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Études de lettres n° 312, "1980: l'an zéro du monde contemporain ?" (J. Meizoz et G. Philippe, dir.), 2020.
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      Cultural HistoryFrench LiteraturePoetryModern Poetry
Because film, as a form, is appropriate for the depiction of the past, film may have influenced Magris's nostalgia for the Habsburg Empire.
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      Film StudiesMultilingualismLiterature and cinemaHabsburg Studies
Maria Tatar states that the fairy-tale Beauty and the Beast depicts, “The transformative power of empathy, that encodes messages about […] romance, marriage, and ‘The Other’” (9). Because of these coded messages, the story and its many... more
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      Gender StudiesAvant-Garde CinemaIntertextualityFeminism
La crisis del lenguaje ha sido un fenómeno que ha recorrido la historia de la literatura. Ha sido tratado como mal estacionario, derivando en la figura actual del Blocked Writer, tanto como la materia prima de la que se ha ido creando una... more
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      Literature and cinemaJean CocteauOrphéeBlocked Writer
Fin 1917, Apollinaire place l’« esprit nouveau » sous la notion centrale et banale de la « surprise ». Il cherche alors à fédérer un groupe de poètes proches des cubistes, qui prend l’ascendant sur la scène littéraire cette année-là. Les... more
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      Tristan TzaraAndré BretonControversyJean Cocteau
Comparaison entre l'histoire originelle écrite par Mme Leprince de Beaumont sur "La Belle et la Bête" et l'adaptation cinématographique proposée par Jean Cocteau en 1947.
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      French LiteratureLiterature and cinemaFrench languageFolk and Fairy Tales
Proust has shown little interest in the decorative arts of his time, but his work bears the mark of the "submarine style" distinctive of Art nouveau. The low bookshelves with glass panes in the Grand Hôtel room at Balbec ― the symbol of À... more
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      Comparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureMusicologyVisual Studies
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    • Jean Cocteau
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      Critical TheoryEmotionArtFilm Theory
Picasso lithographer and activist is a revised English language version of the book Picasso litógrafo y militante, (WorldCat No. 952991448), published by the Picasso Foundation, Málaga, in 2016. It is the first commented catalogue... more
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      Modern ArtSocialist RealismPaul EluardPablo Picasso
Bu çalışmada, Fransız besteci Erik Satie'nin politik, sanatsal, estetik duruşu bütünsel olarak ele alınarak eserlerindeki avangard yaklaşım ve tekniklerin 20. yüzyıl müziği üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde 20.... more
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Surrealist cinema flourished in France in the late 1920s, but following the widespread adoption of synchronized sound in Europe in 1929, its future was uncertain. The anti-musical stance of many Surrealists (particularly André Breton),... more
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      Film Music And SoundSurrealismFilm MusicLuis Buñuel
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      Marie DarrieussecqAntoine WatteauDIDEROTJean Cocteau
Volume 9 of the Catalogue raisonné of the Orozco collection of artist and illustrated books as well as prints, dedicated to Jean Arp, Jean Cocteau, André Masson, Max Ernst, Wilfredo Lam, Roger Van de Wouwer, Magritte, Paul Delvaux,... more
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      MagritteSalvador DaliMax ErnstJean Cocteau
Η αφάνταστη δραματουργική και θεματολογική ποικιλία που διατρέχει το έργο του Κοκτώ, από τους νεωτερισμούς της εποχής του στην τραγωδία και στο μπουλβάρ και από τη φάρσα στην πραγμάτευση της ιστορίας και στη θεολογική διαμάχη δεν δρα... more
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      Theatre StudiesFrench TheatreJean Cocteau
Parade, which premiered on May 18, 1917 at the Théâtre du Chatelet, was the result of a collaboration between Jean Cocteau, Pablo Picasso, Léonide Massine, and Erik Satie, all under the guidance of the “monstre sacré” of the Ballets... more
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      Art HistoryBallets RussesPablo PicassoTwentieth Century Art
No previous study has dealt in such depth with the shadowgraphs later called “Rayographs” that Man Ray began making in Paris around 1921/22. This account of Man Ray is very different to that usually given in the literature. It... more
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      Walter BenjaminTristan TzaraMarcel DuchampLaszlo Moholy-Nagy
Ernest (de) GENGENBACH. Sa vie. Christophe STENER, BoD. 2022 Préface de notre ouvrage consacré à la vie d'Ernest (de) GENGENBACH (1903-1979), un épigone du Surréalisme injustement oublié ayant alterné ouvrages satanises et témoignages... more
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      SurrealismJean Paul SartreAndré BretonDadaism & Surrealism
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      PerceptionFilm TheorySynaesthesiaIntermediality
Publication dans Guillaume Boulangé et Christian Rolot (dir.), Jean Cocteau et Edith Piaf. Deux monstres sacrés, presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2015,  p. 58-75
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      Jean CocteauPress and Literature StudiesLittérature Française Du XXe SiècleLiterature and the Press
Post Öykü, Ocak Şubat 2015, s. 91-102.
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      HermeneuticsPaul ValéryJean CocteauVincent Van Gogh
Partant d’un dessin de Marcel Proust par Jean Cocteau conçu en 1922 ainsi que d’un essai biographique de Claude Arnaud publié en 2013, l’auteur de l’article présente la relation entre les deux écrivains en référence à la problématique de... more
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      French LiteratureMarcel ProustCaricatureCaricatures
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      French LiteratureInternational RelationsAestheticsEighteenth-Century literature
Webinaire "Mythes et Discours, entre l'inter et le trans" (26-27 mai 2021) Résumé L’ objectif de cette communication est d’examiner les significations du mythe orphique dans le film de Jean-Luc Godard, Histoire(s) du cinéma... more
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      Jean-Luc GodardOrpheusJean Cocteau
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      Roland BarthesLoveMarcel ProustItalo Calvino
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      World LiteraturesTravel WritingCosmopolitanismPeriodical Studies
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      HomerIconographyArt HistoryArt
A discussion of Cocteau and the cult of death in his Orphic trilogy.
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      French LiteratureGay And Lesbian StudiesFrench FilmJean Cocteau
Never anxious about artistic ‘borrowing,’ Tennessee Williams reputedly considered himself heir to this perennial practice as he lavishly ‘littered’ his own ‘original’ works with overt and covert references to literary luminaries from past... more
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      IntertextualityAmerican DramaTennessee WilliamsJean Cocteau
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      Belle EpoquePoésieJean CocteauHistoire des femmes
Billy Klüver: A Day With Picasso (29 Photographs by Jean Cocteau) Introduction for the Hungarian Edition.
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      Pablo PicassoJean CocteauExperiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.)Billy Klüver
According to Cultural Mythcriticism, there is no myth without character (a person in the world of fiction). This article shows how this methodology works in any artistic production, even when we deal with either objects or animals, and is... more
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The God father of my class in high school Le parrain de ma promotion d’École Normale JAMAIS TROP TARD POUR BIEN FAIRE NEVER TOO LATE TO DO GOOD SOMMAIRE 1. JEAN COCTEAU – LE SANG D’UN POÈTE – 1933 – (non disponible sauf sur... more
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      LovePhilosophy of LoveOrpheusOrphism
Selon Ray Harryhausen, maître des effets spéciaux cinématographiques, « Gustave Doré aurait été un grand chef opérateur […] il regardait les choses avec le point de vue de la caméra ». L’œuvre de Doré a marqué de manière indélébile... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryAnimationLiterature and cinema
No Kidding! Clown as Protagonist in Twentieth-Century Theater examines the way clown was transformed into a serious character in twentieth-century theater. Modernist theater practitioners recognized that clown's approach to performance is... more
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      MimesisVsevold MeyerholdBuster KeatonSamuel Beckett
L'attività di Jean Cocteau tra Satie e il gruppo dei Sei, nel periodo tra Parade e l'opera collettiva Les Mariés de la Tour Eiffel.
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      Jean CocteauMusica a Parigi tra la prima guerra mondiale e gli anni successivi.Les Six
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      AestheticsAvant-Garde CinemaArt TheoryModels of Creativity & of Creative Processes
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      Brazilian MusicMário de AndradeDarius MilhaudJean Cocteau
The article depicts the perception of Pablo Picasso’s painting by the vanguard French poets. The author considers theoretical and critical texts by Guillaume Apollinaire, Blaise Cendrars, Pierre Reverdy, Jean Cocteau, Louis Aragon and... more
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      CubismArt CriticismAndré BretonPablo Picasso
In the early sixties, a British-American company with the name of ‘Mediterranean Industries’ set up a weaving workshop with the specific aim of producing high-end original rya rugs designed by established European artists. Tadek Beutlich,... more
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      Jean CocteauWeaving/loomsMaltese ArtRya Rugs
La storia di questa meravigliosa disciplina continua partendo dal balletto che negli anni che seguirono il 1871 si ispirò a temi grandiosi ed accolse il linguaggio popolare e che racconta le lotte di inventori e scopritori contro le... more
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      StravinskyPablo PicassoEnrico Cecchetti, Italian balletJean Cocteau
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesFrench LiteratureGender StudiesQueer Studies
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      Film AdaptationAndré DelvauxJean CocteauGeorges Franju
José Corti, coll. Les Essais, 2022. Au cœur des Années folles, toute une constellation de poètes part à l’aventure du roman. D’Apollinaire à Supervielle – en passant par Albert-Birot, Beucler, Cendrars, Cocteau, Delteil, Grey, Havet,... more
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      PoetryModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)RomansModernism
One of the rare Ovidian films, of uncertain and differing reception.
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      Race and RacismBrazilian CinemaJean CocteauSamba Carioca - Bossa Nova
According to Ray Harryhausen, a special effects expert in the film industry, “Gustave Doré would have made a great director of photography . . . He saw things from the point of view of the camera.” Doré’s work has had a permanent impact... more
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      Visual StudiesIconographyArt HistoryFilm Studies
Beauty and the Beast seems to possess a perennial fascination, having persisted in various forms for somewhere between 2500 and 6000 years (da Silva and Tehrani 2016) even before Gabrielle de Villeneuve published her famous version in... more
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      Gender StudiesFilm StudiesAnimationLiterature
El presente artículo identificará los elementos simbólicos presentes en La sangre de un poeta con el mito de Orfeo, adelantando cómo esta película vanguardista prefiguró el universo poético que Jean Cocteau desarrollaría a lo largo de su... more
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      CinemaJean Cocteaumito di OrfeoVanguardias Artísticas
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      Translation StudiesMarcel ProustGeorges PerecRobert Desnos