Recent papers in Exoticism
Cette communication a été présentée dans le cadre du Séminaire de présentation des projets de recherche organisé par le GEMCA à l'Université catholique de Louvain le 2 décembre 2019.
Communication effectuée le 15 mai 2010, dans le cadre du Séminaire Pierre Loti, sous la direction de Sophie Basch et Pierre Dupont. Avec la participation de Suzanne Lafont, Sarga Moussa et Gaultier Roux. Centre de Recherches sur les... more
Early modern India was an economic core region producing manifold textiles for export. During the sixteenth century a new customer entered the stage and expanded its influence from the city of Goa – Portugal. From early times, the... more
This paper was presented during the first Rubenianum Work-in-Progress Workshop organised the 20 february 20. The purpose of this paper is to present my initial hypotheses for answering the question of the role of exoticism in the... more
Cette communication a été présentée dans le cadre du colloque "Portraits et représentations des anciens Pays-Bas (XVIe - XVIIe siècles)" organisé par le CREHS et l'Université d'Artois les 8 et 9 novembre 2018. Les actes du colloque feront... more
This article contributes to the studies of living human exhibitions in Eastern Europe or, more precisely, in Polish territory in the late partition period. The article intends to demonstrate the strategies of presenting Black African... more
Estudio de la estampa de la bolera Manuela Perea, la Nena, elegida Pieza del Trimestre Julio-Septiembre 2021 del Museo Nacional del Romanticismo.
Colloque organisé dans le cadre des "Rencontres franco-allemandes de la littérature contemporaine". Universität Regensburg, 24-26 octobre 2019.
This paper intends to provide an analysis of the dark side of cultural tourism in the city of Cartagena de Indias and the damage it has caused. Is Cartagena a diverse, tolerant and open city? (Florida 2003). On paper yes, but the reality... more
What you see here is the accepted version of the piece that appeared in FRENCH CULTURAL STUDIES, vol. 31, no. 3 (2020), pp. 210-229. I recommend citing the original publication rather than this document. This essay challenges the French... more
Iz recenzije: Knjiga "Aleksandar Joksimović: moda i identitet" predstavlja prvu monografiju o modnom dizajneru napisanu u našoj sredini. Ona donosi detaljan uvid u istoriju domaće mode socijalističkog vremena i produkciju elitnog modnog... more
_The Physiology of Love and Other Writings_ is the first English annotated collection of Mantegazza’s selected works. In my extensive introductory essay, Mantegazza’s hybrid contributions from fiction, travel-writing, and ethnography to... more
Versão em português do meu artigo publicado no número 1 da International Journal of Fashion Studies.
Taking a feather fan belonging to the Jerônimo Ferreira das Neves Collection at the D. João VI Museum in Rio de Janeiro as a starting point, this article examines a type of featherwork that was produced for export during the nineteenth... more
Published at Moscow Art Magazine # 101 (2017)
Zakynthos, niewielka wyspa na zachodzie Grecji, jest obecnie jednym z najpopularniejszych celów wakacyjnych podróży u wybrzeży Morza Śródziemnego. Wraz z liczbą wypoczywających zwiększa się również zasób narracji mówiących o tym miejscu.... more
The article examines the evolution of the conception of the journey from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, with its consequences on the birth of exoticism. In the Middle Ages, the journeys, of religious inspiration, go from the... more
The musical developments that occurred during the Belle Epoque are indicative of the cultural changes taking place, such as moral relaxation, international awareness, and the birth of a community that promoted artistic development.
Assuming that visual media play a crucial role in the construction of “identities” and of colonial imageries, this essay examines how post cards from the first decades of the 20th century represented Cape Verde and its inhabitants. It... more
El impacto del colonialismo y del recién descubierto Oriente provocó que el continente europeo proyectase en aquellas tierras lejanas, llenas de exotismo, leyendas y sensualidad, sus propias pasiones prohibidas y sus más oscuros deseos.... more
Within Catherine Gore’s vast literary corpus there is an uncharacteristic novel titled Adventures in Borneo: A Tale of a Shipwreck (1849), in which the author experiments with exotic settings and adventures, a fictional subgenre in which... more
In: Noémie Etienne, Claire Brizon, Chonja Lee, Etienne Wismer (ed.), Exotic Switzerland? Looking Outward in the Age of Enlightenment, Zurich, Diaphanes, 2020.
“Exoticism” is often used as a passe-partout concept in order to describe music referring to geographic Others. But it becomes especially problematic when applied to Ravel’s music, in which the Other is frequently evoked (whether as a... more
This work is a comparative analysis of the image of the black-African in the novels Der Neger Jupiter raubt Europa of Claire Goll and Batouala of René Maran. It tries to bring answers to questions such as how the two novels present the... more
The paper examines the ways in which the choreography of Moulin Rouge offers a range of gazes to the audience through the perspectives of both the characters and the camera itself. Various gendered and imperial/colonial power... more
The Romantic Period in England can be considered as indicative of 'an age of crises' because the era witnessed several political affairs, ideologies and strategies such as slaver trade, colonialism, American and French Revolutions. These... more
The subject of this paper is to explore, organize and differentiate the topic of ‘cultural representation’ and ‘exoticism’ in feature animation film music. The sources that will be examined in this paper will mainly be from the... more
How can designers depict a national identity when the national identity itself is in question? It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that the Arab world seems to be dealing with an ‘optional’ identity; one that churns and morphs to the whim of... more
‘Fancy dress’ could aptly apply to Mason’s “notion of the continually transformable stranger within us all.” The dictionary definition describes it as “a costume for a ball, masquerade, chosen to please the fancy, usually a costume... more
Пол Гоген Записи цивилизованог дивљака у светлу оријентализма, колонијализма и примитивизма ОБРАЗЛОЖЕЊЕ ТЕМЕ ЗА ДИПЛОМСКИ РАД Желећи да напишем рад о Гогену, стекао сам утисак да је већина литературе заокупљена уметничко-формалном и... more
In works of both these composers, despite their many different pursuits and style, resulting also from their chronological distance, we can identify as a strong common feature general characteristics of exoticism. More specifically, in... more
The essay Anecdotical Architecture analyses the concepts of 18th-century Exoticism and 19th-century Romanticism, making a case study of Horace Walpole’s book Anecdotes as well as his Neo-Gothic transformation of the villa Strawberry... more
Questa breve opera deriva da un piccolo ciclo di lezioni sull'estetica contemporanea che ho tenuto all'università di Tor Vergata nell'anno 2012-2013. In questo caso, poiché il testo non si rivolge a un pubblico specializzato, userò un... more
Morocco as an Exotic and Oriental space in European and American Writings Rachid Agliz Faculty of Letters, Sultan Moulay Slimane University Beni Mellal, Morocco Abstract: The engagement of western... more
My only attempt at "trend analysis" so far - an essay about ss2014 collections I wrote for the Russian airline TRANSAERO's onboard magazine.
The final shot of German director F. W. Murnau’s 1931 masterpiece, Tabu: A Story of the South Seas, is an especially suitable coda to this silent-era filmmaker’s career – one that, despite its epic heights and lasting influence, was often... more
This essay explores two themes played out in Ciro Guerra's 2015 film Embrace of the Serpent, one being: the symbolic madness as a representation of manic corruption or irreconcilable loss between civilisations, and conversely the... more
This dissertation will investigate in the ways in which contemporary non-European art is perceived in the ‘Western’-dominated international art world and how this leads to a certain portrayal and behaviour of non-European artists as... more