Recent papers in Grammaticography
ചുരുക്കം സംസ്കൃത-തമിഴ്-യൂറോപ്യന് വ്യാകരണ പാരമ്പര്യങ്ങളിലേക്കെല്ലാം കേരളപാണിനീയത്തിന് ആഴത്തിലുള്ള വേരോട്ടമുണ്ട്. വൈവിധ്യമാര്ന്ന വ്യാകരണ സങ്കല്പ്ന സങ്കേതങ്ങളുടെ സമ്യക്കായ സമന്വയമാണ് കേരളപാണിനീയത്തിന്റെസ തടിത്തണ്ടിനെ ശക്തി.... more
Al poligrafo seicentesco Pietro de' Sebastiani, «cittadino romano» e «professore di favella toscana in Roma», si deve fra l'altro un breve manuale, o piuttosto un Nuovo metodo, come il docente-autore lo intitola in ossequio alla... more
Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Roma n. 229 del 9.5.1996 Il volume viene stampato con un contributo del CNR Tutti i diritti riservati -All rights reserved Copyright © 2002 by Salerno Editrice S.r.l., Roma. Sono rigorosamente vietati la... more
Zaključak 277 Prilozi 285 1. O autorima i priređivačima gramatika 287 2. Odnosi zastupljenosti gramatičkih cjelina u gramatikama 293 3. Osnovni pojmovi valencijske teorije 301 4. Uzorak valencijskog rječnika 309 Popis tablica i slika 315... more
Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Roma n. 229 del 9.5.1996 Il volume viene stampato con un contributo del CNR Tutti i diritti riservati -All rights reserved Copyright © 2002 by Salerno Editrice S.r.l., Roma. Sono rigorosamente vietati la... more
The grammar of a language generally prescribes or describes the essential and the observable system of the language. The art and craft of writing and the scientific studies on grammar is known as grammaticography. For a decade,... more
In the Spanish grammatical tradition, some characterizations of parts of speech do not fulfill the criteria of the theoretical frame where they were conceived. According to this framework, categories have clear boundaries and all members... more
A pesar de lo ambicioso y sugerente del título, este trabajo no pasa -ni podría pasar-de ser una aproximación al tratamiento de la conjunción en un corpus dado de gramáticas del español publicadas entre 1700 y 1835. Son dos los factores... more
Sono rigorosamente vietati la riproduzione, la traduzione, l'adattamento, anche parziale o per estratti, per qualsiasi uso e con qualsiasi mezzo effettuati, compresi la copia fotostatica, il microfilm, la memorizzazione elettronica, ecc.,... more
No es la primera vez que se ha escrito sobre ideas modernas en Bello. Las interpretaciones que hacen los estudiosos de sus textos son de lo más variopintas: si bien, para unos, se encuentran en nuestro autor semillas-especialmente en el... more
The aim of this paper is to analyze the treatment of the terminology associated with particles —understood as invariable parts of speech; that is: adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection— in a selection of grammatical texts... more
Cilj ovog rada jeste prikaz stanja u savremenoj italijanskoj gramatikografiji tj. analiza gramatičkih modela (tradicionalnog, generativnog i dependencijalnog) na kojima se zasnivaju gramatički priručnici različite namene. Dijahronijskom i... more
This study explores the increasing bibliography dealing with the history of the grammatical inquiry of the Spanish Royal Academy. Based on the six texts which are considered models –that is, editions that include significant changes, not... more
Nel 1666 il lettore d’italiano dell’Università di Uppsala Ambrosio Frediani (Lucca ca 1610 - Uppsala 1670) diede alle stampe la prima grammatica d’italiano pubblicata in Scandinavia: era la riedizione, ampiamente rielaborata nella... more
The talks take a closer look on philosophical explanation on linguistic questions. It asks for the philosophical classifications of part of speechs and the order of syntax. The talk give gramaticographical overview to philosophical... more
I contributi del presente volume sono stati sottoposti a revisione anonima. Volume pubblicato con il contributo del Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca e della Scuola Normale Superiore.
This paper analyses the exemplary apparatus of the "Gramatica spagnuola e italiana" by M. Chirchmair, published in 1709 in Florence, considering the lexical content used for the teaching/learning process of... more
No other written grammar in the grammatical tradition of Dravidian languages has given special attention to gender as Kēraḷa Pāṇiṉīyam (henceforth KPM) by A. R. Rajarajavarma. No other grammatical categories in Malayalam has widely... more
GARCÍA FOLGADO, María José, Carsten SINNER y Alfonso ZAMORANO AGUILAR (eds.) (2011): Tiempo, espacio y relaciones espacio-temporales en la historia de la gramática española. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, 227 págs. [ISBN: 978-3-87548-583-7].
En 1540 se publica la Gramática da língua portuguesa, de João de Barros; la segunda gramática del vernáculo portugués después de la de Fernão de Oliveira, publicada cuatro años antes. Es sabido que la gramática de Barros se nutre... more
This paper analyses Peter Fredericks Strawsons theory of reference and predication. It asks for the grammatical implications in a grammaticographical perspective. In a first step the text explains the connection between historic... more
The aim of this article is to examine the principle ideas on Basque grammar from the earliest grammar works until those of the early 20th century. First of all, I shall sketch out a panorama of the situation of Basque historiographic... more
Este trabajo reúne una serie de reflexiones de corte metahistoriográfico surgidas a partir de una investigación sobre la categoría conjunción en la tradición gramatical española (1492-1917). La compleja idiosincrasia de esta partícula... more
Review of Mikael Svonni's North Saami grammar (2018).
The article describes the design of a diachronic terminological database of Slovenian linguistic terminology. The multilingual terminological database will include extensive information about linguistic terms (standardized written form,... more
ദ്രാവിഡ ഭാഷകളിലെ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതല് ലിംഗവിചാര പ്രധാനമായൊരു വ്യാകരണമാണ് കേരളപാണിനീയം. എന്തുകൊണ്ടാണ് കേരളപാണിനീയം ഒരു ലിംഗവിചാര പ്രധാനമായ വ്യാകരണം ആകുന്നതെന്ന് അന്വേഷിക്കുകയാണ് ഈ ലേഖനം. മലയാളഭാഷയിലെ ലിംഗവ്യവസ്ഥയുടെ ചരിത്രപരമായ വ്യതിരക്തതയും,... more
The grammar of a language generally prescribes or describes the essential and the observable system of the language. The art and craft of writing and the scientific studies on grammar is known as grammaticography. For a decade,... more
The Ik language (Icé-tód), spoken in northeast Uganda, forms the Kuliak (Rub) subgroup along with Soo/Tepeth and Nyang'i. These latter two lects have already succumbed to assimilative pressures from neighboring Nilotic pastoralists like... more