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From worse to worse Why is it so difficult to change English education for the better?
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      EducationEducation PolicyNeoliberalismEducational Inequality
This article examines to what extent specific institutional arrangement of an education system moderates the influence of social background on students’ track allocation, and whether this happens via primary or secondary effects of social... more
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      Educational InequalitySwitzerlandEducational Systems
Estudos mostram que diplomas de nível superior facilitam o acesso a posições de trabalho mais bem remuneradas e são uma fonte importante de prestígio e honra social no Brasil. Não obstante, uma ampla literatura afirma hoje a diminuição da... more
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      EngineeringHigher EducationSocial InequalityRecruitment
This article deals with the evolution of inequalities in access to tertiary education in the Czech Republic since 1989. Following the 'velvet revolution' in 1989, the demand for both secondary school education (with a secondary school... more
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      SociologyEducational TransitionsSocialismLogistic Regression
This study considers how education and globalisation affect income inequality in Asia, with the unbalanced panel data. The evidence supports the validity of Kuznets inverted-U hypothesis for the connection between the income level and... more
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      Income inequalityEducational InequalityGlobalisation
Bugün dünya üzerindeki çocuk, ergen ve gençlerin %17’si, yani 258 milyonu okula gidememektedir. Eğitim verileri dikkate alındığında eşitsizliklerin büyük bölümünün yoksullukla bağlantılı olduğu görülmektedir.
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      EducationEducational InequalityPoverty and Inequality
The principle of Access to Knowledge (A2K) has become a common reference point for a diverse set of agendas that all hope to realize technological and human potential by making knowledge more accessible. This book is a history of... more
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      CommunicationIntellectual PropertyDevelopment StudiesLibrary Science
There has been a continuous attack on education, particularly alternative, progressive, democratic and liberatory forms of education that seek social justice and an equality of opportunity for all to develop. In the UK this has led to an... more
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      Critical TheorySociologySocial ChangeSocial Theory
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      EconomicsPolitical ScienceSocial EconomyApplied Economics
The ways in which education is complicit in the reproduction of social class was an interest of Bourdieu’s throughout his life. His notion of cultural capital stems from his work in this area providing further explanation, beyond the... more
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      Sociology of EducationHigher EducationSocial StratificationCultural Capital
Over the last few years, increasing scholarly and media attention has been paid to the plight of undocumented immigrant college students. However, only a small fraction of undocumented youth actually moves on from high school to... more
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      SociologyEducationSociology of EducationSocial Sciences
The Color of Mind is the latest installment in the History and Philosophy of Education series from the University of Chicago Press. The book’s focus is the Black–White achievement gap in American schools. One cannot adequately understand... more
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      PhilosophyRace and RacismCritical Race TheoryRace and Ethnicity
Several leading development agencies had posited education and equity as key themes at the onset of the 21st century. The United Nation's Millennium Development Goal (MDG) No.2 “Achieve Universal Primary Education” and MDG No.3 “Promote... more
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      Comparative & International EducationEducational Equity and JusticeDevelopment EducationEducational Inequality
In the academic literature, private supplementary tutoring is widely known as shadow education, in part because it is commonly indistinct and because much of its content mimics that in mainstream schooling. Around the world, shadow... more
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      Comparative & International EducationSecondary EducationIndiaIndian educational system
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      Language and EducationEducational InequalityEducation in Sub Saharan AfricaIMPROVING QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN WEST AFRICA
As violence and crime within and around U.S. schools has drawn increased attention to school security, police, surveillance cameras, and other measures have grown commonplace at public schools. Social scientists commonly voice concern... more
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      EducationPovertyRace and EthnicitySchools
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The transformation is signifi cant in many aspects. For example, it lifted the high-stakes test requirement for senior high school admission (in principle), and also mandated multi-stakeholder (including students) participation in the... more
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      EducationSociology of EducationAlternative EducationTeacher Education
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      PovertySocial ExclusionEducational InequalitySocial Assistance
Ours is a world of massive inequality, in terms of both opportunity and the outcomes that shape well-being. We focus in this White Paper on the kinds of inequalities of opportunity (and in some instances, outcomes) that matter within the... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationPovertyEthnic and Racial Studies
The paper focuses on the dynamics of the inequality of access of higher education in the former USSR. Soviet Union provided free higher education, however equitable access was questioned as earlier as in the Soviet social science. During... more
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      Higher EducationPost-Soviet Higher EducationEducational InequalityRussian higher education
This book focuses on higher education in Ethiopia, analysing persisting inequalities and policy responses against the backdrop of the extensive expansion and reform that the system has experienced in recent years. Drawing on empirical... more
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      International DevelopmentHigher EducationEthiopian StudiesEducation (Social Policy)
Une éducation à l’alimentation à l’école peut aider à lutter contre les maladies chroniques, dont la prévalence progresse, et qui touchent davantage les populations défavorisées. Son exercice est encore facultatif, et bien que des... more
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      Holistic EducationHolistic ApproachesSocial InequalityEducational Inequality
Between March 12 th and September 14 th of 2020, the schools in Catalonia were closed. Education continued only through screens. This episode evidenced that an educational system designed to generate social cohesion demonstrated the... more
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      Social InequalityEducational Inequality
O Brasil é um país com uma diversidade incrível e com uma desigualdade alarmante desde séculos atrás até os dias de hoje. Na verdade, existem inúmeros 'Brasis' quando tratamos das desigualdades. Tais diferenças são inter- e... more
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      Comparative PoliticsQuality of lifeEconomic DevelopmentGender and Development
Using newly available data from the Trajectories in Education and Careers Study, the first longitudinal study on a representative sample of high school students in Russia, we examined the importance of investments in human and cultural... more
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      Russian StudiesSocial CapitalHuman CapitalPanel Data
Hace unos años, producto de la ejecución de nuestra Reforma Educacional, se comenzó a hablar de "formación inicial docente" sobre todo a nivel universitario. Ello daba cuenta de un perfil de competencias que debía ser común para cualquier... more
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      Teacher EducationCurriculum StudiesEducational Inequality
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      Social Justice in EducationEducational InequalitySustainable Development Goals (SDGs)SDGs post-2015
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      EducationEducation (Social Policy)IndiaEducational Inequality
Two processes made this volume of critical writing on pedagogy possible. The first involved the collaboration and synergy of two organisations based at the University of Johannesburg (UJ): the Visual Identities in Art and Design Research... more
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      Critical PedagogyEducation EthicsEducation PolicySocial Justice in Education
The contribution aims to share some consideration on educational inequality potentially expressed in the relationship with teachers and educators, observed from the outside school education context of a local public afterschool service... more
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      Critical TheoryEducationAnthropology of EducationSocial Inequality
Literature abounds detailing the trauma experienced by Black and Latino males in traditional school environments, but less research has explored the role community-based youth programs play in specifically supporting Black and Latino... more
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      Men's StudiesTeacher EducationEducational PsychologyEducational Research
Although scholars of Somali Studies have engaged themselves in examining the Somali society from several perspectives, colonial and early Somali writers mainly observed the Somali people as homogenous, egalitarian and nomadic pastoral.... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
This paper explores how philosophical inquiry and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) can mutually benefit from each other to produce new methodological and reflexive directions in neo-liberal policy research to examine the phenomenon of... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessBusiness EthicsDiscourse Analysis
Muitos dos jovens - que não concluíram o ensino básico e evadiram da escola - estão querendo voltar a estudar, motivados, principalmente, pelos imperativos da sobrevivência econômica e social e pela busca de maior qualificação para o... more
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      Sociology of EducationBrazilPierre BourdieuEducational Inequality
Education has been extremely affected by the coronavirus disease crisis, with almost all countries temporarily closing their schools in 2020. After the first stage of the pandemic, in which national governments focused on guaranteeing the... more
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      Education PolicyPolicy ChangeEducational InequalityDigital Education
This paper presents detailed methods for constructing a flexible philosophical–analytical model through which to apply the analytic principles of CDA for the interpretation of metaphors across policy texts. Drawing on a theoretical... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
Education market advocates frequently argue that socioeconomically disadvantaged students could be the main beneficiaries of privatization and market policies. However, the international evidence has shown how privatization and pro-market... more
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      ChileEducational InequalityPrivatization of EducationMarkets In Education
TOPIC Social inequality is at the very heart of the challenges of our late modern times. In our contribution, the term of social inequality refers to unequal chances of school success in German-speaking countries like Austria. In the... more
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      Gender StudiesAestheticsEthicsMultilingualism
In the wake of Education for All (EFA), educational equity and equality, educational researchers and sociologists have continued to raise concerns over savage inequalities that have continued to perpetuate two parallel school categories... more
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      Mixed Methods ResearchEducational InequalitySocial and educational inequality
Oxfam India’s second rapid survey of government and private schools captures the experiences of the three most important education stakeholders- viz. teachers, parents and children at the moment of reopening of schools before they began... more
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      Social Development In IndiaEducation PolicyElementary EducationIndian educational system
Introduction for the South Asia Chronicle's (2018) Focus Section on Inequality, Difference, and the Politics of Education for All: "The thematic FOCUS discusses the politics of educational... more
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      History of EducationSouth Asian StudiesEarly Childhood EducationGender and education
This book gathers in one volume all the information related to ADePT Edu, the software platform created by the World Bank for reporting and analyzing education indicators and education inequality. It includes a primer on the availability... more
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      Educational measurement/assessmentEducational InequalityData use in educationEducational Performance
Ms Niki Kerameos is the Greek minister of education since 2019. During her tenure the main piece of legislation she has passed is the establishment of University police that will refer to the Greek police. In other words, she dreams to... more
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      EducationPublic UniversitiesHistory of UniversitiesInequality (Economics)
We are used to considering human agency as the most important aspect of the educational process. Materials and objects tend to be ignored or dismissed as agents. Technologies, as well, have been considered as inert matter, subordinated to... more
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      Teacher EducationSociotechnical SystemsHigher EducationActor Network Theory
EDITORIAL (Ondrej Kaščák) ARTICLES Melissa Andrade-Molina: The Adventure of the Deceitful Numbers Jana Sedláčková: Approaches Applied by Mothers of First Graders to Dealing with their Perceived Reading Difficulties Zuzana Danišková,... more
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      Critical PedagogySocial Studies EducationEducational Inequalities (class; race; gender etc)Self-Determination Theory
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      Development EconomicsDevelopment StudiesInternational DevelopmentCommunity Development
Sažetak Rad se bavi jednom dimenzijom nejednakosti u obrazovanju: fenomenom studija uz rad, kojeg tretira kao važan aspekt u razumijevanju cijelog niza manifestacija vezanih uz socijalnu isključivost visokoškolskog obrazovanja.... more
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      Educational InequalitySociology of Education, Social Stratification and InequalityWorking Students
This chapter looks at poverty from a perspective which argues that the conscious and deliberate perpetuation of poverty is a form of fundamentalism with its associated principles and values. There are people who are parasitic and are... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyDevelopmental PsychologyDevelopment Economics