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In studying international state behavior and interactions, scholars have increasingly focused on developing a dichotomy of good versus bad international citizens as based on adherence to international norms and conventions. Within this... more
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      StigmatizationNuclearVictimizationEtic Vs Emic Perspectives
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      Pahlavi DynastyKurdesدوره پهلوی دومتاریخ کردستان
فریدون: نسبت ایران و اسلام بحثی همیشه درازدامن در عرصه اندیشه‌ورزی ایرانی بوده است. از آثار نویسندگان منتقد عصر ناصری تا روشنفکر- سیاستمداران عهد مشروطه بحث درباره نسبت اسلام و ایران پررنگ است. ایران‌گرایی مستتر در آثار اغلب این نویسندگان... more
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      Iranian HistoryPre-Islamic IranPolitical IslamMonarchy
Introduction Texture of the old city, one of the most valuable and most precious cultural relics are evidence of a civilization that is magnificent and proud Birth certificate is real and cities. Despite all the glory of his exemplary,... more
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      Strategic PlanningUrban RevitalizationOld Town
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      CensorshipInternet StudiesIranian StudiesSocial Media
Internet, despite its benefits and potentials, has disadvantages for all countries, especially Iran, which has unique cultural, religious, and political characteristics. One way of dealing with these threats is imposing a filtering... more
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      CensorshipIranian StudiesThe InternetInternet freedom
Globally, Internet censorship is on the rise and Iran has been portrayed as one of the most critical cases. So far, however, no studies have investigated the issue from an inside look. To fill this literature gap, the present paper aims... more
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      Media StudiesCensorshipIranian StudiesSocial Media
1. Introduction The tendency towards moving to cities and urbanization is currently an increasing challenge over the world which seems to be the consequence of modernity. Unbalanced growth of cities is now a remarkable challenge. Paying... more
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      UrbanizationUrban SprawlSmart GrowthUrban Growth
Traversing a century of revolution, counterrevolution, and regime change in Iran, Arya Zahedi traces out the social, political, and ideological tensions that continuously push the country toward the brink of insurrection. It has been... more
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      MarxismRevolutionsIranian StudiesCommunism
Streszczenie Bangladesz jest państwem położonym w Azji Południowej, w którym dochodzi do napięć na tle religijnym. Open Doors podaje, że w 2024 roku Bangladesz zajmuje 26. miejsce na mapie prześladowań chrześcijan. Celem niniejszego... more
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      Human RightsDiscriminationBangladeshReligious Extremism
The assassination of Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, marks a significant event in the Middle East with potentially far-reaching consequences across various regional issues, including the Yemeni file. These consequences will manifest... more
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This presentation covers a comprehensive image of late Iran's history with emphasis on the last century, the Constitutional Revolution of 1905, the rise of the modernist Pahlavi dynasty, the Islamic Revolution of 1979, the rise of the... more
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      Iranian StudiesProtestIranian HistoryRestoration
Come tutte le rivoluzioni, anche quella iraniana, che nei primi mesi del 1979 causò il tracollo di un impero che rivendicava radici millenarie, fu un evento che maturò in un contesto di profondi e dirompenti mutamenti interni e regionali... more
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      Public OpinionGlobalizationHistory of IranItaly
Political Subjectivity and Justice Morteza parvizan, " PhD student in Social Welfare at Allameh Tabatabai University." Orcid: 0000-0003-1036-1515-State studies journal The process of political modernity, alongside the evolution of... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychoanalysisPolitical EconomyPolitical Philosophy
ABSTRACT:The Iranian revolution of 1979 was a major revolution of the 20th century. It was on par with the Russian revolution of 1917 and Mao Ze Dong's revolution in China in 1949. This revolution was driven by religious figures led by... more
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A Persian expression conveys a strong message about the role of mullahs in Iranian society: if a person lifts a mullah’s beard, it reveals the inscription “Made in England” underneath. This idea has echoed throughout Iranian political... more
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      Iranian StudiesIslamic republic of Iran
In the constitutions of various countries, the goals and duties of the government are listed. Some of which are related to the economic duties of the government, and the general examples and the way of applying those duties are noted;... more
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      Comparative LawGovernmentPakistanFundamental Rights
Respecting the rights of the child is of particular importance due to physical and mental weakness and the lack of development of intelligence and intelligence, because the future human being is formed in childhood, and whatever is... more
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      Human RightsPakistanChild RightsConstitution
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Ömərov V., Məmmədova N., Mustafayeva N. Gürcüstan–Ermənistan münasibətləri: qurulması, mövcud vəziyyəti və problemləri. – Bakı: “Parlaq İmzalar” nəşriyyatı, 2024. - 256 s. Mötəbər mənbələr əsasında yazılmış monoqrafiyada... more
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Rulers in any country are more limited than the ruled as they are in charge of passing and enforcing laws as well as resolving disputes arising in the country. Distribution of power in the legislature, executive and judiciary and... more
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      PakistanSeparation of PowersConstitutionIslamic republic of Iran
Provision of temporary housing is one of the crucial stages of post-disaster rehabilitation plans, which play a determinant role in the rehabilitation of the injured and provide the facility of resumption of normal life activities until... more
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      HousingRural EnvironmentTemporary Housing
This article studies the relationship between politics and the art market. It adopts the Iranian model and analyzes how the political advancement of the Islamic Republic influenced aesthetics, art production, and the art market, to... more
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      AestheticsPoliticsArt MarketIslamic republic of Iran
La réponse de l'Iran à l'attaque israélienne (Résumé du troisième sujet de «Question-Réponse» du 15/04/2024 avec Valery Viktorovitch Pyakin) L’attaque israélienne contre l’ambassade iranienne 01/04/2024 Mots-clés: Iran, Israël, attaque... more
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    • Critical Political Discourse Analysis
This paper aims to explain the role of good governance in the realization of the knowledge-based economy within a quadruple helix innovation system (QHIS). It employs an analytical-descriptive method, while focusing on the econometric... more
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    • Economics
In contemporary Iranian discourse, the depiction of Mosaddeq weaves a complex narrative marked by contention and veneration. Despite sustained efforts to downplay Mosaddeq’s legacy both in the post-coup Pahlavi era and in the Islamic... more
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      Collective MemoryIslamic republic of Iran1953 Iranian coup d'état
Research Letter of Political Science Results and Discussion One characteristic often attributed to Generation Z is political disengagement or apathy, driven by a focus on lifestyle and a superficial engagement with issues rather than deep... more
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    • Iranian Studies
Israel killed Hamas’ Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, causing Iran to threaten retaliation, which did not materialize. Rumors suggested a secret Iran-West ceasefire deal for Gaza, which was not upheld. Following this, Israel targeted Hezbollah... more
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      IsraelHezbollahGaza StripIsrael Iranian Nuclear Crisis
هديکچ هلاقم نیا زا فده ، شناد داصتقا ققحت رد بوخ ینارمکح شقن نییبت ب چیپرام یروآون متسیس بلاق رد ناین هلاقم نیا شور .تسا هناگراهچ ، یلیلحت تروص هب یفیصوت و ، بوچراچ ،نآ ییارگداهن زا یشخب رد و تسا داصتقا شور زا زین نآ لیلحت یارب یجنس هداد... more
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      BusinessCorporate GovernanceKnowledge EconomyEconomic System
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      Iranian StudiesIslamic republic of Iran
Femme seule en Iran durant le ramadan en 2012
Plus qu'un récit de voyage
suivi de
Lettres de Syrie, interviews avec des Syriens une année après le début de la guerre contre la Syrie
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      Critical GeopoliticsIranian StudiesIslamInterviews
This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of combined microwave-ultrasonic pasteurization system on Escherichia coli and vitamin C content in sour cherry juice (SCJ). Based on the findings, microwave output power, ultrasound power,... more
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      Materials ScienceChemistryMicrowaveResponse Surface Methodology
The present study aimed to compare Heidegger's and Āl-e-Ahmad's views on technology; first, the close relationship between subjectivism and modern technology was analyzed based on Heidegger, and subsequently, it was pointed out that... more
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      PhilosophyMartin HeideggerSubjectivism and Objectivism
Hezbollah is one of the most influential Islamist groups in the West Asian region and the Islamic world, which was specifically influenced by the teachings of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Due to the specific circumstances of Lebanon,... more
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      LebanonMiddle EastHezbollahIslamic republic of Iran
The purpose of this study was to investigate and explain the changes and developments in the process of theorizing Velayat-e-Faqih in the second period of the Islamic Republic. Using a "trend analysis model" and a descriptive-analytical... more
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      Islamic republic of IranIslamic GovernmentSupreme LeaderVelayat-e Faqih
Economic systems, from the perspective of legal origin, are generally of two kinds or a combination of these two; the free market or private ownership system or state-controlled or public ownership system. But the drafters of the 1358... more
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    • Comparative Law
The Iranian people, in their unwavering quest to liberate Iran from the oppressive rule of the Islamic Republic of Iran, draw inspiration from a rich historical context. They recall how Western countries supported Iran's enemies in... more
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      ElectionsIslamic republic of Iranhistory of the USA
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The Safavid Empire's urbanization process led to significant progressions in the textile industry, particularly silk production, and trade emerged as vital elements of the Iranian economy. State-sponsored weaving shops were mostly... more
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    • Safavid Persia
The paper aims to study the jurisprudential attitudes in the field of contemporary Shiite Imamiyah political thought, which is the basis for the formation of the first Shiite government. Hence, the main question is what developments have... more
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      ConstitutionIslamic republic of Iranreligious Democracy
Usar exceso de terminología occidental para explicar el Medio Oriente siempre se quedará corto. En esa región aplican dinámicas sociales, políticas, religiosas y militares propias, difíciles a veces de comprender en Occidente, por lo que... more
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Аннотация. Статья посвящена исследованию торгово-экономических отношений между Азербайджанской Республикой (АР) и Исламской Республикой Иран (ИРИ). Автор анализирует факторы, влиявшие на темп развития азербайджано-иранских... more
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      South CaucasusIslamic republic of IranRepublic of AzerbaijanSecond Karabakh War
The interaction of the party system and the electoral system can be one of the strategic requirements in the realization of democracy. Despite the 100-year-old formation of parties in Iran, it still faces challenges and divergences in the... more
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      Islamic republic of IranElectoral SystemParty System
Changes in the fatty acid content, during frozen storage at-24°C of Caspian kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum), golden grey mullet (Liza aurata), common carp (Caprinus carpio), pike perch (Sander lucioperca) and common kilka (Clupeonella... more
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      TehranIslamic republic of Iran
The interaction of the party system and the electoral system can be one of the strategic requirements in the realization of democracy. Despite the 100-year-old formation of parties in Iran, it still faces challenges and divergences in the... more
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      Islamic republic of IranElectoral SystemParty System
This paper is a featured piece in a collection about the student movement in Iran, published in a special issue of Journal of Iranian Research and Analysis (Vol. 15, No. 2, November 1999). It briefly reviews the student movement during... more
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      Iranian StudiesIslamic republic of IranStudents Movements
This article examines the justifications and challenges associated with spiritual governments through a Jungian lens, particularly focusing on the intersection of psycho-spiritual dynamics and political power. Drawing on historical and... more
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      GnosticismPsychologySocial PsychologyPersian Literature
Abstract This research article explores the creation and utilization of pseudo-clerics in Iran, a strategy employed by various intelligence agencies to infiltrate and manipulate the socio-political and religious landscape. We previously... more
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      Social PsychologyTheologyIranian StudiesPolitics
When I started studying music at Tehran University in my twenties, I was led to explore the complex field of Iranian musicology. My initial observations in post-revolutionary Iran unveiled a nuanced and often contradictory landscape for... more
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Objective This study focuses on designing a digital transformation model for the offshore oil and gas industry in Iran to be utilized in the strategic planning and policy-making process in the industry. While applying digital achievements... more
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    • Industry 4.0