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      HistoryCultural StudiesPsychologySocial Psychology
Researchers have long questioned how debunked myths such as the blood libel – the notion that Jews used Christian blood in their ceremonies – were able to persist for so long. This essay explains the social function of such myths in one... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryGerman StudiesMedia Studies
It is often remarked that politicians’ private lives are becoming feature of political communication in many advanced industrial democracies. However, there have so far been no genuinely comparative studies examining the personalised... more
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      FolkloreComparative PoliticsMedia StudiesSocial Sciences
The article presents the considerations, that the tabloids (here: the press and gossip portals) promote distorted, but suggestive picture of the world. These media have enormous creative potential. Under this concept the ability to create... more
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This study examines the characteristics of Infotainment Journalism in a society under crisis. Using the Greek-Cypriot press as a case study, we contrast news reporting during 2013 (after the onset of the banking crisis) to the preceding... more
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      JournalismCyprus StudiesPress FreedomInfotainment
The death of former child star Michael Jackson in 2009 reignited public debates around the potential dangers of early fame. This article explores the ways in which the status of child stars has changed over the course of the twentieth... more
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      Media StudiesCelebrity CultureHistory of ChildhoodHollywood Star System
The proposed paper aims at investigating the possibility of increasing the awareness of our cultural heritage and spreading that knowledge using the latest technological innovations. Particular attention is given to the “3D digital scene”... more
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      Cultural HeritageEdutainmentInfotainment3D Scene
Download: The automotive sector represents more than a simple industry. Since the late nineteenth century, it has embodied the economic and technological power of nations, the lifestyle, the dynamics of... more
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      BusinessManagementEngineeringMechanical Engineering
Il testo illustra le differenze tra due generi televisivi, ovvero la divulgazione scientifica e l'infotainment, in relazione al ruolo fondamentale che ha avuto un certo tipo di informazione televisiva nella formazione del caso mediatico... more
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      InfotainmentComunicazioneStaminaDivulgazione Scientifica
Данная дипломная работа посвящена исследованию специфики журналистского расследования в телепрограммах потребительской тематики на примере проекта «Ревизорро» ТК «Пятница». Автором исследуются телепе-редачи данного типа на российском... more
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      JournalismTelevision StudiesConsumerismInvestigative Journalism
Anita Biressi examines the historical origins and development of true crime and its evolution into distinctive contemporary forms. Embracing a range of non-fiction accounts including true crime books and magazines, law and order... more
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      Criminal JusticeMedia StudiesTelevision StudiesGenre studies
"El artículo parte de la división tradicional entre prensa seria y prensa sensacionalista con el fin de estudiar si la frontera entre ambas formas de hacer periodismo sigue vigente o aparece desdibujada en la actualidad. Con ese... more
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      InfotainmentSensacionalismoPrensa De CalidadInfoentretenimiento. Tabloid Journalism
Este trabajo tiene el propósito de analizar el proceso de descomposición del bipartidismo en España, la polarización partidista y la posterior fragmentación en dos bloques ideológicos a consecuencia de la aparición de nuevas fuerzas... more
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      SpainInfotainmentEspañaCiencia política
1927 rückte ein Sittlichkeitsskandal Bremen in das Licht der reichsweiten Öffentlichkeit. Im Fall Kolomak wurde vor dem Bremer Landgericht die Geschichte der 1924 verstorbenen Lisbeth und ihrer wegen Kuppelei verurteilten Mutter Elisabeth... more
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      Media StudiesCelebrity CultureWeimar RepublicInfotainment
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesCelebrity CultureInfotainment
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      Children and FamiliesRitualMuseologyInfotainment
Questo breve saggio si propone di investigare il sistema di cause economiche, meccanismi culturali e strumenti tecnologici che sottendono all’emergere dell’era della post-verità, tracciando una mappa per orientarsi fra i moderni populismi... more
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      PopulismInfotainmentPopulismoMovimento 5 Stelle
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      American StudiesMedia StudiesPopular CultureStereotypes
(Chapter) A Glimpse Behind the Screen: Tijuana Bibles and the Pornographic Re-imagining of Hollywood.
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      Media StudiesCensorshipFilm StudiesComics Studies
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      Media StudiesSex and GenderClassCelebrity Culture
En el contexto actual ha crecido en importancia una nueva manera de ver la televisión: la población mexicana ve una menor cantidad de horas de televisión tradicional y cada vez es mayor la cantidad de horas de televisión por internet... more
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      Political communicationInfotainmentPeriodismoMediatization (Communication Studies)
Popular science television today is dominated by “infotainment” and undergoes the convergence processes. The number of genres of television travel journalism is increasing due to the emergence of various TV shows and entertainment... more
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      Travel WritingTelevision StudiesDocumentary FilmTelevision
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      Media StudiesCelebrity CultureEarly 20th Century CelebrityCelebrity journalism
"What is tabloid culture? How do tabloid media prompt debates about values and ethics? Can we respond positively to the `tabloidization' of culture? What is so appealing about the rhetoric, attitude and posture of tabloid culture?... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismPopular CultureCelebrity Culture
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      InfotainmentSoft NewsInfoentretenimiento
Désignée « mot de l’année 2017 » par le dictionnaire Collins, la « formule » fake news, notamment en raison des usages qui en sont fait par le président Trump, n’en finit pas d’alimenter les débats au sein des sciences sociales.... more
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      PropagandaConspiracy TheoriesSocial MediaHistory Of Propaganda
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      Social NetworksPolitical communicationSocial MediaPolitical Communication (Communication)
Il processo di innalzamento del livello culturale svolto dalla Rai delle origini è stato interrotto dall'irrefrenabile ascesa della TV commerciale che, oltre a farsi promotrice di valori materiali e per molti aspetti diseducativi, ha... more
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      PropagandaInfotainmentBerlusconiSCIENZE POLITICHE
"INTRODUCTION Our world of the society of the 20th and 21st centuries is becoming the realm of pictorial representation. Modern technologies of recording images and mediating them enable the press, the television, and the Internet to... more
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      SemioticsSociologyMedia SociologyAnthropological Linguistics
No illusion is possible anymore because there is no longer any reality.

With the real world we have eliminated even the apparent one.
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      Social Learning TheoryAnthony BurgessWalter BenjaminRoland Barthes
Recent US culture wars have been waged through televised entertainment news (infotainment TV). The imprint left by Jon Stewart and The Daily Show on mainstream news outlets has been analyzed in political communication studies and media... more
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      CommunicationHumor/SatireMediaCulture Wars
The purpose of this paper is to investigate factors influencing Mauritian consumers' attitude towards SMS advertising. Based on the Uses and Gratifications (U&G) theory, a questionnaire was designed and administered among 277 University... more
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      Information TechnologyMarketing & AdvertisingInfotainmentMobile Advertising
This article documents some foregrounding devices that the media use to attract readers’ attention to linguistic forms, all identified in sports reports relating to the Euro 2004 Football Championship published in various British... more
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      Discourse AnalysisFootball (soccer)StylisticsDiscourse Stylistics
Os estudos sobre infotenimento no Brasil concentram suas pesquisas nos produtos criados para a televisão, em formatos como programas de auditório, telejornais sensacionalistas etc. A proposta deste trabalho é deslocar esta discussão para... more
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      InfotainmentAnálise do DiscursoJornalismo DigitalEntretenimiento
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      Media StudiesCelebrity CultureInfotainmentStardom and Celebrity
Profil Biodata Lengkap Aliando Syarief, beserta fakta, hobi, dan kehidupan
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      Indonesian StudiesEntertainmentInfotainmentAliando Syarief
سبک خبری اینفوتیمنت یا «خبر- سرگرمی» به برنامه رسانه ای اطلاق می شود که مبتنی بر ارائه اخبار توام با عناصر سرگرم کننده، جذاب و مخاطب پسندی همچون طنز، انتقاد، توصیف، هیجان و... است. هدف از «خبر- سرگرمی» تلاش به منظور افزایش مقبولیت در بین... more
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      JournalismInfotainmentJournalism StudiesJournalism And Mass communication
This paper intends to analyze Bandera Argentina, Crisol and El Pampero’s perception of Nazism, and the role attributed to this political movement in the configuration of Argentinean nationalism.
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      Media StudiesNationalismCelebrity CultureArgentina History
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      Television StudiesInfotainmentContenidos Informativos
Este capítulo ofrece un análisis del concepto de «infoentretenimiento» desde el examen de la práctica profesional del periodismo en televisión. Se presenta un análisis de las respuestas a un cuestionario realizado a editores y productores... more
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      InfotainmentTV newsTv JournalismDiseño Gráfico y Periodismo Audiovisual
""Çanakkale muharebeleri genelde dünya tarihine, özelde ise Türk, Avustralya ve Yeni Zelanda tarihine damgasını vurmuş, dünya savaşının en büyük kahramanlık destanlarının yazıldığı muhaberelerden birisidir. Çanakkale’de 1914 yılının... more
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      Media StudiesWar StudiesCelebrity CultureFirst World War
This article has several aims. First, it aims to sketch the historical use of the term "fake news" in the U.S. (now globalizing), while documenting key shifts (from comedic-economic meanings and uses to more "tragic" political-economic... more
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      Information ScienceInformation TechnologyPerceptionJournalism
Shows blending humor and information are on the rise, and many such shows incorporate live studio audiences. Using two separate experimental studies, we test whether audience laughter on humorous political talk shows affects audience... more
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      Political communicationInfotainmentMedia Impact and Effects and Usages
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      AdvertisingConsumer BehaviorInfotainmentCommercials
Procurando um início de resposta perante as dificuldades de classificação do “reality-show”, o presente trabalho argumenta que, não obstante, a sua multiplicidade constitutiva, a sua diversidade de formatos e a sua natureza fluida e... more
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      Media StudiesTelevision StudiesPopular CultureDocumentary (Film Studies)
For several decades, citizens have reported that they trust some news outlets over others largely because they perceive the industry to be biased in its coverage. On the other hand, journalists have a more positive perception of their... more
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      Citizen JournalismInfotainmentNews Media Use
‘Popüler doğa bilimi’ konusunda neredeyse tüm dünyada baskın mecra haline gelen BBC’nin Planet Earth serisi, prodüksiyon maliyeti ve ulaştığı seyirci rakamıyla en ‘pahalı’ ve en ‘popüler’ belgeseller arasında yer almaktadır. BBC’nin... more
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      Television StudiesEdutainmentDocumentary FilmInfotainment
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      SemioticsTelevision StudiesPopular CulturePolitical communication
This paper traces the media coverage of former child prodigy Charlotte Church over the period 1998-2007 as she moved from a charmed childhood through a turbulent adolescence and into young womanhood. Through an analysis of newspaper... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
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      Television StudiesInfotainmentTelejournalism