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Matr. N59/317 2 INDICE Introduzione………………………………………………………………….. pag. 1 CAPITOLO PRIMO Per una preistoria del lucianismo leopardiano " 4 CAPITOLO SECONDO Verso le Operette: la deviazione etico-sociale delle «prosette satiriche» " 10... more
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      Giacomo LeopardiLucian of Samosata
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      Second SophisticGreek and Roman Imperial LiteratureAncient Greek LiteratureLucian of Samosata
Spanish Translation of De dea syria, a work attributed to Lucian (2n c AD)
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    • Lucian of Samosata
Présentation et analyse de ces quatre dialogues de Lucien selon les problématiques suivantes (Figures de l'auteur. Le dialogue lucianesque. Dialogue dramatique et théâtre. Lucien, les philosophes et la philosophie). Ouvrage publié dans le... more
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    • Lucian of Samosata
Op weg naar het Tegencontinent belandt de ik-figuur op de maan, in een walvis en op het Eiland der Gelukzaligen. De grootste absurditeiten worden beschreven met de nauwkeurigheid van een reisgids en de zelfverzekerdheid van iemand die... more
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      LucianAncient Greek NovelLucian of Samosata
Los 'Diálogos de los muertos' son un conjunto de treinta diálogos escritos por Luciano de Samosata. Si bien primero se los consideró independientes entre sí, luego se dio paso a una comprensión unitaria de los mismos que posibilitó nuevas... more
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      Comparative LiteratureClassical Reception StudiesClassical Tradition in Art and LiteratureLucian of Samosata
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      Social ChangeAristotleAthenian DemocracyThucydides
Review of BONAZZI, Mauro; SCHORN, Stefan. Bios Philosophos: Philosophy in Ancient Greek Biography. Turnhout: Brepols, 2016. 313p. ISBN 978-2-503-56546-0.
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Che cosa raccontava la nutrice al piccolo Cicerone prima di metterlo a letto? Quali barzellette circolavano nelle botteghe dei barbieri di Atene? Nell'antichità, esattamente come oggi, nella vita di tutti erano presenti fiabe, facezie,... more
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      Mythology And FolklorePlutarchApuleiusPetronius
This paper provides literary contexts for Solon´s speech in Lucian´s Anacharsis. It shows that and how Lucian makes Solon argue like a contemporary in the second century would have done when criticism of athletics even by Romans already... more
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      RhetoricAthleticsSportAncient Greek Literature
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      Theory of HistoryLucian of Samosata
Prefazione. I Neoplatonici: una lettura di genere tra storia e politica (M. De Leo) Introduzione Cap. I - Reticenze, fraintendimenti, forzature. La fondazione del discorso [Storia del testo.... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesItalian StudiesMasculinity
A monography on Lucian´s How to write history including a commentary following the text.
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      Ancient HistoryLiterary CriticismAncient HistoriographyHumor/Satire
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      Hellenistic poetryLucianLucian of Samosata
Luc. DMar. 14: Perseus and Andromeda between iconography and theater (with an Appendix on DMar. 2) This paper analyses Lucian’s DMar. 14, on Perseus and Andromeda, under a double perspective: intertextual and intervisual. On the one... more
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      Second SophisticIntertextualityAncient Greek LiteratureIntertextuality and Allusion
Through the comparison with famous statues, Lycinus, in Lucian's "Imagines", makes a verbal portrait of a beautiful woman he has caught sight of. The portrait of her virtues is preceeded by a section where she appears with a book in her... more
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      Greek LiteratureSecond SophisticEkphrasisAncient Greek Rhetoric
Es wird gezeigt, dass Solons Rede in Lukians Anacharsis exakt die auch durch andere Texte dokumentierbare Aufwertung und Akzeptanz (nunmehr auch bei den Römern) der griechischen Athletik im imperium Romanum wiederspiegelt.
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      Greek AthleticsAncient Sports/AthleticsAncient Greek Cultural & Social HistoryAthletic Training
(1) Die Philosophie unterliegt qua Philosophie der Notwendigkeit, sich selbst und anderen (vornehmlich der sie umgebenden politischen Gemeinschaft einschließlich ihrer religiösen Normen) Rechenschaft über sich, über ihr Warum und Wozu,... more
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      Ancient Greek PhilosophyLucianPhilosophy as a way of lifeAntike Philosophie
Peregrinus Proteus' suicide has traditionally been used as one of the most solid proofs that cynicism developed strong religious inclinations over the course of the Imperial period. This article intends to demonstrate that Peregrinus'... more
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      ProverbsTextual CriticismCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Lucian
"La vita de cortigiani di Luciano filosofo" (Venezia 1542), il primo volgarizzamento del "De mercede conductis", è rimasto fino ad oggi inesplorato. L’intervento mira a compiere una disamina a tutto tondo del testo, indagando sia le... more
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      Translation StudiesErasmusItalian LiteratureItalian Renaissance literature
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      Kurt VonnegutLucianLucian of SamosataLaughter in the Ancient World
Für Lukians Schrift De luctu wird ein literarhistorischer und narratologischer Kontext bei Bin von Borysthenes und den Kynikern geschaffen
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      Sociology of ReligionNarratologyCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Lucian of Samosata
The aim of this book is to make the Dialogues of the Dead by Lucian of Samosata (c. 120 CE –190) accessible to intermediate students of Ancient Greek. The running vocabulary and grammatical commentary are meant to provide everything... more
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      Second SophisticGreek LanguageAncient Greek LiteratureLucian of Samosata
Corso di greco per i Licei Classici e per il triennio dell'Università. C. Neri si è occupato principalmente della Grammatica, G. Alvoni-R. Batisti-M. Olivieri principalmente dei volumi degli Esercizi, ma gli autori hanno lavorato in... more
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      DidacticsTranslationGreek GrammarAncient Greek Language
EROTES by Lucian of Samosata English rendition by Andrew Calimach Preface The origins of male love are lost in the mists of prehistory. In fact, they go back to the dawn of man, if observations of animals in the wild are any... more
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      Homosexuality and LiteraturePhilosophy of LoveGender and educationLucian
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      PragmaticsPerformance StudiesVirtue EthicsVirtues (Moral Psychology)
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      ClassicsPlatoGenre studiesRenaissance Studies
The aim of this book is to make The Dialogues of the Courtesans by Lucian of Samosata (c. 120 CE –190) accessible to intermediate students of Ancient Greek. The running vocabulary and grammatical commentary are meant to provide... more
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      Second SophisticGender studies in ancient GreeceAncient Greek LanguageAncient Greek Literature
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      Second SophisticTravel WritingEkphrasisTravel Literature
Literary genres designed for instruction (didaskalia) often incorporate wonder- writing (paradoxography) to produce pleasure and enthrallment (psychagogia), thus compromising the truth and their educational value. In True Stories, Lucian... more
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      Ancient NovelAncient fictionParadoxographyAncient Greek Novel
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      Renaissance StudiesPoeticsBaroque Art and LiteratureRelics (Religion)
Traducción con notas al español directa del griego. Prólogo de Martín Felipe Castagnet. Walden Editora.

Annotated translation into Spanish. Prologue by Martín Felipe Castagnet. Walden Editora.
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      Relato De ViajesTrue StoriesRelatos de ViagemLucian of Samosata
La elaboración de material didáctico es una parte fundamental de la innovación docente y de la metodología en el aula. En este caso presento una antología de textos para la asignatura de Griego II basada en la obra de Luciano de Samósata.... more
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      Second SophisticLucian of SamosataBachillerato
This article aims to draw a general picture of Lucian of Samosata’s perception of Christianity through the analysis of the peculiar vocabulary used in chapt. 11 of his De morte Peregrini, where Christianity is mentioned as θαυμαστὴ σοφία... more
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      Early ChristianityLexicographyAncient PhilosophyJesus
"In an attractively packaged, slim volume Andrew Calimach (AC) weaves together the key Greek myths and legends about love between men. He interweaves the stories with the debate on the virtues of heterosexual vs. homosexual love,... more
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      Greek MythGreek homosexualityLucian of Samosata
Across the eastern Mediterranean, only a limited number of inscriptions, coins and papyri attest the term ἐπιν(ε)ίκια bestowed on local festivities. My paper studies for the first time the genesis and evolution of a particular title... more
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      Roman HistorySecond SophisticGreek EpigraphyCilicia
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyArt HistoryArchitecture
The aim of this book is to make Dialogues of the Gods by Lucian of Samosata (c.  120 CE –190) accessible to intermediate students of Ancient Greek. The running vocabulary and grammatical commentary are meant to provide everything... more
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      Greek LiteratureSecond SophisticGreek LanguageAncient Greek Language
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      Textual CriticismLucian of Samosata
Versão revista e corrigida da tradução publicada na minha dissertação de mestrado, defendida na Universidade de São Paulo em 2008.
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      Greek LiteratureSecond SophisticLucian of SamosataLuciano De Samosata
The Antonine Plague is considered one of the major epidemiological disasters of the Roman Empire. Occurring between 161 and 180 AD, the pandemic known also as “Galen’s plague” became an intensively discussed and debated topic in the last... more
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      Roman ReligionRoman DaciaLucian of SamosataGlykon
George Kakavas, Witches of the stars and Sorceresses of the Hypati. Legends and Traditions. In ancient times Thessaly was famous for its powerful witches and for its horses. Grandmothers of the area narrated tales, of which the main... more
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      MagicWitchcraft (Magic)ApuleiusWitchcraft, Religion and Magic
It is well-known that as a term, Nietzsche’s Übermensch derives from Lucian of Samosata’s hyperanthropos. I argue that Zarathustra’s teaching of the overman acquires new resonances by reflecting on the context of that origination from... more
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      ClassicsPhilosophy Of ReligionFeminist TheologyProverbs
En Visión y símbolos en la pintura española del Siglo de Oro (1968/1972), Julián Gállego dedica unas líneas a la iconografía de Hércules Gálico. Según cuenta Luciano, el héroe fue representado pictóricamente arrastrando con una cadena a... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryRhetoricVisual Rhetoric
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      SocratesPlutarchLucianDio Chrysostom
The aim of this article is to demonstrate that the Moon’s all-male society portrayed in one of the first episodes of Lucian's Verae Historiae is humorously 'more real' than the originals that inspire it and the society where the author... more
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      Second SophisticWomen's StudiesAncient NovelAncient Greek Literature
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      Second SophisticPlutarchAlexander of AphrodisiasGreek Oracles and Divination
The aim of this paper is to read the V dialogue of Lucian's of Samosata Dialogues of Hetaerae using the euristic tools offered by Michel Foucault's History of Sexuality. The transformation of Lucian's dialogue in “monument” and the... more
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      ClassicsSecond SophisticHistory of SexualityMichel Foucault
Los treinta Diálogos de los muertos son diálogos en miniatura cercanos al mimo, pero son diferentes al estar fuertemente marcados por su tono satírico, por su concisión epigramática y por sus duros trazos de humor negro, cosa que hace de... more
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      Greek LiteratureLucian of SamosataDialogues of the Dead