Knowledge Communities
Recent papers in Knowledge Communities
Higher education is facing a range of major challenges during the twenty-first century. Personalised, flexible and open learning are considered among the driving forces, thus, issues of quality must be urgently addressed.
Virtual teamwork is increasingly becoming a characteristic way of working within and between organisations in the digital economy, bringing both opportunities and drawbacks. This article considers communication in virtual teams and ways... more
Technology supplements to college textbooks, such as self-guided quizzes and exercises available over the Internet, have become commonplace. The current study examined student perceptions regarding the utility of technology supplements... more
Almost everyone in India is conscious of the importance and urgency of the Challenges in Education and these are reflected in several other parts of the world as well. Some of these are the challenge of numbers, of relevance, of Quality,... more
This paper reports on an investigation into the online visibility of work undertaken in South Africa in the field of poverty alleviation. An experiment with Google searches was undertaken, motivated by concerns about the visibility of... more
"Block Printing is the process of using an object to make an inked impression upon a plain surface. It is one of the oldest and most enjoyable of all the crafts and has given color and pattern to paper, cloth, and other surfaces for... more
This paper outlines the theoretical rationale behind a doctoral research project currently in progress. Through a multi-method approach, the project examines spontaneously-emerging communities of learning in and around massively... more
Communities of practice's approaches have been proven to be effective in enhancing students' learning as well as helping them to cultivate inter personal skills, especially within the higher education system. An important development in... more
Op de website van Velov lezen we: “In team dragen we een gezamenlijke verantwoordelijkheid in de opleiding van toekomstige leerkrachten”. Met het thema “Team” willen de organisatoren van Velov de discussie over het belang van samenwerking... more
a. Les avancées technologiques Les avancées technologiques ont toujours existé et ont eu un impact important sur les différentes dimensions de la vie. En ce début de siècle, les nouvelles technologies ont mené au développement de... more
Every profession has a core body of knowledge (BoK) that at the very least, uniquely defines and differentiates that profession within the crowded global landscape of all professions, particularly those that are closely related in terms... more
This paper provides an introduction to the process of of creating a knowledge management system for a small to medium organisation. It looks at a range of strategies and policies which can be used to help capture, transfer, share and... more
In the past, knowledge is created and transcribed in the textual records. Hardcopy books, newspapers and notes are some of the major channels which share the knowledge. In the knowledge explosion era, the World Wide Web provides another... more
What might it mean to use books rather than read them? This work examines the relationship between book use and forms of thought and theory in the early modern period. Drawing on legal, medical, religious, scientific and literary... more
בפרק זה מוצגים ממצאים ממחקר רחב היקף שבו נבחנו השימושים בקהילות המקצועיות של משרד הרווחה והסיפוקים מהן, בעזרת ראיונות עם חברי הקהילות.
Introducción 1. La comunidad como explicación y construcción de realidades sociales complejas. 2. Encuadre y perspectivas para la acción comunitaria: del peso de la tradición a los procesos de cambio. 3. Formas y expresiones para la... more
Using qualitative data drawn from one specific instance of workplace virtuality and emotion -the experience of delivering online seminars using 'chat-rooms' -we explore how emotion was productively transformed through the use of... more
Science communication as an interdisciplinary field of study has always been concerned with issues of knowledge utilisation. This theoretical paper focusses on the “knowledge” part of knowledge utilisation and provides a conceptual frame... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between broad and select narrow personality traits and knowledge sharing behavior of employees in workplace. This study especially contributes to literature of personality by... more
Our main purpose in this short draft is to present a systemic-cybernetic model that relates 1) the notions 1 of 'Knowledge' and 'Cognition' 2) their essential conceptual ingredients, and 3) important constituents of their intellectual... more
There is no proper definition about knowledge management; however it can be defined as an approach that is used by the organizations to achieve their objectives with the best utilization of knowledge (Levinson). It is basically a concept... more
The innovative capacity of cities does not exclusively depend on the innovation processes managed by local firms. This paper considers a multi-level perspective to analyze the crucial role of individuals and communities outside firms in... more
Özet: Ekonomik kaygıların ön planda olduğu yapıların üretimi, alım gücünün ve asgari standartların gün geçtikçe yükselmesi ile birlikte değişmektedir. Yaşam koşullarının ve hayat standartlarının sürekli yükselmesi, beklentileri de... more
This article explores science cities and their basic characteristics. A brief outline of science cities in different parts of the world is given. A more detailed case description is presented on the most significant science city project... more
„Ефектът на пеперудата“ е научна метафора за неочаквано големите последици от незначително събитие в точното време и на точното място. Популярната в Западния свят история разказва, че автор на този образ е американският метеоролог Едуард... more
This chapter presents the main issues, state of the art and solutions in e-book pedagogy. Born or reanimated digitally, e-books complete modern traditional and digital libraries and allow users to read (online/ offline), to construct... more
In the era of the 21st century, the best higher education institutions have more than one role. Not only do they educate and train students but they also create new ideas and knowledge for the short-term contemporary issues as well as... more
What is DTH? Direct to Home, or DTH as it is popularly known is a technology capable of bringing the television signal directly to our home from the transmission station through a satellite and bypassing the cable system. Today's DTH... more
Abstract: Over the past two decades, Information & Communication Technology (ICT) has become an essential tool for all areas of life. In many countries information and communication technology has a clear impact on the development of... more
În societatea actuala, în care accesul la date si informatii este tot mai usor de realizat gratie ritmului de dezvoltare a tehnologiilor informatiei si telecomunicatiilor, se pune problema de a cunoaste tot mai mult, de a sti cum sa... more