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RESUMO: O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a inserção do agronegócio da soja no município de Santarém, no Pará, Brasil a partir do Zoneamento Econômico Ecológico feito para a BR 163, revela que há uma ausência de aplicabilidade... more
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      Environmental StudiesGovernanceEnviornmental ScienceHumans Rights
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      Political SociologyIndigenous Peoples RightsHumans Rights
Lokasi Gua Ashabul Kahfi terletak kira-kira 7km dari pusat bandar Amman, Jordan. Kawasan ini suatu ketika dahulu dikenali dengan Ar-Raqim kerana terdapat kesan tapak arkeologi yang bernama Khirbet Ar-Raqim di kawasan tersebut. Perkataan... more
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      EducationHumans Rights
The Erwin Wurm’s work inspires teaching projects and events in several educational settings. Susan Coles has used the one-minute sculpture with adult art educators, Network Meeting at Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Big Draw Awards at... more
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      PerformanceArt EducationHumans Rights
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      Public HealthDireitos HumanosSegurança PúblicaHumans Rights
We would like to thank all the organizations and individuals interviewed for this report for their invaluable assistance. We particularly thank the rape survivors who agreed, often at great distress to themselves, to recount their... more
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      Human RightsHumans Rights
Diante deste contexto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo abordar atos de discriminação e preconceito contra as mulheres venezuelanas imigrantes no Brasil, em especial no Estado de Roraima, respondendo os seguintes questionamentos: O... more
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      Migraciones InternacionalesHumans RightsEstudios De Género Y Feminismo
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      ViolenceGay And Lesbian StudiesHumans Rights
La pandemia de la COVID-19 no es la Peste Negra pero al igual que la caída del Muro de Berlín o el derrumbe de las Torres Gemelas, existe una sensación colectiva inconfundible de que estamos viviendo algo insólito, y en momentos como... more
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      International RelationsGlobalizationChinaUnited States Foreign Policy
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      JurisprudenceAnthropologyHumanitiesInternational Law
Cuerpo, Género y Derecho *. Apuntes para una teoría crítica de las relaciones entre cuerpo, poder y subjetividad BODY, GENDER AND LAW YANIRA ZÚÑIGA AÑAZCO ** RESUMEN Este trabajo examina las relaciones existentes entre cuerpo,... more
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      Gender StudiesHumans Rights
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      Transitional JusticeDireitos HumanosJustiça De TransiçãoHumans Rights
Social movements and academic sectors gather information on the negative consequences of tourism development. These consequences affect the rights of the local population, and favour global processes such as Climate Change. In light of... more
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      Tourism StudiesUnited NationsCritical Tourism StudiesCritical tourism and hospitality
Resumo: Trata-se o trabalho de análise crítica do julgamento do Caso nº 12.728, que versa sobre as disputas territoriais do povo Xukuru de Ororubá na Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (CIDH). Destacam-se as alegações por parte dos... more
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      Povos IndígenasDerecho Internacional De Los Derechos HumanosHumans RightsXukuru do Ororubá
RESUMO O presente trabalho discorre sobre a nova política de imigração da União Europeia, retrata a dura realidade em que se encontram milhares de pessoas oriundas da África e do Oriente Médio, revela a necessidade de criação de um... more
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      International LawEuropean Union PoliticsRefugees, migration and immigrationHumans Rights
O reconhecimento e a efetiva proteção da liberdade de religião são essenciais para a realização dos direitos fundamentais do homem, podendo mesmo se dizer que bem tal pode figurar como um dos primeiros direitos perante os demais.
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      Religious FreedomHumans Rights
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      Philosophy Of ReligionPhilosophy Of LawFrancisco de VitoriaReligion and Law
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      Historia SocialEstudios sobre Violencia y ConflictoHistoria Contemporánea de EspañaCárceles
Sexual violence in armed conflicts is being more present in contemporary armed conflicts causing an evolution until it leads to a more military tactic to be able to conduct hostilities. The objectives used by the belligerent actors to... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawIslamic StudiesInternational Humanitarian Law
Se vuelve necesario esforzarnos por resignificar la palabra democracia y reivindicar su valor. Reconozco mis limitaciones, pero me esforzaré por responder a este desafío, vinculándolo con mis intereses profesionales como antropólogo: las... more
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      Indigenous StudiesHumans RightsDERECHOS INDIGENAS
Para traçar a relação entre memória e esses espaços físicos, partiremos das potencialidades da memória para enfrentar um passado de graves violações de direitos humanos, especificamente para lidar com o autoritarismo recente brasileiro.... more
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      Direitos HumanosHumans RightsDireito à Memória
This paper aims to make an analysis of important European Court of Human Rights judgment in that debate possible violations of freedom of expression in order to understand their understanding of the subject. Initially, it made an approach... more
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      Freedom Of ExpressionPress FreedomDireito ConstitucionalEuropean Court of Human Rights
La obra el Manifiesto Contrasexual de Paul B. Preciado promueve, en la sociedad internacional, un cuestionamiento en cuanto a la práctica sexual basada en valores heteronormativos conservadores. Condiciones éstas que inhiben la libertad... more
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      FeminismoHumans RightsEstudios De Género Y Feminismo
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      Direitos HumanosDitadura MilitarJustiça De TransiçãoHumans Rights
Descripción del proceso general de sistematización Desde la Convención se hicieron llamados a representantes de pueblos originarios para que dieran su testimonio, en el contexto de la Comisión de DD.HH., Reparación y Garantías de No... more
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      Disability StudiesPolitical ViolenceIndigenous PeoplesInterculturality
Nosso capítulo procura destacar o papel de intuições âncoras, como a Unicamp, na mitigação dos efeitos da pandemia de Covid-19, a partir do acesso à cultura, mesmo em face do distanciamento social. Parte-se do pressuposto de que esse tipo... more
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      Public UniversitiesHumans RightsAnchor institutions
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      Oral historyMemory StudiesOral History and MemoryMemoria
The report discusses and documents the violations committed against that defendants in the case of “Death of the guard of the counselor of Ettihadyya” which took place in Mansoura on 28 February 2014. In its judgement dated 7 June 2017,... more
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      Criminal JusticeDeath PenaltyHumans Rights
My contribution to the nuclear debate presents 3 possible concepts for complexity evolution, which make understood, that what is at a stake right now, is the evolution of complexity, and that the use of missiles in any war scenario has... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesPolitical EconomyPolitical Philosophy
RESUMO: O presente trabalho versa sobre o direito à propriedade no âmbito das decisões da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, ressalta a importância de reconhecer este enquanto direito fundamental dos povos indígenas na América... more
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      Indigenous StudiesInternational Courts And TribunalsEnvironmental SustainabilityIndigenous Peoples
As opiniões contidas nos textos desta revista são de responsabilidade exclusiva de seus autores, não caracterizando posições oficiais do Ministério da Justiça, salvo se expresso em contrário." "As fotos contidas nesta edição pertencem ao... more
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      Direitos HumanosHumans RightsAraguaiaDireito à Verdade
Este capítulo describe labor realizada por los defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos en Chile durante el periodo de rebelión social iniciado en octubre de 2019. A partir de la realización de entrevistas en profundidad, el capítulo... more
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      Political Violence and TerrorismChileHumans Rights
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      AstronomyHumans RightsCaos Determinístico
The essay reads Ralph Waldo Emerson’s argument for a “nation of friends,” in “Politics,” as Emerson’s response to his lament, also in “Politics,” that the “power of love, as the basis of the State, has never been tried.” By a careful... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryAmerican LiteratureHistory
Preface Holy Qur'an is fundamental constitution of Islam, where in there is complete Manifesto of Life for humankind. One has tc have firm belief in Articles of faith and to act upon the principles. Holy Qur'an imparts the knowledge of... more
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      SovereigntySpiritualityPrayerIslamic Studies
Os movimentos migratórios forçados marcaram a agenda económica, política e social em 2015 e, nessa sequência, a dos média, que assumiram um papel essencial na representação social dos refugiados. Em 2019, assistimos a um novo momento... more
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      JournalismDigital JournalismRefugees and Forced Migration StudiesHumans Rights
The Iberian School of Peace: Natural Right and Human Dignity International Conference The Iberian School of Peace: Natural Right and Human Dignity International Conference Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra... more
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      Renaissance HumanismIberian StudiesSecond ScholasticismFrancisco de Vitoria
We assessed 12-month prevalence and incidence data on sexual victimization in 5 federal surveys that the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted... more
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    • Humans Rights
Presenting a brief, political history of transitional justice, this chapter shows the ways in which transitional justice is caught between international human rights' normative claims and local norms and constraints regarding... more
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      LawHuman RightsStatesPolitical Science
En el presente ensayo argumentaré que la conceptualización e investigación del concepto de violencia feminicida es clave para diseñar las medidas estratégicas de prevención, atención y protección para las mujeres y niñas que se encuentran... more
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      Women and Gender Issues in IslamViolence Against WomenFeminismoHumans Rights
Este artigo discute o conceito de justiça social a partir de Nancy Fraser, traçando sua contribuição para a educação em direitos humanos. Vários são os elementos considerados na busca por uma sociedade justa, eis que existe uma... more
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      LawSocial JusticeNancy FraserDireitos Humanos
Been doing this research for "Research Method and Fieldwork" subject for Development Cooperation major.
Based on research for “Adolescents” access to reproductive health and family planning services in Dakar (Senegal)
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthChildren's readingEarly Childhood EducationNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
O artigo analisa a cobertura jornalística sobre a ditadura no período de funcionamento da Comissão Nacional da Verdade e de outras comissões de âmbito regional. O principal objetivo é verificar quais fontes de informação tiveram espaço na... more
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      Direitos HumanosDitadura MilitarHumans RightsCorte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos
O que é a abordagem empírica de campo?
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      sociological effect of TV serials, discource analysis of news, media effect of humans, the campaigns political communication, media effect of humans behavior campaigns,the affect of media on human behaivoiria affect onHumans Rights
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      Social EconomyLabor unionsUSAGlobalization and Gender, Labor market regulation and workers’ rights, Empowerment and inequality, Social and welfare policy
This article examines issues in contemporary art teaching in relation to the current tensions and contradictions experienced in public life. Young people's participatory creative practices on social media are examined in high school art... more
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      New MediaContemporary ArtSocial MediaArt Education
Resumo: O presente trabalho versa sobre o direito à moradia enquanto direito fundamental previsto no ordenamento jurídico vigente, sobretudo, por meio da análise da norma constitucio-nal e dos tratados internacionais assinados pelo... more
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      JurisprudenceDireitos Fundamentais e Direitos HumanosSTJHumans Rights