Recent papers in Handcrafts
Ho il piacere di invitare la Signoria Vostra alla presentazione del volume: che avrà luogo venerdì 18 luglio 2014 alle ore 21.00, presso la Corte municipale del Comune di Pavia di Udine, in Piazza Julia 1 a Lauzacco.
Erzählt wird die eng mit Museum, Kunsthandwerk und Silber verbundene Firmengeschichte eines Unternehmens in Schwäbisch Gmünd, das wie kaum eine zweite die Entwicklung von der Gestaltung zum Design im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert... more
• Se pretende presentar a partir de este trabajo un panorama del artesanado y la clase obrera en la República Oriental del Uruguay en el período de tiempo comprendido entre 1870 y 1914. Dado que el tema es muy profundo y extenso nos... more
ABSTRAK Kajian ini bertujuan meninjau Persepsi Pelancong Terhadap Produk Kraftangan Pasu Sarawak di Waterfront, Kuching. Persepsi ialah proses bagi memilih menyusun dan mentafsir maklumat daripada keadaan sekeliling. Pendekatan ini adalah... more
Die Ausgangsbasis für diesen Beitrag sind die eher unscheinbaren Spinnwirtel, die bei archäologischen Ausgrabungen immer wieder auftauchen. Sie erfahren neben der zeitlichen und kulturellen Zuordnung nur sehr selten nahere Betrachtung,... more
The "Vergato" striped cloth as an introduction to the the poems and the time of Iacopone da Todi.
Written by a handweaver.
With ENGLISH VERSION published on "Jacquard"
Written by a handweaver.
With ENGLISH VERSION published on "Jacquard"
Ζούμε σε μια εποχή στην οποία τα μηχανήματα μπορούν να φτιάξουν τα πάντα: ακόμη και να σκέφτονται στη θέση των ανθρώπων. Έχουμε λοιπόν μια «νοήμονα ή έξυπνη» τεχνολογία, όπως αυτάρεσκα αποκαλούμε όλα αυτά τα «γκάτζετς» που μας... more
ÖZET Geleneksel Türk el sanatlarımızdan biri olan bakırcılık sanatı, sanayi devrimi sonrasında diğer el sanatlarında olduğu gibi önemini yitirerek yok olma sürecine girmiştir. Çorum'da bu el sanatı için ayrılan Osmanlı dönemi arastasında... more
Bu çalışmanın konusu; zengin bir el sanatları geçmişi olan Kastamonu’da, günümüze kadar ulaşabilmiş geleneksel el sanatları içinde Evrenye Bıçakçılığı ve bu sanatı icra eden ustalardır. Çalışma bir yandan bu ustaların gözünden ve... more
El presente texto describe de manera preliminar una investigación sobre el fenómeno de la patrimonialización de la cultura material indígena en Colombia a partir del caso específico de la escogencia del Sombrero Vueltiao, artefacto... more
Lunular or crescent shaped loom-weights are well known in mediterranean area – from Spain, in France, Italy, Greece and Turkey. The weights have also been found even in the area around the alps, in Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic and... more
Although so many important studies have been carried out about the Seyahatnâme (Book of Travels) of Evliya Celebi until now, they haven’t been benefited from Turkish archives during these studies sufficiently. Correspondingly, it is clear... more
This study aims to review the Tourist Perception Toward Handicraft Product's Sarawak Pottery in Waterfront, Kuching. Perception is the process for selecting organize and interpret information from the surrounding circumstances. This... more
El sanatı ürünleriyle fabrikasyon ürünler arasındaki nitelik farkı kitle turizmi ile kültür turizmi arasındakine benzemektedir. Az sayıda fabrika aynı üründen milyonlarcasını kısa sürede imal edebiliyor. Tur operatörleri ve seyahat... more
El presente trabajo se centra en los saberes y prácticas referidos a la producción artesanal del pueblo Qom en la ciudad de Rosario, provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina. Abordamos distintos rubros prod uctivos, como: cestería, alfarería,... more
Este texto fue publicado en: Lenguaje Creativo de las Etnias Indígenas en Colombia. Cecilia Duque Duque, Editora. Medellin: Suramericana Editores, pgs. 454-458. 2012. ) Una buena parte de los turistas que llegan al Parque Arqueológico... more
ÖZ Medeniyet tarihimiz boyunca insanlar yaşadıkları yerin coğrafi şartlarına bağlı olarak çevrelerinde kolay erişilebilen, işlenmesi kolay malzemelerle çok çeşitli araç gereçler ortaya koyarak günümüz dünyasının temellerini atmışlardır.... more
Breve historia del FONART
How can handcrafts live inside communities, how they could survive against the poverty, environment and migration?. A vision from how designers are looking an approach to traditions and techniques that even have no idea how are made.... more
Sustainable strategies for managing fiber-producing Astrocaryum chambira palm tree populations are crucial to protecting this important non-timber forest product used in the economic development of rural, natural-resource-reliant... more
resumen: Este trabajo es una síntesis de la investigación realizada sobre las joyas de oro del Museo de Cádiz recuperadas en contexto arqueológico. Se presentan los análisis mediante técnica PIXE a dos conjuntos pertenecientes,... more
Kerajinan tangan dari kardus, Batam Hand made, Ipad Stand dari kardus, Batam Handcraft, rumah kucing dari kardus, kerajinan tangan murah dari kardus, Replika Sepatu dari kardus, replika rumah burung Dari Kardus, cindramata dari kardus,... more
The bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria), also known as calabash, has been known for thousands of years, both in the Old and in the New World, being without a doubt one of the most useful plants domesticated by humans. The article deals... more
What do we know about craft activities that took place in the subsidiary buildings of the temples ? Are we able to locate the working place of every group of craftsmen among the archeological remains of mud-brick buildings that surround... more
With the construction, in Pompeii, of the temporary museum of enterprises and activation of Officiamuseum (the Regional Museum System Design and Applied Arts), which is the driving force, it is necessary to extend the "system" in a... more
Αrt catalogue with the recent artworks -2021 (acts and handicrafts) based on John Heartfield's satirical ironic photomontage ‘’German Natural History. Metamorphoses’’ (1934), a detail in the ¨the death’s-head moth¨, patterns with... more
Rafael S.-M. Paniagua (2020) Manualidades y apagones: el menosprecio de la cultura y la imaginación popular. Ctxt.es, 25-04-2020. https://ctxt.es/es/20200401/Culturas/31986/maria-acaso-cultura-15M-confinamiento-rafael-sm-paniagua.htm... more
When I think about metal, I have in mind some features like Malleability (the ability to be hammered or pressed without breaking or craking), fusibility (the ability to be fused or melted) and ductibility (the ability to be drawn out into... more
Bone flutes make use of a naturally hollow raw-material. As nature does not produce duplicates, each bone has its own inner cavity, and thus its own sound-potential. This morphological variation implies acoustical specificities, thus... more
Kerajinan Tangan khas batam, Kerajinan tangan dari kardus, Batam Hand made, Batam Handcraft, Ukiran Nama dari kardus, Robot Mainan dari kardus, Hiasan Gantung dari kardus, Hiasan Bunga Dari Kardus, cindramata dari kardus, oleh-oleh murah... more
Kerajinan Tangan khas batam, Kerajinan tangan dari kardus, Batam Hand made, Batam Handcraft, Lampu Belajar dari kardus, kerajinan tangan murah dari kardus, Replika Sepatu dari kardus, Hiasan Bunga Dari Kardus, cindramata dari kardus,... more
Batam Handcraft, Minatur Bus dari kardus, Stand Laptop dari kardus, stand smartphone dari kardus, danbo, hiasan lampu dari kardus, replika sepatu dari kardus, kerajinan tangan dari kardus, oleh-oleh dari kardus, cindramata dari kardus... more
OPEN ACCESS: http://doi.org/10.30687/978-88-6969-615-2 L’artigianato artistico e tradizionale contribuisce in modo significativo a determinare molti dei tratti centrali, unici e distintivi che contraddistinguono in modo duraturo la... more
Bone flutes make use of a naturally hollow raw-material. As nature does not produce duplicates, each bone has its own inner cavity, and thus its own sound-potential. This morphological variation implies acoustical specificities, thus... more
Rak Pensil dari kardus,replika gitar dari kardus, Batam Hand made, Batam Handcraft, sampul buku dari kardus, kerajinan tangan murah dari kardus, Replika Sepatu dari kardus, Hiasan Bunga Dari Kardus, cindramata dari kardus, oleh-oleh murah... more
Archaeological flutes, as sound artifacts, both stand in material and immaterial culture. They are made of tremendous subtleties that archaeologists have a hard time to understand while these are craftsmen’s everyday life. These... more