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Although planned as the " City of Tomorrow " , the Bijlmer district in Amsterdam quickly became the quintessential symbol of urban decline. Today, even with half of the planned renewal of the Bijlmer completed, the alleged success of this... more
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      Drugs And AddictionHomelessnessGentrificationModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)
San Francisco has arisen as an "instant city" not once but three times: after the California Gold Rush (1849-1875), following the 1906 earthquake and fire (1906-1930), and with the modern high-rise city (1960-1985). These pivotal periods... more
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      Urban HistoryUrban PlanningDecentralizationSan Francisco
Slides de aula a convite, a respeito do livro "Condição pós-moderna", de David Harvey, na disciplina ARQ 5622 - História da Arte, Arquitetura e Urbanismo 2, ministrada no curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal de Santa... more
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      ArchitectureBaltimore CityUrban RevitalizationUrban Rehabilitation and Revitalization of Historic Centers
Bu sunumda, 1993 yılından beri Safranbolu'da restorasyonunu gerçekleştirdiğim 4 konağı tanıtacağım ve Safranbolu özelinden hareketle Osmanlı konaklarının yapısal sorunlarını tartışacağım. (Abdülmecid’in) Macunağası İzzet Efendi Konağı... more
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      RestorationSmall Country Towns RevitalizationArchitectural Preservation & RestorationRestorasyon
i STRATEGI URBAN REVITALIZATION KAWASAN KOTA LAMA MAKASSAR i STRATEGI URBAN REVITALIZATION KAWASAN KOTA LAMA MAKASSAR KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala limpahan rahmat, taufiq, dan hidayah-Nya sehingga... more
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      Urban managementUrban And Regional PlanningUrban Revitalization
Most of the concern in recent years about the quality of life of the residents of large post-war housing estates in Europe has focused on the various socio-economic aspects of the resident populations and the way these aspects impact on... more
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      European StudiesHousing & Residential DesignUrban RegenerationPrivatisation Of Public Space
Nowadays revitalization is often defined as a comprehensive effort including revalorization, restoration, reconstruction, modernization and actions aimed at the revival of a building, a district or a town devastated in different aspects,... more
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      ManagementMarketingEconomic HistoryUrban Geography
This research paper presents the results of a research scholarship at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning in Hamburg, Germany. It examines the narrative and progress of the Colombian city of Medellin from the point of view of its... more
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      Library ScienceUrban PlanningUrban SociologyLearning Cities
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      TransportationMobilityUrban RevitalizationCirculation
Os espaços livres, em sua maioria, caracterizam-se por serem as áreas urbanas remanescentes ligadas às condições naturais, convivendo em meio à massa cinza das edificações e impermeabilização do solo das cidades. O desenvolvimento deste... more
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      Arquitetura e UrbanismoUrban RevitalizationEspaços Públicos, Transformações Urbanas E MorfologiaEspaços Livres Públicos
Akpinar, İ.Y., Uraz, T., “Kültürel projeler üzerinden kentsel canlandırma ve Mağusa örneği”, MEKANSAL GELİŞME STRATEJİLERİ VE KENTSEL PROJELER, Uluslararası 18. Kentsel Tasarım ve Uygulamalar Sempozyumu, 28 – 29.05.2007, MSGSÜ, İstanbul... more
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      Cultural HeritageCyprus StudiesCultural Heritage ConservationUrban Regeneration
Revitalization and conservation of a historic urban area is the process that aims at giving a new life to a specific historic urban area suffering from different physical, social, and economic challenges to be ready for the contemporary... more
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      Urban ConservationUrban Design (Urban Studies)KurdistanStrategies
The "new American city" is composed of many parts, including downtowns of primary cities whose contents have changed over the past fifty years as a new paradigm about their functions has emerged. Housing has increasingly played an... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban RevitalizationDowntown Revitalization
This dissertation examines the role of external experts in local agenda setting. The study conducts on archival research on three components of Oklahoma City’s Metropolitan Area Projects programs, specifically education, indoor arenas,... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)GlobalizationUrban PoliticsInterest Groups (Political Science)
In this article, I trace how urban revitalization is tied to a rearticulation of social citizenship in Canada. While housing policy was framed as a priority under the welfare state, there is a distinct transition whereby concerns about... more
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      History of CanadaHousing PolicyNeoliberalismCities
Дипломная работа, Московский архитектурный институт, 2020 В основе нашего проекта мы поставили три основные проблемы: связь с городом, отсутствие инфраструктуры и неконтролируемый рост неформальных поселений. Мы предлагаем упорядочить... more
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      ArchitectureIrregular/Informal Settlements StudiesSustainable ArchitectureUrban Design
Üç aşama içinde geliştirilecek olan "Tarlabaşı Rehabilitasyon Projesi"nin araştırma grubu, Tarlabaşı semti ile ilgili olarak, 1999 yılından itibaren çalışmalarını sürdürmektedir ve semtin gerek fiziksel ve gerekse sosyokültürel tabanı ile... more
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      Urban RevitalizationUrban rehabilitation
The arts figure prominently in discourses on urban transformation, but in contradictory ways, as artists are blamed for gentrification while arts-led revitalization strategies are championed for struggling post-industrial cities. This... more
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      Spatial PracticesCritical Race StudiesUrban RegenerationGentrification
Kalimas River’s stream crosses the central of Surabaya city. With 20-35 meters wide and 12 kilometres long, its streams stretched from Wonokromo to Kalimas Harbour in north Surabaya. It was main transportation track and central of trade... more
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      Urban RenewalUrban Revitalization
This paper analyses how the interventions of the Programa Monumenta (1999-2010) – a Brazilian national program for the preservation of historic cities with the financial support of the Inter-American Development Bank – oscillated between... more
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      PreservationUrban RevitalizationUrban rehabilitationNeoliberalism and Urbanisation
In the last 20 years, more than 60 historical mansions in Safranbolu have been restored for tourism purposes; More than 1200 bed capacities have been created. In this context, the Gülevi Safranbolu project is an effort to create a... more
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      Cultural HeritageSustainable TourismArchitectural PhotographyArchitectural preservation
In the initial part of the article the author covers the problem of reasons underlying towns’ degradation. In the following parts he refers briefly to revitalization processes and concentrates his considerations on these which are carried... more
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      Program EvaluationPublic AdministrationPublic ManagementEconomic Policy Evaluation
There were 911 sites including 704 cultural, 180 natural, 27 mixed properties were included as outstanding universal value by the UNESCO World Heritage Convention in June 2010. Malaysian heritage sites were Melaka and Georgetown as listed... more
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageMalaysiaUrban Design
Um estudo sobre a importancia e aplicabilidade dos estudos de percepção ambiental para o desenho urbano e a revitalização da área portuária do Rio de Janeiro, uma área central em deterioramento e de potencial de desenvolvimento... more
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      Urban DesignUrban RevitalizationEnvironmental PerceptionWaterfront Redevelopment
O Mercado é uma parte integrante deste grande organismo vivo que é a cidade. Um membro do espaço público, que o dinamiza e qualifica. Ele é um revitalizador da vida de uma cidade. Um dos mais antigos qualificadores do espaço, acompanhou... more
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      ArchitectureUrban RevitalizationArchitecture and Public SpacesRevitalization
The traditional urban form in historic Ningbo has undergone many radical transformations over the past two decades. The relatively homogeneous traditional fabric of the city has been damaged and remodeled following modernized urban... more
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      ConservationHistoric PreservationUrban RenewalUrban Revitalization
The paper analyses the development of the Langstrasse quarter - a formerly rundown area next to Zurich’s Central Business District - in relation to urban gentrification and displacement. The results demonstrate that there has been an... more
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      SocioeconomicsZurichGentrificationSocioeconomic Exclusion
Abstrak Ketimpangan pembangunan kawasan komersial pusat kota menunjukkan perwajahan urban economics berindikasi urban sprawl. Kawasan Niaga Pasar Petisah di Kecamatan Medan Petisah menunjukkan mix-use land use, minim ruang publik dan... more
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      ArchitectureUrban Revitalization
Over the past two decades, urban renewal has become a major means to increase the efficiency of land production in Hong Kong (HK). Although the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) and Hong Kong Housing Authority (HKHA) have introduced the... more
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      Social Impact AssessmentUrban RevitalizationHong Kong urbanism
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      MuseumsCanadaUrban RevitalizationCritical Museology
Business improvement areas (BIAs) have become key mechanisms through which notions of authenticity are implemented on the urban scale. Some scholars, however, argue that BIA claims to authenticity represent a form of cultural power that... more
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      HomelessnessAuthenticitySocial ControlUrban Revitalization
Noch keine zehn Jahre ist es her, da wurde dem Langstrassenquartier eine düstere Zukunft prophezeit. Themen wie Rotlichtmilieu und offene Drogenszene, Unwirtlichkeit und Abwertung prägten die öffentliche Debatte über das Quartier. Der... more
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      Social DemographyZurichGentrificationHousing
Qatar has witnessed a rapid development in urbanism within the last few decades especially after the oil discovery. Modern style projects have been imported to the country in-order to reflect aluxurious image. The Fareej (traditional... more
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      SociologySocial InteractionUrban PlanningIdentity (Culture)
En lugar de concebir los museos como impersonales transmisores de arriba abajo de la doxa consagrada, la museologia critica reivindica los puntos de vista y discursos plurales. Asi responden las ultimas teorias y practicas museisticas al... more
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      MuseumsCanadaUrban RevitalizationCritical Museology
Since the foundation of the Republic in 1923, the center of the capital city of Ankara has been Kızılay Square. The Square has become a historical and cultural key point and one of the city's most important open public spaces. While the... more
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      Urban DesignUrban RevitalizationAnkaraKızılay Meydanı
Considering three-dimensional process of sustainability (physical-economical and social), the aim of conservation for making historic urban environment sustainable should be matched with these dimensions. Therefore, earlier conservation... more
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      GentrificationUrban RevitalizationRevitalizationSustainability
Kluczowe obserwacje nt. Społecznego Planu Sprawiedliwej Transformacji Subregionu Wałbrzyskiego w kontekście potrzeb informacyjnych szablonu Terytorialnego Planu Sprawiedliwej Transformacji dla Województwa Dolnośląskiego. Spotkanie Grupy... more
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      BusinessMarketingDevelopment EconomicsEnvironmental Sustainability
In recent years, the permeability of the Iron Curtain seems to have become a new paradigm in the field of postwar history - urban history included. It is clear, however, that significant differences existed among Eastern Bloc countries in... more
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      Urban HistoryUrban PlanningCentral European historyUrban Studies
Analysis of social networks in areas undergoing intense urban transformations are becoming an ever more important topic in spatial planning. The growing attention given to social networks is due to the rise of problems and conflicts... more
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      RegenerationUrban StudiesUrban SociologyUrban Revitalization
Buffalo at the Crossroads: The Past, Present, and Future of American Urbanism (Cornell University Press, 2020)
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      DeindustrializationUrbanismUrban RuinsCreative City
Zehn Jahre "Route der Industriekultur" verdeutlichen vor allem die Reduktion der Geschichte auf 200 Jahre Montangeschichte, die im Großen und Ganzen als abgeschlossen gilt-obwohl sie es nicht ist. Diese Vergangenheit wird dabei nicht... more
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      Industrial HeritageDe-industrialisationMaterial CultureRegional identity
This article investigates the birth and evolution of a Business Improvement District (BID) in Talimhane, Istanbul, which is the first case of use of this instrument of neoliberal governance in the Turkish city. The distinctive nature of... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban PlanningUrban RegenerationGentrification
Esta tesis de doctorado estudia la microdensificación como estrategia para promover la revitalización de barrios pericentrales que actualmente enfrentan un proceso de obsolescencia dentro de la estructura urbana, y su potencial como... more
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      Political ScienceUrban PlanningUrban RegenerationUrban Renewal
Considering the three-dimensional process of sustainability (physical- economical and social), the aim of conservation for making historic urban environment sustainable should be matched with these dimensions. Therefore, earlier... more
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      GentrificationUrban RevitalizationSustainability
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      Urban StudiesBrownfields RedevelopmentUrban SociologyUrban Development
Debates on territorial marketing at an international scale pay more and more attention to quality of life and urban sustainability as competitive advantages to attract international investments. Yet few studies have provided insights into... more
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      MontréalUrban RevitalizationUrban Metabolism
IN NOVEMBER 1941, David Tishman's two sons were on top of the world. Both were recent Ivy League college graduates, newly married, with bright career prospects in the family company. i Bob was lanky and thoughtful; Alan, two years his... more
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      Real EstateUrbanismCitiesUrban Revitalization
Im Zuge der Suburbanisierung hat die Stadt Zürich, wie andere schweizerische und europäische Städte auch, seit den frühen 1960er-Jahren einen drastischen Rückgang der Wohnbevölkerung erlebt. Insbesondere jüngere, verhältnismäßig... more
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      ZurichGentrificationCreative IndustriesSocioeconomic Exclusion