Household Economics
Recent papers in Household Economics
Financial fragility is recognized as a substantial issue for individual well-being. Various estimates show that between 46 and 59% of American adults are financially fragile and thus vulnerable in terms of their well-being. We argue that... more
Men's and women's employment trajectories following divorce is an important issue for analysis because of the possible implications of the changes in employment characteristics on the economic well-being of divorced men and women and... more
In 1899, MIT chemist Ellen H. Richards (1842-1911) instigated a series of annual "Lake Placid Conferences" (1899-1908) that became known as the foundation of the home economics movement. Richards's first interest was in improving the... more
According to World Health Organization’s report upon household air pollution and health (2018), it has been estimated that globally around 3 billion of population uses kerosene and solid fuels (i.e. cow dung, charcoal, wood, coal and crop... more
Microeconomics studies group behaviour by using the unitary model. However, there is growing evidence that there can be significant differences between choices made by single individuals and those made by the same individuals when... more
ADVERTIMENT. La consulta d’aquesta tesi queda condicionada a l’acceptació de les següents condicions d'ús: La difusió d’aquesta tesi per mitjà del servei TDX ( i a través del Dipòsit Digital de la UB ( ha... more
The majority of urban inhabitants in low-and middle-income country (LMIC) cities live in deprived urban areas. However, policy efforts and the monitoring of global goals and agendas such as the United Nation's Sustainable Development... more
Unter dem Begriff Haushalt wird nicht nur ein physischer Ort des Wohnens verstanden, sondern auch ein soziales Gefüge. In ihm befriedigen Menschen Grundbedürfnisse wie Essen oder Schlafen. Außerdem dient er zur sozialen Reproduktion,... more
It has been almost two decades since conditional cash transfer programs first appeared on the agendas of multilateral agencies and politicians. Latin America has often been used as a testing ground for these programs, which consist of... more
Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae (BSFL) are coming forward as an outstanding insects for bioconversion of organic waste, which can convert household organic waste, i.e. manure, kitchen waste, into biomass rich in protein and... more
В докладе, который является результатом двухгодичной научной работы в рамках проекта «Развитие системы социальной защиты в Российской Федерации», представлены история развития адресной социальной поддержки в России, архитектура нынешней... more
During the last fifty years the traditional view of the American family has changed significantly. There are many reasons contributing to the changing family dynamics that include larger percentages of women in the workplace, increases... more
The kitchen as a school for neoliberal subjects
There are wide ranges of benefits that promise education. Education has an important role in the development and growth of manufacturing, services and agriculture sectors. It not only improve earning in different sectors but also have... more
In 1660, Joost van den Vondel described the Dutch seventeenth-century household as a place of luxury and treasure: ‘So, they trail the streets of the city,/ The inner and shadowy outer canals,/ [Passing] by houses, crammed with luxury and... more
This paper builds on Marxist-feminist analyses of the links between the household, the economy, and the state through a discussion of recycling, pointing to the ways the unwaged work of household waste sorting contributes to capitalism’s... more
La arquitectura trasciende a la arquitectura misma: es lenguaje e historia, es memoria traducida en geometría, síntesis de representación, poder y materialidad de una época. Lejos de manifestaciones estáticas, las construcciones son... more
Loretta Lorance, an architectural historian, wrote that it is difficult to judge just how much mechanization had changed modern life because its impact was such that people alive today have difficulty understanding living without it.... more
Hrsg. von Joachim Eibach und Inken Schmidt-Voges, in Verbindung mit Simone Derix, Philip Hahn, Elizabeth Harding, Margareth Lanzinger
This thesis reports on the 2010 excavations of the North Group and Eastern Court at the ancient Lowland Maya site of Pacbitun. It provides a construction history of the architecture and an analysis of associated artifacts, burials, and... more
This paper analyse the level of financial inclusion in Nigeria using data from the global findex indicators. The findings reveal that Nigeria witnessed growth in several financial inclusion indicators in the early years of financial... more
В книге рассказывается о том, как избегать проблем, как не попадать в жизненные ловушки и прочее. Цель книги описать жизнь счастливого человека. Книга может быть полезна мужчинам и женщинам в возрасте от 14-15 до 45-50 лет и старше. В... more
In the Laudatio Turiae, Turia saved her property from her male relatives, and provided her husband (who was under her protection) with money. She also gave financial support to her sister, who was under legitimate guardianship. During the... more
"La specificità del 'dispositivo' di cura domiciliare all'anziano non autosufficiente in Italia (composto prevalentemente da badanti straniere, parenti, assistenti domiciliari del servizio pubblico) appare di particolare importanza nella... more
This dissertation examines how a series of interlocking labor, welfare, and education policies framed the practices of growing up working-class in the half-century before World War II. For the masses of working people in northern... more
Sebuah gagasan kami untuk hunian hemat energi dengan memanfaatkan kelimpahan alam
La présente étude cherche à lever certaines des lacunes de l'analyse microéconomique des relations d'emploi du large « secteur informel » des économies en développement, considéré à tort comme un marché de type walrasien. S'appuyant sur... more
The paper discusses Derrida's concept of hospitality which perfectly describes the experience of loosing the sense of feeling at home and reveals the disintegrating entrance of the Otherness into a coherent home space. Jacques Derrida's... more
Medeniyet, bir milletin üslubunun devlet ve şehir olarak görünmesidir. Biz, dünya ve insanlık tarihine kendi izlerimizi ve kimliğimizi yazmış bir milletiz. Cumhuriyetle taçlandırdığımız medeniyetimizin gelecek nesillere aktarımı ülkemizin... more
Rumors of a new respiratory disease began to reach northern Haiti through reports from relatives from the diaspora; the subject soon took over radio stations, virtual communication apps, and everyday conversations in rural neighborhoods... more
This dissertation inquires into the forms of social reproduction of the urban poor under a process of accumulation in which real estate and finance capital have a preeminent role. My main hypothesis is that the forms of reciprocity and... more
"Utilitarian Ceramic Production and Distribution in the Prehistoric Tonto Basin" synthesizes sand temper-based provenance evidence collected over 15 years from three widely spaced project areas. Ideas regarding pottery manufacture in... more