Literature and the Sacred
Recent papers in Literature and the Sacred
The present article seeks to analyze the way in which the blasphemous figure of God in Dolce agonia by Nancy Huston allows the author to describe the sacred element in human life, seen as deprived of transcendental character. This is... more
Version de travail d'un article publié avec la référence suivante : Halen (Pierre), « Littérature et sacré : quelques enjeux », dans Art de lire, art de vivre. Hommage au Professeur Georges Jacques. Ouvrage coordonné par Myriam... more
Since "Iconoclash" (see the review above), iconoclasm and related terms have been taken as fundamental, general categories for the interpretation of pictures. This essay is part of a project to historicize that interest, which I think... more
The essay argues that the sublime, and especially the postmodern sublime, is an intricate and unresolved concept, and that it is not often coherent or necessary to import it into discourse on contemporary art. This was also published as... more
Le cinéma (ce qu'on appelle cinéma), qui n'est pas encore qu'au principe, deviendra au terme de son évolution la plus formidable trouvaille du monde, en ce sens qu'il dressera devant l'humanité une surhumanité ainsi qu'en face de la... more
Constatando l’attuale rigoglio degli studi su Bibbia e sacro in letteratura, la rassegna affronta le ultime opere collettive (2009-2012) dedicate a tale ambito di studi: i primi tre volumi di "La Bibbia e la letteratura italiana",... more
Théâtre complet, Paris, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 2005, p.993 (abréviation : 1 Séquestrés). Geneviève Idt, « Sartre mythologue », Autour de Jean-Paul Sartre. Littérature et philosophie, Paris, Gallimard, 1981, p. 122. 2... more
Questo saggio guarda da una prospettiva originale e provocatoria il rapporto tra la filosofia di Heidegger e il Nazismo, prendendo in esame il celebre incontro che il pensatore tedesco ebbe con il poeta ebraico Paul Celan tra i sentieri... more
This paper demonstrates that Genesis 14 conforms to V. Propp's definition of a wondertale in his seminal work, Morphology of the Folktale. The paper further explores parallels in traditional Jewish exegesis, Russian Formalism, and M.M.... more
At the beginning of The man and the sacred (1939) Roger Caillois affirmed that "every religious conception of the universe implies that there is a distinction between the sacred and the prophane". Caillois discussed the theme of the... more
Segundo Eliade, o mundo da poesia tem uma sacralidade que decorreria do pietismo – o sentimento de piedade pelos humilhados, e da idéia de nulidade do ser humano, de descoberta e dignidade só no ser mais baixo. – A isto se dá o nome de... more
This is a research study paper with relevance to Arnaud Fournet´s “Proto Indo European Conjugation Analysis” in “PIE sets of personal pronominal forms (draft) Arnaud Fournet (September 2017). Arnaud´s draft paper abstract reads: A survey... more
Este esquema es harto esquemático, poco riguroso, poco actualizado, y, en general, grosero. Sin embargo, nos sirve para notar que ninguna de las ciencias allí inscritas forma hoy en día parte de la filosofía. ¿A qué puede dedicarse... more
El Coloquio XVI del bosque de divino de Fernán González de Eslava muestra el complejo aparato simbólico que se aplicó en América para la evangelización. El discurso alegórico y el uso narrativo de la iconografía emblemática lo confirman.... more
On analyse comment, dans le roman Fou de Vincent (1989) d'Hervé Guibert, se développe une poétique de l'antagonique, dont le syntagme “du piètre rendu précieux”, formulé à la cinquantième page de l’œuvre, constitue la clé de voûte. Il... more
An unusual and timely tribute in the 150 th year of the poet's birth anniversary Rabindranath Tagore's profound meditations on life, nature, grace and brokenness in the Gitanjali won him the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913.
Notre recherche de master a eu pour objectif d'analyser les modalités suivant lesquelles l'acte sexuel, présent au centre de trois oeuvres majeures de la littérature contemporaine que sont Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein de Marguerite... more
In Other Words The British Journal for Literary Translation
Norman Habel and his colleagues include in their ecological hermeneutics, a hermeneutic of retrieval of an Earth voice (in biblical texts). This hermeneutic relies on a practice of creative imagination to " retrieve " and " perform " an... more
Throughout the centuries French and Francophone writers were relatively rarely inspired by the figure of Moses and the story of Exodus. However, since the second half of 20th c. the interest of the writers in this Old Testament story has... more
Since the middle of the 1980s French Canadian novelist Sylvain Trudel has constantly put his characters in contentious situations from which they try to escape by way of creating alternative worlds at the same time real and fantastical.... more
The lyric production of the Friulian writer Lucia Colao (b. 1578), which survives in two manuscripts, represents a rare female contribution to the tradition of religious rewritings of Petrarch, which began in the 1530s with Girolamo... more
The literature of the Romantics, in the first part of the 19th century, is steeped in religious doubt. Moreover, the sacred was a taboo yet unavoidable subject especially in novels and short stories that were considered at the time... more
Translating the 9th century girl mystic Andal's songs from Classical Tamil took me almost a decade, from 2006-2015. In this early paper I explore my growing fascination with ancient Tamil Sangam poetics which allows for three levels of... more
At the beginning of The Man and the Sacred (1939) Roger Caillois affirmed that “every religious conception of the universe implies that there is a distinction between the sacred and the profane”. Caillois discussed the theme of the sacred... more
This paper is a philosophical analysis ofHeidegger and Nietzsche's approach tometaphysics and the associated problem ofnihilism. Heidegger sums up the history ofWestern metaphysics in a way which challengescommon sense approaches to... more
A response to Ranjan Gosh and J. Hillis Miller's Thinking Literature Across Continents
nvoking Kali draws on the Sanskrit genre of sacred stotra (स्तोत्र) literature, which is comprised of odes, eulogies or hymns of praise within codified poetic structures. This poem refers to the namavalli and sahasranamam, which translate... more
Caroline Sauter (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) Theopoetologie.∗ Absenz und Präsenz Gottes in Benjamins Baudelaire ... Benjamins schöpfungstheologische Übersetzungskonzeption weist auf Absenzen und Mangelphänomene in der... more
Being agnostic and believing in science only, Emile Zola perceived churches as simple buildings, monuments to a dead religion that would certainly lose the battle against nature and science. The paper gives some examples of this vision in... more
Desde a década de 80 algumas obras da Literatura Brasileira têm apresentado uma característica semelhante: as personagens caminham desmemoriadas, como que soltas no espaço, sem rumo geográfico, profissional, ideológico. Em Hotel... more
Suffering, the sacred, and the sublime are concepts that often surface in humanities research in an attempt to come to terms with what is challenging, troubling or impossible to represent. These intersecting concepts are used to mediate... more
In this essay I want to argue that Roger McDonald’s debut novel, 1915, develops a form of literary modernism which represents the postcolonial turn through a rejection of the aesthetic comforts of ‘late colonial transcendentalism’ (17).... more
L'article de Jean-Michel Sourd traite de l'image de la France et des Français chez les Hongkongais dans un ensemble limité de films distribués à Hong Kong durant les dix dernières années. Le cinéma, la télévision et les publicités... more