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Diese Studie über die Beziehung zwischen Iran und Deutschland mit dem Schwerpunkt Berlin wurde im Auftrag des Senats von Berlin für die Reihe "Miteinander leben in Berlin" geschrieben. Nach einer historischen und forschungsgeschichtlichen... more
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      Iranian StudiesIranian HistoryIran Foreign PolicyPolitical Sociology, History of Modern Iran.
Iran and Russia achieved their short-term objective of keeping Bashar al-Assad in power by defeating the opposition forces. However, the two countries have conflicting medium-term objectives regarding Syria. • Russia’s approach to Iran is... more
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      RussiaIran Foreign PolicySyrian Conflict
Using the Foreign Policy Analysis framework and the concept of Authoritative Decision Units, this article analyzes three cases that required an Iranian response: the Arab Uprisings, the nuclear negotiations, and the 2017 GCC Crisis. The... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisMiddle East StudiesIranian StudiesIran Foreign Policy
The political vacuum created by the withdrawal of NATO and US forces from Afghanistan has led other powers to attempt to fill the void for reasons of regional stability and/or create and extend their spheres of influence. Afghanistan is a... more
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      AfghanistanPakistanIran Foreign PolicyIndia
Iran’s growing power has recently come to the fore in the international media. Countless articles refer to the ‘new empire’ that Tehran, taking advantage of the chaos in the Middle East, is building. The Iranian government has taken this... more
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    • Iran Foreign Policy
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      Iranian StudiesIran Foreign PolicyIranian Foreign PolicyIranian politics and history
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      Iranian StudiesIran (American Foreign Policy)Iran Foreign PolicySanctions
Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction Part V: The Broader Strategic Context by Anathony H. Cordesman and Adam C. Seitz December 8, 2008 Iran’s nuclear ambitions and missile programs, and their interactions with its growing capabilities... more
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      Iran Foreign PolicyIranian Foreign PolicyIran nuclear programIranian Nuclear Program
About the Book The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has been dubbed the ‘kingmaker’ in recent studies of Iranian politics, precipitating heated debates surrounding the potential militarization of the Iranian regime and giving... more
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      Middle East StudiesRevolutionsIranian StudiesMiddle East Politics
This dissertation is a case study of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s approach to soft power with a focus on Iran’s use of soft power in Afghanistan. This dissertation is unique as it a delves into the diverse conceptual prescriptions on... more
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      AfghanistanCultural DiplomacySoft PowerIran Foreign Policy
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      SociologySociology of ReligionIranian StudiesHistory of Iran
Turkey and Iran have once again found themselves facing parallel challenges in the form of the group that calls itself Islamic State (here ISIS) and its implications for both countries’ security policies as well as interests in Syria... more
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      Iranian StudiesTurkeyTurkish Foreign PolicyTurkey in World Politics
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      HistoryComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict Studies
Despite various analyses of the extent of Iranian-Russian rapprochement, questions still remain about its fundamental elements and its sustainability in the face of the conflicting interests of the two countries. Iran and Russia have... more
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      Iranian StudiesSecurity StudiesRussian PoliticsIran security
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      Iranian StudiesIranian Modern HistoryIranIran Foreign Policy
An Analysis of South Africa's relations with Iran from the exile of Reza Shah (1942) to the inauguration of Nelson Mandela as president (1994). Traces the diplomatic, political, economic, cultural, and religious dimensions of the... more
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      South African Politics and SocietyIranian StudiesHistory of IranApartheid
Au cours des trente dernières années, bien qu’elle n’ait pas développé de concept spécifique s’appliquant à l’ensemble de son voisinage, la République islamique d’Iran a néanmoins mis en place une « politique régionale » sur une base ad... more
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      Iran Foreign PolicyIran Regional Policy
In a Middle East beset by shifting alliances, the Iran-Syria relationship has been one of the region’s most enduring axes. Since its establishment following Iran’s revolution in 1979, the alliance has weathered several challenges, from... more
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      Middle East StudiesIranian StudiesSyrian StudiesSyria
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      Iranian StudiesPakistanIran Foreign PolicyPakistan Studies
Este curso de verano tiene dos objetivos. Por un lado, ofrecer las principales características políticas, culturales, literarias, religiosas y artísticas a lo largo de los distintos periodos de la historia de Irán. Por otro lado, mostrar... more
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      Persian LiteratureIranian ArchaeologyIranian StudiesThe Persian Gulf
Through exploring Iran’s public diplomacy at the international level, this article demonstrates how the Islamic Republic’s motives should not only be contextualised within the oft-sensationalised, material or ‘hard’ aspects of its... more
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      International RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisMiddle East StudiesPublic Diplomacy
Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction Strategic and Warfighting Implications of a Nuclear Armed Iran by Anthony H. Cordesman and Adam C. Seitz January 22, 2009 Iran’s nuclear ambitions and missile programs, and their interactions... more
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      IranIran Foreign PolicyIran nuclear programIran's Nuclear Programme and Its Implications for the Gulf States
Iran’s foreign policy in the Middle East has often been analyzed through the lenses of religion which seen as an inseparable component of state identity of Iran. Iran’s foreign policy actions in the region have often been interpreted as... more
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      Iran Foreign PolicyIranian Foreign PolicyForeign Policy of Islamic Republic of Iran
رؤية كلية للتامل في تجربة الشهيد الحاج قاسم سليماني
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      MysticismIranian Modern HistoryIran Foreign PolicyIranian Islamic Revolution
Middle Eastern states see their ability narrow to walk a fine line in the Ukraine conflict. Israel is a case in point as tensions with Iran in Syria and Palestinians in Jerusalem flare, and both Russia and the United States signal... more
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      Russian StudiesMiddle East StudiesUkrainian StudiesIsrael/Palestine
Special Editors: Andrea Weiss and Yana Zabanova Iran & Energy Cooperation in the South Caucasus: Prospects for the Post-Sanctions Era By Hamed Kazemzadeh (Center for East European Studies, Warsaw) Connecting Iran and the South Caucasus:... more
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      EnergyEnergy PolicyCaucasusCaucasus Politics
Arap baharı ile başlayan toplumsal ve siyasal değişim süreci Ortadoğu’da egemen olan siyasal rejimlerin kimi yerlerde devrilmesine, kimi yerlerde de sarsılmasına neden olmuştur. Bu sürecin tetiklediği halk isyanları kısa süre içerisinde... more
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      Iranian StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesIran Foreign Policyİran Dış Politikası
The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on some of the most sensitive questions surrounding international security. One of these is the US-Iran crisis, where the two countries have been on the brink of a full... more
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      Iranian StudiesU.S. Foreign PolicyIran Foreign PolicyIranian Foreign Policy
This study sought to answer why conflict in Turkey-Iran relations increased in the covered period, considering –relatively- smooth relations between Turkey and Iran in the 1980s, and thermidorizing of Iran in the 1990s. Indeed, ideology... more
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      Middle East StudiesIranian StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish Foreign Policy
Las relaciones modernas entre Irán y el mundo hispánico tuvieron su punto de partida a finales del siglo XVI, y tomaron fuerza a comienzos del siglo XVII durante los reinados de Felipe III y Abbás el Grande. Ambos monarcas mantuvieron un... more
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian LanguageLatin American Foreign Policy
Türkiye ve İran başta coğrafya, kültür, tarih, siyaset ve diplomasi olmak üzere sahip oldukları önemli ulusal güç kapasiteleriyle Ortadoğu toplumlarını kendi eksenlerinde hareket etmeye zorlayan ve dolayısıyla da birbirleriyle yarışan iki... more
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      Iranian StudiesTurco-Iranian WorldTurkey - Iran relationsIran Foreign Policy
يتحدث الكتاب باسهاب عن المشروع الايراني في المنطقة العربية والاسلامية  عبر اوراق بحثيّة ساهم فيها نخبة من الباحثين والمتخصصين والمهتمين العرب من مختلف التيارات والتوجهات..والكتاب هو الطبعة الثانية التي صدرت عام 2014 وهي طبعة مزيدة ومنقحة
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisMiddle East StudiesArabicIranian Studies
Bu yazıda İran İslam Cumhuriyeti’nin dış politikasındaki dönüşüm, dönüşümün nedenleri ve sonuçları analiz edilecektir. Bu çerçevede öncelikle devrim sonrası İran dış politikası genel hatlarıyla incelencek, İran dış politikasında... more
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      Middle East StudiesIranian StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesIran Foreign Policy
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      International TradeIranian StudiesIran Foreign PolicyEnerji
Iran has remained one of the most effective tools in Russia's foreign policy towards the West for more than two hundred years. Drawing on previously unpublished and recently declassified sources which change the established wisdom on many... more
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      Area StudiesRussian StudiesMilitary IntelligenceSocial Sciences
Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction Doctrine, Policy and Command by Anthony H. Cordesman and Adam C. Seitz January 12, 2009 Iran’s nuclear ambitions and missile programs, and their interactions with its growing capabilities for... more
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      Iran Foreign PolicyIranian Foreign PolicyIran nuclear programIranian Nuclear Program
With the collapse of the Soviet Union and independence of the Caucasus countries, widespread changes emerged in the political geography of this region and the power vacuum created by the collapse of the Soviet created a new opportunity... more
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      CaucasusIran Foreign PolicySouth CaucasusIranian Foreign Policy
1920 yılında Osmanlı topraklarından kopartılan Musul-Basra-Bağdat vilayetleri, Irak kimliği altında Milletler Cemiyeti tarafından İngiliz mandasına bırakılmıştı. Geçmişte var olamayan bu devlet, 1932 yılında (sözde) bağımsızlığını ilan... more
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      Iraqi HistoryIranian StudiesHistory of IranIraq
Anti-Iranian protests in Afghanistan and the stabbing of three clerics in Iran threaten to cast a shadow over Iranian efforts to capitalise on the fallout in Central Asia of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryUkrainian StudiesTurkish and Middle East Studies
Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction: Capabilities, Developments and Strategic Uncertainties by Anthony H. Cordesman and Adam C. Seitz October 14, 2008 The Burke Chair has prepared a new set of briefs, prepared by Anthony H. Cordesman... more
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      Iran Foreign PolicyIranian Foreign PolicyIran nuclear programAssymetric warfare
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      Iranian StudiesForeign PolicyVenezuelaIran (American Foreign Policy)
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      Iranian StudiesIranIran Foreign Policyİran Dış Politikası
2011 yılında başlayan Suriye’deki iç savaş, devlet ve devlet-dışı aktörlerin dahli ile birlikte uluslararası bir hal almıştır. Savaşın tarafı olan aktörler, silahlı mücadelelerinin yanı sıra propaganda faaliyetlerinde de bulunmuşlar ve... more
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      Visual propagandaPropagandaIranian StudiesIranian Cinema
Despite his promises, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has so far not succeeded in bringing a rapprochement in relations with the strongest Arab state in the Persian Gulf – Saudi Arabia. It is the opposite. Both states are struggling... more
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      Middle East StudiesInternational SecurityIranian StudiesIran Foreign Policy
دراسة: "الأبعاد الجيو-استراتيجية للسياستين الإيرانيّة والتركيّة حيال سوريا" قمت بانجاز هذه الدراسة في اوائل سنة 2012، وقام المركز العربي بنشرها في شهر آذار- مارس من العام 2013 نظرا لاهمّيتها ولان التوقعات المستقبليّة فيها تستشرف ما... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsNear Eastern StudiesForeign Policy Analysis
Since 2018, an increasing number of Iran-backed armed groups have started to be integrated into the Syrian and Iraqi official armed forces. The integration of armed groups allows Tehran to enjoy a multi-layered, longer-term, and... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesIranian StudiesIraqSyria
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      Iranian StudiesThe Persian GulfIran Foreign PolicyArabian/Persian Gulf Studies
Regardless of the political and ideological diversity in disputes that engulf many of the Islamic nations of the Middle East today, the Shia versus Sunni conflict is gradually defining most of them. It appears that the United States... more
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      Middle East StudiesIranian StudiesMiddle East PoliticsIran Foreign Policy
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      Iranian StudiesHistory of IranForeign PolicyCritical discourse studies (Languages And Linguistics)
The Master's work in International Criminal Justice at Portsmouth in 2010 explores various security issues concerning Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program and the potential threat of WMD usage by terrorist groups, specifically focusing... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisTerrorismWeapons of Mass DestructionNuclear Weapons