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The great European dream was to diminish militant nationalism' (Antony Beevor). The future remains open, and some degree of nationalism may be constantly present, but one thing can be expressed with confidence: the European Union has... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceOrganized CrimeCo-operation
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The article provides a comprehensive review of the foreign historiography of the Danish foreign policy in 1970–1980s based on the chronological and regional principles. The article examines the views of Scandinavian, European and American... more
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      HistoriographyNATOForeign PolicyEU
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      GlobalizationSoutheast AsiaASEANIndia
"La legge n. 92 del 2012 ha apportato alcune modifiche alla disciplina dei licenziamenti collettivi, consistenti in una serie di cambiamenti alla procedura prescritta dalla legge n. 223 del 1991. Questa riforma riveste una portata... more
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      European StudiesLawComparative LawConstitutional Law
Nell’attuale quadro normativo europeo i riferimenti al dato culturale sono molteplici, ma è ancora assente una trattazione organica del tema e il settore di riferimento è la cultura considerata in senso più ampio, secondo quanto disposto... more
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      European StudiesLawComparative LawConstitutional Law
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      ContractsRegional economic developmentEUStructural Funds
"PLEASE READ THIS PAPER AND GIVE ME FEEDBACK As nominal policy interest rates are hitting the lower zero bound in many industrialised countries, questions are raised about possible unintended consequences.... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEconomic GrowthMonetary theory
The relationship between the European Union and Egypt on migration is as uncomfortable for Europe as it is unavoidable. The EU's goal of reducing irregular migration by working with actual and potential transit countries around Europe... more
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      International RelationsHuman RightsMigrationEgypt
Бъдещето на политиката на ЕС в областта на околната среда Една от политическите сфери, в които ЕС е световен лидер е политиката за опазване на околната среда (ПООС). Тази политика е изключително широка, както по обхват така и по обем... more
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      Environmental Policy and GovernanceEUEuropean Union Environmental Policy
Che cos’è l’ordine internazionale liberale e perché è a rischio di estinzione? Dai suoi esordi, all’in­domani del primo dopoguerra, l’ordine liberale ha significativamente mutato trama, attori e toni della politica internazionale, mirando... more
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    • EU
There has been a shortage of a general discussion about the benefits and shortcomings for the public in Iceland in relations to the possibility of Iceland joining the European Union (EU) and European Monetary Union (EMU). The main... more
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      MacroeconomicsPolitical PartiesEnlargement and Integration in the EUEU
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      Foreign PolicyBaltic Sea Region StudiesEUIceland
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Caratteri generali dell'Esecuti vo Esecutivi deboli e poco collegiali, basati generalmente su coalizione (5 o più partiti) Esecutivo forte, predominato dal PM. Predominanza di governi monocolori, con possibilità di governi di minoranza... more
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      Italian StudiesPortuguese StudiesGovernanceEU
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      EntrepreneurshipReligionEuropean HistorySociology
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      Public and Political CommunicationEUJean Monnet
This paper provides a summary of Factortame I and Factortame II
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      Critical TheoryBritish LiteratureBusinessInformation Systems
This paper expands on recent debates over the merits of online crowdfunding platforms (CFPs) by looking at the extent to which these sorts of funding sites have the potential to contribute to the development of civic society ideals in... more
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      FinanceSocial MovementsPsychologyEuropean Studies
EU internal security policy has been in recent years progressively focused on prevention of threats and risks. The 2010 Internal Security Strategy for the EU highlighted the need for 'prevention and anticipation' conceived as a proactive... more
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      Intelligence StudiesIntelligenceSecurityPolice
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With heading toward 2014, when the international troops leave Afghanistan and the Afghan National Security Forces (ASNF) have to take the responsibility for securing the country, the capabilities of the ASNF are in the focus of many... more
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"Abstract: This paper intends to understand the major institutional factors related to the economic development of the European Union (EU) countries in the last two decades. It provides some contributions to the institutionalist debate of... more
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      Institutional EconomicsEconomic GrowthGovernanceCulture
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      EUFAOAUCSoft Law
Turkey-EU relations are currently in a state of flux. Turkey and the EU have moved apart in their political aspirations after accession talks faced a stalemate due to the Republic of Cyprus’ EU accession as a divided island. The EU has... more
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      European LawDemocratizationEU External Relations LawTurkey
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      Civil EngineeringArmenian StudiesNATOSecurity
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      International TradeDeveloping CountriesFair TradeFree Trade
This article explores the recent transformations of the Romanian peasantry and critically discusses interpretations of these changes as either indicating the persistence or the disappearance of peasants in Romania. It shows that beyond... more
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      Agricultural PolicyCapitalismEUClass Relations
Discusses the fundamentals of a VAT, its origin, the practice in Nigeria as well as its shortcomings considering the presence of State Sales Tax. The paper also looks at the adoption of VAT in other federal states and how the States have... more
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      Identity politicsLanguage and IdentityIntercultural dialogueEU
Штукарін С.І. Центр політологічних досліджень, виконавчий директор м. Донецьк, Донецька область ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКІ СТАНДАРТИ МІСЦЕВОГО САМОВРЯДУВАННЯ: СИНТЕЗ ПОНЯТТЯ ТА КРИТЕРІЇ ОЦІНКИ ЕФЕКТИВНОСТІ
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      GovernanceCouncil of EuropeEU
Pendant plus d’un demi-siècle, la politique étrangère de l’UE envers l’Afrique a évolué dans le contexte des FED successifs et de l’Accord de Cotonou (faisant suite à la Convention de Lomé). En réponse à la demande de l’Union africaine... more
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      SecurityAfricaEuropean UnionEU
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      European StudiesPost-ColonialismEU
In the wake of the euro-zone crisis, and the banking and economic crisis, many European countries have experienced an increase in the government debt load. The governments of Europe acting under the pressure of the troika, consisting of... more
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      Political EconomyEnvironmental LawHuman Rights LawInternational Law
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ii Statutory Declaration I hereby declare that this thesis has been written by myself without any external unauthorised help, that it has been neither presented to any institution for evaluation nor previously published in its entirety or... more
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      Turkey And EuropeModern TurkeyEUWestern Balkans
By analysing both the political and economic dimensions of the European Single Currency, this paper argues that the current Eurozone crisis was inevitable given the economic flaws of a politically inspired project. More fundamentally,... more
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      International Political EconomyEuropean UnionEUEuro Area
Використовується теорія Роберта Купера щодо модерних та пост-модерних держав задля пояснення неефективності Спільної зовнішньої та безпекової політики Європейського Союзу. Так, неефективність СЗБП пояснюється невідповідністю її характеру... more
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      Central AsiaUSARussiaEU
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      International RelationsDevelopment StudiesClimate ChangeInternational Development
EU foreign policy towards Africa has evolved in the context of successive EDFs and the Cotonou Agreement (successor to Lomé) over more than half a century. In response to the request of the African Union (AU) in 2003, the EU created,... more
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      SecurityAfricaEuropean UnionEU
"The Report presents insights which illuminates the intertwinements of European regulatory policies and global governance arrangements. By pinning down the exact nature of the interaction between these two levels, the EU’s dilemma becomes... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsBusiness EthicsSociologyEuropean Studies
The Showcasing Innovative Greece publication, presents both first and second generation programmes with particular emphasis to their categorisation according to four different typologies (i.a. regional economic activity, overall... more
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      Innovation statisticsEUGreece
Addressing the relationship between information and communication technologies (ICT) and cultural and scientific heritage, this paper focuses on the wider subject of accessdissemination and preservation of scientific information and... more
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      UnescoKnowledge EconomyDigital HeritageEU
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      Critical TheoryMilitary HistorySociology of CultureInformation Science
"La materia che noi qualifichiamo della criminalità organizzata è stata oggetto nella storia della codificazione delle figure delittuose autonome associative ed è stata considerata, così come sempre la categoria del reato politico,... more
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      European StudiesLawComparative LawConstitutional Law
La Eucaristía es el sacrificio mismo del Cuerpo y de la Sangre del Señor Jesús, que Él instituyó para perpetuar en los siglos, hasta su segunda venida, el sacrificio de la Cruz, confiando así a la Iglesia el memorial de su Muerte y... more
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    • EU