Marburg School
Recent papers in Marburg School
We can think that "problem-history" 429 is exclusively a name for one way of philosophical historiography among others. As such it is a method that recounts the history of philosophy in terms of its problems, and not in terms of... more
Also available at Cambridge U.P. as a "Cambridge Core" e-text: Introduction – “Reading a Mute History”:... more
The aim of the article is to present the life and academic achievements of Ernst Cassirer, an important philosophical figure in the first half of XXth century. Renowned for his groundbreaking theory of symbolic forms, both an accomplished... more
Die Stoßrichtung von Gadamers Antwort auf den Historismus bleibt in der Forschung ein umstrittenes Thema: Während seine philosophische Hermeneutik einerseits beschuldigt wird, lediglich die Aporien des Historismus zu radikalisieren, sehen... more
This is my extensive introduction to Bultmann's commentary on John as the first volume in the Johannine Monograph Series edited by Alan Culpepper and myself. It covers over a century of Johannine scholarship, including Bultmann's... more
Part of the vol. "Interpreting Cassirer," ed. S. Truwant, CUP 2021
A new edition of Natorp's book of 1912, which has been out of print a long time (with the editor's foreword and annotations).
L'essor de l'art moderne dans Berlin au tout début du siècle pouvait d'autant moins laisser Ernst Cassirer indifférent que sa famille y prit une part active : Paul Cassirer expose dans sa galerie, dès 1904, Van Gogh, Cézanne, Munch,... more
This article seeks to provide a fuller account of the philosophy of religion of the Marburg Neo-Kantian, Paul Natorp (1854-1924), than has hitherto been available. It does so by describing important changes in Natorp's thinking about... more
This paper looks at the ways in which Mikhail Bakhtin had appropriated the ideas of Kant and of the Marburg neo-Kantian school. While Bakhtin was greatly indebted to Kantian philosophy, and is known to have referred to himself as a... more
Analizzando il testo della relazione natorpiana presentata alla Kantgesellschaft di Halle nel 1912 (Kant und die Marburger Schule), il contributo vuole descrivere ciò che per Paul Natorp si deve intendere per “metodo trascendentale”.... more
In recent literature, it has been suggested that Lange’s social and political philosophy is separate from his neo-Kantian program. Prima facie, this interpretation makes sense given that Lange argues for an account of social norms that... more
Le « Descartes » de Cassirer est un livre profondément original, tant par ses thèmes, qui touchent à la fois au fondement de la métaphysique cartésienne qu'aux rapports avec Corneille ou Christine de Suède, que par sa méthode, laquelle... more
This paper challenges the hitherto common distinction between Hermann Cohen’s early phase of Völkerpsychologie and his later phase as a critical idealist. Recently, it has been claimed that Cohen’s turn was not a rapid conversion but a... more
Es lohnt sich uns István Patakis (1650 – 1705?) Namen zu merken. Er war Pfarrer der reformierten Kirche in Siebenbürgen. In Klausenburg geboren, studierte er in seiner Heimatstadt. Danach peregrinierte er nach Utrecht und Marburg. Nach... more
This article provides the first English translation of Tanabe’s early essay, “The Limit of Logicism in Epistemology: A Critique of the Marburg and Freiburg Schools” (1914). The key notion that the young Tanabe seeks to define in relation... more
Quittant l'Allemagne en 1933, Cassirer se fixe d'abord en Suède, à Uppsala, puis à Göteborg, où il rédige « Déterminisme et indéterminisme dans la physique moderne » et le tome IV du « Problème de la connaissance ». C'est également... more
Pela exposição geral do programa neokantiano em seus primórdios, temos, agora o desafio de apresentar, mesmo que demaneira bem resumida, a Filosofia do Neokantismo, da Escola de Marburg, deixando para os Capítulos seguintes a apresentação... more
Links von der SPD: Frank Deppe (hier zwischen Robert Steigerwald von der DKP und Sahra Wagenknecht von der Linkspartei) Foto: Christian Ditsch/Version Heute wird der kritische Wissenschaftler und Intellektuelle Frank Deppe 70 Jahre alt.... more
Avec la publication du deuxième volume du « Problème de la connaissance » s'achève l'édition française de la grande reconstruction, à la fois historique et systématique, de la philosophie et de la science modernes, qui sous-tend... more
L'œuvre de Cassirer n'est pas dissociable du creuset intellectuel où elle a pris sa source : l'École de Marbourg, dont les deux piliers, Hermann Cohen et Paul Natorp, furent également ses maîtres. On trouvera ici rassemblés à la fois des... more
Abstract. This article aims to readdress Hans-Georg Gadamer’s first encounter with Plato’s philosophy through his earlier academic journey, the direct and indirect influence exerted by his celebrated mentors at the University of Marburg,... more
Achevé dans l'urgence et publié au milieu de la Première Guerre mondiale, le présent ouvrage tranche pourtant radicalement avec l'abondante littérature de circonstance qui, en Allemagne comme en France, visait avant tout à conforter... more
SUÇ SOSYOLOJİSİ Editör: Prof. Dr. Durmuş Ali Arslan Paradigma Akademi Yayınları 2020 Çanakkale
Though he came from Carelia's Finland-Swedish cultural milieu, Vasily Sesemann (1884–1963) is considered Lithuania’s greatest philosopher, even though he only learned the language upon accepting a position there at the suggestion of his... more
François Lambert, a French Franciscan monk who adopted the doctrines of Reform already in 1522, was appointed by Philip of Hesse in 1527 as one of two founding professors of theology at the University of Marburg. I examine Lambert's... more
In Cohen’s thought, “atonement” not only deals with the constitution of ethical and moral selves, but it also unifies Jewish and systematic philosophical spheres. The book title, The Idea of Atonement in the Philosophy of Hermann Cohen,... more
« Le Problème de la connaissance » constitue l'une des plus remarquables fresques historiques dressées par et pour la philosophie. Avec la « Philosophie des formes symboliques » qui (précédée par « Substance et fonction ») lui sert de... more
Isis-Review of Gregory Moynahan: Ernst Cassirer and the Critical Science of Germany 1899-1919
Commissioned by the Walter Benjamin Kolleg (University of Bern) on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the promotion of Walter Benjamin's doctorate.
[2013 verfasst] In einem Aufsatz 1933 in der Zeitschrift " Der Morgen " veröffentlicht, stellt Ernst Cassirer die Philosophie von Henri Bergson dar. Dieser Aufsatz ist nicht seine erste Auseinandersetzung mit Bergso, ihre Besonderheit ist... more
Il testo tradotto è un articolo di Georg Fülberth in occasione del 80esimo compleanno di Frank Deppe Testo originale tedesco nell’edizione N.221 - 23 Settembre 2021 del quotidiano junge Welt, pag. 11 Versione online:... more
A Workshop on the Philosophy of Cassirer. Together with 4 others, I will be speaking on Jan. 19, 2016 at A.R.T.E.S. in Cologne.