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"Besides numerous significant works concerning the fields of both natural and humanistic disciplines written by the famous Renaissance scholar Faustus Vrančić, there is also a less well-known manuscript, Illyrica historia, fragmenta ex... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistoriographyRare Books and ManuscriptsCroatian History
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      Hellenistic LiteratureGreek PhilologyGreek and Latin LiteraturePapirology
Review-essay of translations of Horace: The Essential Horace: Odes, Epodes, Satires, and Epistles, translated by Burton Raffel, with a Foreword and an After- word by W. R. Johnson (San Francisco: North Point Press, 1983). The Complete... more
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    • Greek and Latin Literature
These essays on late antiquity traverse a territory in which Christian and pagan imagery and practices compete, coexist, and intermingle. The iconography of the most significant late antique ceramic, African Red Slip Ware, is an important... more
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      Early ChristianityBiblical StudiesClassical Reception StudiesGreek and Latin Literature
A panorama of refrain as a form in Greco-Roman poetry and religious cults, with an attempt to explain its peripherality, due in part to ancient religions ́ public nature.
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      Music and LanguageGreek and Latin LiteratureThe Refrain
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      PhilologyGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureLate Latin Literature
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesHistory of EducationLate AntiquityLate Antique Literature
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      Greek and Latin EpigramGreek and Latin LiteratureCulexAnimal Speech
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      PapyrologyGreek EpicClassical philologyGreek Papyrology
Tipo di tesi Tesi di dottorato di ricerca Autore BENELLI, LUCA URN etd-12092013-172526 Titolo SAPPHOSTUDIEN ZU AUSGEWÄHLTEN FRAGMENTEN Settore scientifico disciplinare L-FIL-LET/02 Corso di studi DISCIPLINE UMANISTICHE Commissione tutor... more
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek Lyric PoetryGreek Papyrology
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistoriographyGreek HistoriographyGreek and Latin Literature
Complete book, free, but under copyright and not to be sold. 200 idioms from DBG (Caesar's De Bello Gallico) are presented along with the original Latin context and the translation of that passage. This book can be used at all levels of... more
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      Latin Language and LiteratureLatin LanguageLatin translationLanguage Pedagogy
Though separated in time and space, different cultures and countries, Arun Kolatkar and T.S. Eliot echo an ideological attitude thereby resulting in a similar basic conflict and mood in their respective poems Jejuri and The Wasteland.... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEpic poetryGreek and Latin LiteratureINDIAN DIASPORIC LITERATURE
L'articolo tratta della genesi e della diffusione del testo agiografico anonimo noto come "Actus Silvestri", il quale rovescia la memoria storica del battesimo ariano di Costantino attribuendo al vescovo di Roma, Silvestro I, la... more
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      PatristicsHistory of ChristianityLate AntiquityConstantine
This paper studies the treatment of the Sibyl and Virgil in a speech attributed to Constantine the Great. Scholars generally focus on the role played by one or the other of these two figures in that writing. To do justice to the economy... more
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      Translation StudiesLatin and GreekVergilGreek Oracles and Divination
The paper is devoted to one ostracon from Masada. It offers a new interpretation of the name that was part of the so-called “Lots” and suggests that it derives from Greek. This reading positions the ostracon as part of a large group of... more
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureJewish StudiesGreek Language
This paper explores the selection process of the Roman equestrian officials in the second century AD with the question, What roles did personal relationships and specific skills play? Among all the high equestrian offices, the post ab... more
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      Roman HistorySecond SophisticRoman social historyRoman imperial history
F. Gazzano, Cicerone e le 'fabulae' di Erodoto, in Heorté. Studi in onore di Michele R. Cataudella in occasione del suo 80° compleanno a cura di Ilenia Achilli, Giuseppe Mariotta, Salvo Micciché e Anna Maria Seminara, Roma Edizioni Quasar... more
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      Greek LiteratureCiceroAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Historiography
For the interpretation of mythological subjects In the Roman funerary art the author systematically applies the analysis of the Key of Dreams by Artemidorus of Daldis, Greek author of the Antonine period. The funerary art was studied... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
There are certain invariants of heroic poetry, elements that define it essentially: the theme – a narrative about “extraordinary deeds”, famous, adventurous topics, in the style of “traditional heroic mythology” (Marino) – and the... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGreek LiteratureHomerMythical-Heroic Sagas
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesClassicsStructuralism (Literary Criticism)
Nel contributo si rintracciano e si analizzano i prodromi, la genesi e le forme dell'esiziale contrapposizione sofoclea tra Aiace e Atena, prestandosi particolare attenzione alle conseguenze di tale conflitto sull'evento capitale della... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedySophoclesAjax
Das spannungsreiche Verhältnis zwischen "patroni" und "clientes" hat in den letzten Jahren zunehmend das Interesse der Forschung geweckt. Die literarische Darstellung dieser Spannung ist Thema des vorliegenden Buches. Eine zentrale Rolle... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureM. Valerius MartialisSeneca
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      ClassicsGreek LiteraturePlutarchClassical philology
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      Computer GraphicsGreek LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek LanguageNew Testament
As a contribution to the archaeological research on polychromy, this study analyses the written sources on the colouration of ancient sculpture. It addresses all types of materials, from clay to chryselephantine works. The texts refer not... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek SculpturePolychromy in Ancient ArtGreek and Latin Literature
Traccia delle lezioni.
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      Philosophy of LoveTheories of LoveGreek and Latin Literature
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureTranslation StudiesSeneca
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin LiteraturePapyrology
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      Gender StudiesClassicsHomerCosmology (Physics)
This paper can be downloaded for free - Articolo liberamente scaricabile This paper compares a number of epigrams from the Garland of Philip and their likely models in the Garland of Meleager. By such a comparison, this work aims to... more
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      Greek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureGreek and Latin EpigramHellenistic poetry
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      Fantasy LiteratureEpic poetryClassical Reception StudiesGreek and Latin Literature
Euripides’ interest in religious phenomena and particularly in Dionysism provides the major link between the poet and the New Musicians. In fact, far from embodying the final collapse of the religious impulse, New Music constitutes a... more
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      MusicClassicsGreek LiteraturePerformance Studies
المؤتمر الدولى الخامس (الكلمة والصورة فى الحضارات القديمة ) THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS (THE WORD AND IMAGE IN ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS) خلال 29 إلى 31 مارس 2014 29 - 31 March 2014 دار الضيافة - جامعة عين شمس مركز الدراسات البردية... more
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      HistoryEgyptologyHebrew LanguageGreek Epigraphy
« Can ancient Greek and Latin poetry touch a young woman or man in 2018 ? »

(A Conference at Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, 01/26/2018, and at Universidad de Huelva, 01/27/2018)
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    • Greek and Latin Literature
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      PhilologyClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin Literature
The study examines some Etruscan urns, one Apulian oinochoe and a Roman sarcophagus illustrating a peculiar account of Agamemnon’s and Aigisthos’ murder. Subsequently, the difficult issue of identifying some of the characters represented... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin Literature
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      PhilologyClassicsLatin LiteratureLatin and Greek
La conferenza ha avuto lo scopo di fornire una panoramica sul rapporto fra cane e uomo nella società greco-romana, con particolare riguardo alle attenzioni riservate dai padroni ai propri animali da compagnia, testimoniate anche dalle... more
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      IconographyArchaeozoologyDogsGreek and Latin Literature
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
The Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (BEEC) focuses on the history of early Christianity, covering texts, authors, ideas, and their reception. The BEEC aims both to provide a critical review of the methods used in Early Christian... more
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      ClassicsTextual CriticismLate AntiquityLatin Language and Literature
Collection and analysis of the Greek epigrams preserved by the Anthologies as composed by Roman authors at Ovid's time and beyond.
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      Greek and Latin EpigramBilingualismGreek EpigramGreek and Latin Literature
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryGreek Literature
The intertextual links between Lucan’s and Tacitus’ impressive ekphraseis of certain imagined northern groves have been recognised for a long time and discussed as evidence for the literary connections between different genres in the Late... more
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      Latin LiteratureHuman sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Moral PanicPost-Colonial Literature
In view of the forthcoming exhibition Nero: The Man Behind the Myth (The British Museum, 27 May 2021– 24 Oct 2021;, I thought that it might be appropriate to upload a review... more
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      Roman HistoryNeronian LiteratureRoman HistoriographyPlutarch
a cura di Mattia De Poli, Antonella Duso, Francesco Lubian e Giuseppe Eugenio Rallo
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      Greek and Latin LiteratureLetteratura Greca E LatinaAncient Greek ComedyAncient Greek and Latin Comedy
in: Translation and Transmission. Collection of Articles, J. Hämeen-Anttila & I. Lindstedt (eds.). Series: The Intellectual Heritage of the Ancient and Mediaeval Near East 3, Ugarit-Verlag, Münster, 139-79. Based on the workshop... more
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureTranslation StudiesAncient Ethnography