu tez en temelde süreklilik ve süreksizlik kavramlarının bir incelemesini içermektedir. Bu inceleme gerçekleşirken ilkin Deleuze ve Guattari’nin Felsefe Nedir? isimli kitabı referans alınarak felsefe, bilim ve sanat tanımları belirlenmiş... more
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      Art TheoryArt and ScienceGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariArt and Philosophy
Dans un contexte caractérisé par la volonté d’accroître la responsabilisation individuelle des salariés dans l’acquisition et le maintien de leurs compétences professionnelles, l’utilisation du numérique apparaît aux yeux de certains... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual History
The strength of a rock mass for foundation purposes is for a large part determined by the discontinuities in the rock mass. Numerical calculations of discontinuous rock masses prove often to be cumbersome and unreliable. Rock mass... more
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      Rock MechanicsGeotechnical EngineeringWeatheringDiscontinuity
En prenant appui sur la théorie de l’apprentissage transformateur (TAT), développée par Jack Mezirow aux États- Unis, cet article propose une réflexion sur les temporalités qui caractérisent les processus de transformation, susceptibles... more
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      Adult EducationTransformative LearningRhythmTransformation
Languages differ in whether or not they allow discontinuous noun phrases. If they do, they further vary in the ways the nominal projections interact with the available syntactic operations. Yucatec Maya has two left-peripheral... more
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      SyntaxMayan LinguisticsDiscontinuity
Direct numerical simulations are performed in order to study physical and reactive absorption in gas-liquid flow on structured packing. The volume of fluid method is used to capture the gas-liquid interface motion. The mass transport is... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMass TransferComputational Fluid Dynamics
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      Critical TheoryFinanceHistorySociology