Social reproduction
Recent papers in Social reproduction
publié dans L'Année Sociologique, 1997, 47 n°1 : 37-54, (avec une présentation et une pagination différentes).
Global Heartland is the account of diverse, dispossessed, and displaced people brought together in a former sundown town in Illinois. Recruited to work in the local meat-processing plant, African Americans, Mexicans, and West Africans... more
Rehana Zaman's Some Women, Other Women and all the Bittermen (2014) was first exhibited as a multi-screen installation at The Tetley, a contemporary art space housed in the former headquarters of Tetley's Brewery in Leeds, England.... more
Radical feminist analyses have always placed considerable emphasis on the crucial role played by social reproduction for the development of capitalism. Early social reproduction analyses – primarily premised on housework but also more... more
Im Anschluss an Lise Vogel konzentriert sich dieser Artikel auf eine werttheoretische Diskussion des Reproduktionsbegriffs. Die Autor_innen wollen damit in die aktuellen Debatten über die soziale Reproduktion eingreifen. Der... more
Special Admission contradicts the national belief that college sports provide upward mobility opportunities. Kirsten Hextrum documents how white middle-class youth become overrepresented on college teams. Her institutional ethnography of... more
Since 2003, more than twenty hospitals in New York City have closed because of debt and a state-driven downsizing program. During this same time period, the labor market for nurses has tightened substantially, shifting from an overall... more
How the European Commission, the World Bank and the OECD plan to reshape global labour markets to intensify the extraction of surplus value from households - and how households play along.
In this article a social reproduction lens is used to investigate the gendered and temporal dynamics within the emergence of a temporary, feminised migrant workforce manufacturing electronics for export in South China's Pearl River Delta.... more
Children and childhood are not terms that spring to mind when thinking about radical geography, but what could be more radical than imagining and making a future in which childhood was a central consideration and the creation of liveable... more
« Quand tu es capitaine commandant, tu es propulsé. Tu es mis sur un piédestal en permanence. Mais le commandement, c'est du paraître. C'est du théâtre ! C'est que de la com'. Il faut attirer l'attention. Et ce sont les subordonnés qui... more
This paper draws the connection between the changes in the American perspectives on abortion in the second half of the twentieth century and shifts in the cultural, social and legal status of the society. The major change occurred in... more
In the face of a global crisis of social reproduction, welfare states have consistently failed to produce social security for the majority of the world's population. In this context, collective and grassroots practices of radical care... more
“‘You’re not a human being, you’re a number, a product, an asset as long as you can perform. If you can’t perform, then you’re a liability and they’ll drop you.’” Professional athletes suffer tremendous damage to their bodies over the... more
"La riproduzione sociale e culturale" Capitolo in "Famiglia e sociologia. Dai classici alla modernità" (a cura di Antonietta Censi) Capitolo 6 - La riproduzione sociale e culturale Nel capitolo sono trattati i concetti ed i... more
A brilliant realisation of a lifelong intellectual project, and a fundamental turning point in contemporary Marxist theory.
What are the origins of international schools? Authors in the fields of education and institutional history often point to the “need” of an invisible group of parents. This need, and the “demand” these schools claim to fulfill, haunt... more
As the language of “college and career readiness” continues to permeate American public education, the fixation on preparing students for college and careers is potentially harmful for students, particularly urban students of color. In... more
Henger ungdoms valg og preferanser sammen med og er de 'styrt' av sosial bakgrunn, kjønn, bosted og lokale tradisjoner, eller er deres valg og preferanser i stor grad uavhengig av slike sosiale og strukturelle føringer? Denne artikkelen... more
Despite China being the world's factory, its labor market is now primarily service-based with a high level of informality. When formal manufacturing and informal service sectors co-exist, how do workers make their choices? While existing... more
This chapter begins by giving a brief history of some of the key challenges to Indigenous pregnancy and birth in the settler colonial context in the lands commonly known as “Canada.” We then move on to some of the contemporary challenges... more
Abstract The literature on Turkish modernization presumes a linear and positive relationship between modernization and women’s liberation. According to this literature, the process that began in the 19th century has increasingly improved... more
The kitchen as a school for neoliberal subjects
This paper argues that Marxist feminism offers a powerful approach to body formation theory. Building on social reproduction theory's key innovations, as well as its recognition that Marx's 'critique' of political economy is unfinished... more
Au printemps 2020, en contrepoint de ce qui a été appelé le « Grand confinement », des milliers de travailleur·euses·s ont continué à travailler quotidiennement à l’extérieur de leur domicile, s’exposant au risque de contracter la... more
The Social (Re)Production of Architecture brings the debates of the ‘right to the city’ and the ‘production of space’ into today’s context of ecological, economic and social crises. In the emerging ‘post-capitalist’ era, this book... more
This paper builds on Marxist-feminist analyses of the links between the household, the economy, and the state through a discussion of recycling, pointing to the ways the unwaged work of household waste sorting contributes to capitalism’s... more
As the very title suggests, in this thesis I will aim to provide a brief analysis of the science fiction genre as a critique and reflection of the socio-political climate. Namely, I will base my analysis on the events mainly surrounding... more
In 2018, with a self-declared feminist prime minister, a federal commitment to gender-based budget analysis, and a Cabinet composed of ministers who are 50 percent women, Canada’s social policy architectureis being transformed. This... more