Recent papers in Continuity
Around 1906, Peirce discovered that the logical analysis of a proposition comes to an end when a “continuous predicate” is found. Continuous predicates are those predicates that cannot be analyzed, or, which is the same, are only... more
We investigate possible extensions of various types of continuity of aggregation functions to their super- and sub-additive transformations. More specifically, we examine lifts of classical, uniform, Lipschitz and Holder continuities and... more
Fostering conservation as a discursive and contextual practice, this essay examines transitional media that necessitate new ways of thinking about continuity. It looks at two examples of artworks with the objective of unraveling the... more
The spa Baden looks back on more than 2000 years of history and bathing tradition. It's still remaining heritage is a big potential for the investors and developers oif the new spa establishment as well as for the town as a tourism... more
Example of Timecode Log Sheets, very useful for continuity work.
In his book titled The Bible Among the Myths author John Oswalt makes a strong argument that the current trend in Old Testament scholarship toward labeling the Bible as a myth is not founded on a preponderance of new evidence, but... more
Continuità is the key-word to consider the relevance and originality of the theoretical work of Ernesto Nathan Rogers, one of the most influencial figure within the Italian and International Modernist Culture between the late Thirties and... more
Punimi i diplomës me temën Kultura e Komanit trajton kulturën e një populli që në shek. VI-VIII ishte në kapërcyell të dy epokave, nga ajo e vonë antike, në periudhën e hershme mesjetare, duke e dëshmuar kështu kontinuitetin iliro-arbëror... more
Whether in comic books or their movie adaptations, Batman stories return obsessively to the moment Thomas and Martha Wayne were killed. Using Cathy Caruth's definition of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as "the overwhelming events of the... more
Kuleshov Experiments challenges Hollywood continuity by holding that the juxtaposition of two discontinuous shots generates a third meaning among the audiences which is contained in neither of the shots.
Magisterarbeit zum Siedlungsplatz aus dem 3. bis 5. Jahrhundert von Oberderdingen-Flehingen. Obgleich wenige Siedlungsbefunde noch dokumentiert werden konnten, so gibt das umfangreiche Fundmaterial, dass vornehmlich aus einer verlandeten... more
Resumen: El paisaje costero de Noruega discurre desde la Antártida Oriental hasta los 81º norte, pero no es la continuidad sino una sensación de constante fragmentación la que domina sus paisajes. Hoy en día, la misma costa experimenta... more
This article focusses on the notion of barbarians and the process of barbarization in the archaeological interpretations. The main question is how can scholars identify the presence of barbarians starting from the material record? In... more
In monograph are discussed many issues which are unsettled in modern international law. In the theoretical part, not only current problems of the state succession are taken up in a uniform system, but a complex analysis of the theoretical... more
Continuity inscribes itself in the heart of almost every system—philosophical, physical, mathematical, vital, perceptual. It is not unusual for both the domain and the "conceptual machinery" crafted to survey that domain to draw... more
The city of Berat is a World Heritage site in the south of Albania for its important value, as a well preserved medieval site with strong ottoman influence. Moreover the city has an ancient origin since the fourth century BC and its urban... more
Ernst Robert Curtius is well known as an advocate of European literature, which transcends national boundaries. Most importantly, he is recognized as a literary historian, who wrote European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages... more
Υπάρχει μια διάχυτη αμηχανία της προοδευτικής ιστοριογραφίας προς τον Ν. Σβορώνο της ύστερης περιόδου. Αποτυπώνεται και στην εισαγωγή του εν λόγω βιβλίου και αλλού. Αυτή η αμηχανία είναι σημαντική και εν πολλοίς δικαιολογημένη. Ο Σβορώνος... more
Ce livre est le fruit d’une expérience unique : l’auteur a été filmé par Catherine Beaugrand et Samuel Dématraz, sans interruption, pendant 12 heures. Il présente la description aussi précise que possible de tous les instants privés et... more
In six hundred, the Manor House reflects the enrichment of aristocracy based on the exploitation of coffee and gold, with major expression in the metropoles of Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro. In seven hundred, the Johannine baroque house... more
Danièle Hervieu-Léger gives an account of religion as a chain of memory, that is, a form of collective memory and imagination based on the sanctity of tradition. According to her theory, in the postmodern world the continuity of religious... more
Contents 10TH AND 11TH CENTURY BURIAL SITES, STRAY FINDS AND TREASURES IN THE TRANSYLVANIAN BASIN, THE PARTIUM AND THE BANAT IX.1. The geography of the Transylvanian Basin, the Partium and the Banat IX.2. List of the 10th–11th century... more
The processing of reggaeton songs demands an active engagement from the listener due to high level of fragmentation in the lyrics, which stems from variability in word stress and prosodic segmentation. Changes in word stress challenge the... more
What made Lagos the centre of popular music in Nigeria? This is the concern of this paper. Several favourable factors were at play. Lagos was an entrepot, a British colony, a centre of trade, it cosmopolitan population, a society composed... more
Limits : Function, Theorems on Limits, Right and Left Limits, Infinity
Continuity : Function, Vertical Asymptot
Limits : Function, Theorems on Limits, Right and Left Limits, Infinity
Continuity : Function, Vertical Asymptot
Brentano’s theory of continuity is based on his account of boundaries. The core idea of the theory is that boundaries and coincidences thereof belong to the essence of continua. Brentano is confident that he developed a full-fledged,... more
Synthèse sur la religion lycienne : substrat asianique (divinités "solymes" / divinités "termiles") et statut des théonymes grecs.
In: R. Karl & J. Leskovar (Hrsg.), Interpretierte Eisenzeiten. Fallstudien, Methoden, Theorie. Tagungsbeiträge der 8. Linzer Gespräche zur interpretativen Eisenzeitarchäologie. Studien zur Kulturgeschichte von Oberösterreich, Folge 49... more
Corporate succession planning has attracted considerable interest among management and social science researchers. Most of the research has been conducted in the developed countries and organizations from specific vantage points such as... more
The article examines emotion and identity in connection with Greek death cult in an attempt to clarify certain political phenomena in the Mediterranean area. The cult of the dead is a common cultural pattern in the area. Why is this cult... more
Possible companion paper to How to Build a 21-Dimensional Universe. I'm not sure it's compatible, but there is some similarity. This is a later development that is not necessarily more perfect.
This article explores the career of a senior civil servant who served in the Reich's Ministry of Interior and continued his career in the West-German Federal Ministry of Interior and the German Federal Administrative Court after 1949. His... more
You want to explore this universe because it's remarkably coherent. Fans are always going on about canon, but when you really look at it, it's pretty amazing that in hundreds and hundreds of episodes, this universe is so coherent and... more
One can use mathematics not as an instrument or measure, or a replacement for God, but as a poetic articulation, or perhaps as a stammered experimental approach to cultural dynamics. I choose to start with the simplest symbolic substances... more
Bu tez en temelde süreklilik ve süreksizlik kavramlarının bir incelemesini içermektedir. Bu inceleme gerçekleşirken ilkin Deleuze ve Guattari’nin Felsefe Nedir? isimli kitabı referans alınarak felsefe, bilim ve sanat tanımları belirlenmiş... more
Acknowledging the growing interest in issues of religious transmission, this article reviews two promising yet contradictory approaches to religion that could be described as historicist and universalist. It offers an alternative view... more
En prenant appui sur la théorie de l’apprentissage transformateur (TAT), développée par Jack Mezirow aux États- Unis, cet article propose une réflexion sur les temporalités qui caractérisent les processus de transformation, susceptibles... more
Painted cosmos: the Wayana maluwana and embodiment of collectivity.