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Depuis la fin des années 1990, l'Union européenne (UE) établit des engagements chiffrés en faveur de l'emploi des femmes. Dans tous les pays, celles-ci perçoivent en moyenne des rémunérations plus faibles que les hommes. Le temps partiel... more
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      European UnionGender InequalitiesLabour markets
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      AnthropologyBiological AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyNutrition
Over the last decades, women’s participation in the labour market has significantly increased. However, women are often paid less than men and are over-represented in part-time and informal jobs, facing gender barriers in their careers. A... more
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      Gender StudiesEthnographyEducational Inequalities (class; race; gender etc)Ethnography (Research Methodology)
Drawing upon perspectives from across the globe and employing an interdisciplinary life course approach, this handbook explores the production and reproduction of different types of inequality, such as economic, gender, racial and ethnic... more
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      Research MethodologyHealth InequalitiesLife courseLongitudinal Research
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      Gender StudiesSocial SciencesGender Inequalities
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      Decision MakingReflexivityWomen's Right to EqualitySocial Perception
La sempre maggior presenza di donne nelle diverse configurazioni dei processi migratori non è ancora accompagnata da una più grande attenzione alle loro problematiche specifiche e alle dinamiche che caratterizzano i loro movimenti... more
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      European StudiesIrregular MigrationHuman TraffickingProstitution & Trafficking
Macroeconomic Projects, Master in Public policy & Development, Paris School of Economics
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      Climate ChangeBrazilEuropean UnionChile
This Assignment is contained a full scenario of gender discrimination of Bangladesh. that Is somehow the major problem in Bangladesh. It a collected paper. It's not an official publication but for helping those who want to know the... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityGender DiscriminationWomen and Gender Studies
This article aims to contribute to the growing body of scholarly work that critically deconstructs dominant discourse on ‘trafficking’ and to the literature that documents and theorizes the gap between states’ spoken commitment to... more
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      Human RightsInternational Criminal LawImmigration LawHuman Trafficking
As a play Ghashiram Kotwal has not lost its appeal. It is timeless and it transcends the barrier of language. Its topicality has made it a favorite of all through the years. The power play is reminiscent of the power play indulged in by... more
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      Political PhilosophySocial InequalityGender Inequalities
Grassland ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) provide numerous ecosystem services and functions to both local communities and the populations living downstream through the provision of water, habitat, food, herbal medicines, and... more
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      Environmental EducationScience EducationEducational ResearchEducational Leadership and Policy Analysis
2019 yılının son günlerinde Çin’in Wuhan kentinde başlayan Covid-19 salgını kısa sürede tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alarak pandemi haline dönüşmüştür. Hızlı yayılım göstermesi tıbbi tedbirlerin ötesinde önlem almayı gerektiren bir mücadele... more
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      GenderSocial InequalitiesWomen RightsGender Inequalities
Recently when the Bill to criminalize marital rape was introduced in India, it was turned down by the Parliament. According to some of the Parliamentarians, marriage is a sacred institution and touching it will leads to breakdown of... more
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      SociologyLawSocial WorkSocial Sciences
1990’lar sonrasında akademik araştırmalarda daha sık yer edinmeye başlayan toplumsal cinsiyet konusu hem doğa bilimlerinin hem de sosyal bilimlerin çeşitli alanlarında farklı açılardan ele alınmaktadır. Toplumsal cinsiyeti, iktisadi bir... more
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      Gender StudiesCapability ApproachAmartya SenWomen and Gender Studies
This Paper explains the causes of the Gender Inequality of education and analyze how the gender inequality in education impacts the economic growth & development, investment and population growth etc. The paper finds that the gender... more
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      Economic GrowthGenderEconomic DevelopmentGender Inequalities
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Migration StudiesWomen and Gender StudiesGender Inequalities
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      Gender StudiesHuman RightsMasculinity StudiesWomen's Rights
This paper, co-authored with Elisabeth Kelan and Christina Scharff, looks at how the notion of postfeminism might productively be used in work and organization studies. It was published in Gender, Work and Organisation in 2016.
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      Sociology of WorkGender and WorkPostfeminismGender Inequalities
Fruit d’une approche croisée entre géographie du tourisme et études urbaines, ce texte a pour objectif de comprendre la fabrique du quartier routard de Pham Ngu Lao à Hô Chi Minh-Ville (Viêt-nam) par les diverses manières avec lesquelles... more
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      Tourism StudiesGlobalizationStakeholdersPostsocialism
This is the introduction to our Sociological Review Monograph, 2015
Conor,B. Gill,R. & Taylor,S. (2015) Gender and Creative Labour. Blackwell
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesCreative IndustriesGender Inequalities
This article examines new patterns of workplace inequality that emerge as transgender people are incorporated into the global labor market. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 41 transgender call center employees in the Philippines, I... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesAsian StudiesGender Studies
This study aims to analyse the gender dimension in the European Parliament elections in May 2019 based on the extensive research carried out at the level of the entire European Union (Platform Europe 2019). Our main objective was to... more
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      Gender EqualityMultimodalityElection CampaigningGender Inequalities
Bare in mind, the only figure that has any equality is: 49% of concert assistants are male and 51% female...
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      MusicFestivals and musicFeminismMusic Industry
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      Gender StudiesDomestic ViolenceViolenceGender
This article juxtaposes the discursive strategies of two groups of heterosexual men in the context of non-monogamous internet-mediated dating in Belgium, notably men who are open about their extra-dyadic sexual practices and ‘cheating’... more
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      Masculinity StudiesMonogamyMasculinityMasculinities
4th International E-Conference
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderGender and SexualityLGBT Issues
Vortrag mit Workshopelementen im Rahmen des "Feminismus Seminars: Fill The Gap" von Verde Wien am 20. März 2022.
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      Gender EqualityFeminist Political EconomyGender InequalitiesGender inequality
Durante la Conferenza Internazionale del lavoro del 1999, il direttore generale dell’ILO (International Labour Organization) ha presentato il Rapporto Decent Work dove, per la prima volta, viene espresso il concetto di lavoro dignitoso:... more
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      Gender InequalitiesWork-Family Conflictgender inequalities in labor market and Social SecurityWork and Family
[please download in order to see the document in it's original layout]
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      Gender HistoryGender EqualityIndiaWomen and Gender Studies
Educational status of women is linked to vulnerability, with households with one or more education women being less likely to be vulnerable than households without an educated woman (13% vs. 18.6%, OR 1.52 (95% CI 1.33-1.69). However, the... more
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      GenderGender Inequalities
El actual contexto de “post-crisis” está confirmado por la mejora de algunos indicadores macroeconómicos pero, sin embargo, hay otras evidencias que muestran que aún no hay recuperación y que la post-crisis es un escenario de precariedad,... more
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      Feminist EconomicsGender InequalitiesAndalusiaEconomic Crisis
It is a text in Bengali on Karl Marx, wage labour, and measurement of familial labour without wages, 2019. It is a revised and updated Bengali rendering of: Karl Marx's Critique of Political Economy and Measurement of Gender Inequality,... more
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    • Gender Inequalities
Poland’s visual art academies are extremely feminised as places of study while exceptionally masculinised as places of work. The gender discrepancy between these two career stages – being a student and being a teacher – comparable only to... more
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      Gender StudiesEducational Inequalities (class; race; gender etc)Women and Gender StudiesGender Inequalities
Published in "The Daily Observer," Dec. 02, 2018
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      Gender EqualityVirginia WoolfD. H. LawrenceSimone de Beauvoir
This report, commissioned annually by the Freelands Foundation, evidences the fifth consecutive year of data on the representation of female artists in the UK. This year it includes 36 additional evidences that help to further understand... more
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      Contemporary ArtGenderGender Inequalities
The pandemic represents a turning point which affects the micro‐politics of managing productive, reproductive and social life in our new everyday lives. In this article, we make a contribution to the recent and growing scientific debate... more
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      Gender StudiesSociology of WorkWork and LabourGender Inequalities
Keynote im Rahmen des Events: "House of DE&I – Offen für alle. Inspiration, Learnings und Chancen" am 8. März 2022. Mehr Informationen und Videomitschnitt des Events: Link zum... more
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      Gender EqualityEquality and DiversityDiversity & InclusionSocial Inequalities
This article will be focused on the analysis of possible differences and inequities in access to health care in public institutions taking into consideration the perspective of gender diversity and referring to chronic diseases,... more
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      Gender and HealthGender Inequalities
Gender inequality is one of the most important problem of the humanity. There are very important psycho-socioeconomic political reasons feeding the gender inequality across the world. In this context, it is vital to analyze the factors... more
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      Gender StudiesEducationWomen's StudiesSocial Sciences
Background: In Europe and elsewhere there is rising concern about inequality in health and increased prevalence of mental ill-health. Structural determinants such as welfare state arrangements may impact on levels of mental health and... more
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      Mental HealthHealth InequalitiesEquityGender Inequalities
The feminists consider Sex segregation and gender segregation a kind of discrimination and hindrance in practicing their religions. This chapter explains how various religions treat sex segregation and gender segregation and why they find... more
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      Gender InequalitiesReligion and GenderGender and religious spaceGender and religion
Gender equality and the persistence of gender inequalities are topics of great interest in the European Union (EU). With a turnout of around 40 percent of women members, the European Parliament (EP) currently has one of the highest... more
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      Gender EqualityEuropean ParliamentGender InequalitiesGender Inequality in Politics, the Role Women Play
This report, commissioned annually by the Freelands Foundation, evidences the fourth consecutive year of data on the representation of female artists in the UK. This year it includes five additional evidences which help to further... more
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      Contemporary ArtGenderGender Inequalities
The current COVID-19 pandemic has both exposed and exacerbated existing societal disparities. Ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, geographical location, underlying health condition have—in combination with, but also controlling for... more
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      Educational PsychologyEducational Inequalities (class; race; gender etc)Distance LearningSocial Inequalities
El ejercicio de los derechos a la comunicación y a la cultura es fundamental para el acceso a otros derechos sociales. Sin embargo, no todos/as tienen las mismas oportunidades de acceso y ejercicio de los mismos, debido a desigualdades... more
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      WomenGender InequalitiesMujeresSectores Populares
In 1939, newspapers predicted that U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt would appoint Josephine Roche to head his new Federal Security Agency. But Roche did not get the job. This article asks why. It argues that gender played a role... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryNew Deal (U.S. history)Women's Empowerment
This Paper explains the causes of the Gender Inequality of education and analyze how the gender inequality in education impacts the economic growth & development, investment and population growth etc. The paper finds that the gender... more
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      EconomicsEconomic GrowthGenderEconomic Development
Many societies have state norms of equity—that those who make symmetric social contributions deserve symmetric rewards. Despite this, there are widespread patterns of social inequity, especially along gender and racial lines. It is often... more
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      Game TheoryEvolutionary Game TheoryBargainingSocial Inequality