Recent papers in Infiltration
Impacts of irrigation with treated wastewater effluents on soils and groundwater aquifer in the vicinity of Sidi Abid Region (Tunisia) are evaluated. The groundwater aquifer was monitored by several piezometers, where monthly water levels... more
The period of the eighties is the main subject of my story. The aim is to analyze the crisis in the functioning of the Belgian State and society, which culminated at the end of 1985, and to provide background facts. This is a crisis that... more
In semi-arid areas with sparse vegetation cover, runoff generated in the open areas is crucial for the maintenance of vegetated patches. Microphytic crusts play a major role in this redistribution of water, thus in¯uencing ecosystem... more
Tracer techniques were used to study infiltration losses into a dry wadi bed. In order not to be fully dependent on rarely occurring natural flood events, an artificial flash flood was studied in a small arid stream channel, Nahal... more
Microbial activity in semiarid and arid environments is closely related to the timing, intensity, and amount of precipitation. The characteristics of the soil surface, especially the influence of biological soil crusts, can determine the... more
We report preparation and characterization of novel bicomponent metal-based photonic crystals having submicron three-dimensional (3D) periodicity. Fabricated photonic crystals include SiO 2 sphere lattices infiltrated interstitially with... more
The generation of runoff and the associated processes are important for the understanding of flood generation and sediment mobilisation. However, only few studies of this kind were conducted in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region. This paper... more
Effluent organic matter Managed aquifer recharge Riverbank filtration Biotransformation Co-metabolism Primary substrate a b s t r a c t This study explored the effect of different bulk organic carbon matrices on the fate of trace organic... more
Runoff generation processes in the Canadian Shield were investigated to reconcile the considerable variability of runoff ratios noted by previous studies. Four bedrock plots near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada were studied... more
A tank model consisting of three tanks was developed for prediction of runoff and sediment yield. The sediment yield of each tank was computed by multiplying the total sediment yield by the sediment yield coefficients; the yield was... more
Objective. To compare the efficacy of a single intraarticular corticosteroid injection, a supervised physiotherapy program, a combination of the two, and placebo in the treatment of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. Methods.... more
Metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) with thin YSZ electrolyte films and infiltrated Ni and LSM catalysts are operated in the temperature range 650-750 • C. A five-layer structure consisting of porous metal-support/porous YSZ... more
This article reviews the role of intelligence in public administration and compares diplomatic intelligence and espionage. In this context, the article provides examples of diplomatic intelligence and espionage across political, economic,... more
Objective: Resin infiltration is considered as a treatment option for initial caries lesions. As cavitated early lesions might require additional restorative intervention, a caries infiltrant might be also used for enamel conditioning... more
Constructed soil filter (CSF) also known as Soil Biotechnology (SBT) is a process for water renovation which makes use of formulated media with culture of soil macro-and microorganisms. CSF combines sedimentation, infiltration and... more
For two decades, solid waste components in Bank projects have focused on collection of solid wastes, with equipment provided to upgrade operations at existing open dumps. Since early 1990, the private sector has become increasingly... more
L'infiltration lymphocytaire massive des léiomyomes utérins est une entité rare ; à notre connaissance, seuls 20 cas ont été rapportés dans la littérature. Nous rapportons une nouvelle observation chez une patiente âgée de 35 ans ayant... more
The chemical and isotopic characterization of formation water from 18 oil production wells, extracted from 5200 to 6100 m b.s.l. at the Jujo-Tecominoacán carbonate reservoir in SE-Mexico, and interpretations of historical production... more
Bioretention is one of the most commonly used stormwater control measures (SCMs) in North America and Australasia. However, current design is not targeted to regulatory need, often reflecting an outdated understanding of how and why... more
Studies that relate changes in land cover with changes in river discharge at the small scale (, 1 km 2 ) are abundant. These studies generally indicate that deforestation causes an increase in the annual mean discharge. However, previous... more
Soil moisture is an integral quantity in hydrology that represents the average conditions in a finite volume of soil. In this paper, a novel regression technique called Support Vector Machine (SVM) is presented and applied to soil... more
Influence of spatio-temporal variability ofro soil surface states on the watershed hydrology behavior:A case study of El Hnach watershed in the semi-arid zone of Tunisia
Infiltrated water may originate from rainfall; irrigation; water bodies such as ponds, rivers, and lakes; or other anthropogenic activities. The terms infiltration and percolation are frequently interchangeably used even though they... more
Dr. Reza Parchizadeh, a political theorist and analyst, recently noted on Twitter that “the Iranian regime has turned the late #George_Floyd into Saint George, Shiite-style!” And sure enough, Parchizadeh posted a painting of Floyd... more
Integrated geoelectrical and hydrochemical surveys were used to investigate and delineate different types of groundwater in the Kuala Selangor alluvial aquifer. Previous hydrogeological borehole investigation showed that this aquifer... more
Francesa e pelo ORSTOM na Embaixada da França, que permitiram a realizaçao deste manual através de seu apoio ao longo dos anos necesskios a sua elabora@o.
Evapotranspiration (ET) is a viable runoff reduction mechanism and an important player in the hydrologic cycle of vegetated green stormwater infrastructure (GSI). As a dynamic process, ET is dependent on both meteorological factors (e.g.,... more
This is a field experiment report.Can be used as a guide on field infiltration rate reports or as a reading reference on the topic of infiltration.
La infiltración se define como el proceso por el cual el agua penetra por la superficie del suelo y llega hasta sus capas inferiores superficie del suelo y llega hasta sus capas inferiores.
For two decades, solid waste components in World Bank projects have focused on collection of solid wastes, with equipment provided to upgrade operations at existing open dumps. Since early 1990, the private sector has become increasingly... more
This article argues that the use of sexual infiltration by police and criminal collaborators represents a strategic deployment of surveillance technology by the state with the aim of creating Foucault’s “docile bodies” through the... more
a b s t r a c t A significant portion of the total primary energy is consumed by today's buildings in developed countries. In many of these buildings, the energy consumption can be significantly reduced by adopting energy efficiency... more
Soil infiltration refers to the soil’s ability to allow water movement into and through the soil profile. It allows the soil to temporarily store water, making it available for uptake by plants and soil organisms. The infiltration rate... more
FOR CITATIONS: Salem, Hilmi S. "A Budget of the Surface and Underground Water in Northern Jordan (Pages: 135-162)" in "Water and Peace in the Middle East", Studies in Environmental Science 58., J. Isaac & H. Shuval (Eds.), 1992,... more
Leachate from the public landfill of the city of Meknes is considered as a source of significant pollution of the waters of the Boufekrane wadi and agricultural land bordering the landfill. The objective of this study is the... more
The nonlinear Boussinesq's equation for infiltration phenomenon in unsaturated porous media is nonlinear partial differential equation and it has been solved by using Homotopy analysis method. the solution gives height of free surface of... more
Urban stormwater contains a variety of contaminants that can adversely impact receiving waters. Contaminants of greatest concern include compounds derived from paving materials and automobile tires, biocides, and pathogens. Low-impact... more
Assessing the impacts of climatic and, in particular, land use changes on rates of soil erosion by water is the objective of many national and international research projects. However, over the last decades, most research dealing with... more
Process Measurement Infiltration Air a b s t r a c t One component of the heat exchange rate in domestic refrigerators/freezers and of the other all types of refrigeration stores is the air infiltration due to the air exchange rate... more
Biopharmaceutical companies have focused the development of recombinant proteins on bacteria, insect and mammalian cell platforms. The associated high cost with current biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes makes many therapies... more
Il a fallu attendre 1992 pour que l'efficacité des infiltrations cortisoniques de l'articulation sacro-iliaque (SI) fasse l'objet d'une première publication . Ce retard s'explique par les difficultés d'abord de la SI, articulation... more