Matt-Painted Pottery
Recent papers in Matt-Painted Pottery
5 007 Premessa 009 Introduzione, M. Bettelli, C. De Faveri, M. Osanna PRIMA DELLE COLONIE 017 M. BETTELLI, Le ceramiche figuline dell'età del bronzo: importazioni, imitazioni e derivazioni locali 037 F. FERRANTI, Nascita, evoluzione e... more
During recent excavations, a small number of “matt-painted” pottery fragments were found at Caere in Southern Etruria. The finds belong to a class of Subgeometric pottery produced in Northern Lucania. So far, this pottery has never been... more
The Bronze Age is a new stage in the prehistory, which brings many novelties. The cultural reach of the Bronze Age communities has been increased to a new level. One of the many reasons for that is the contacts they have made with the... more
L'ancien site ayant été supprimé, et avec lui les accès aux travaux et thèses, vous pouvez retrouver cette thèse en ligne sur le Web Archive à l'adresse suivante :... more
The phenomena of new settlements characterized the territories of Southern Italy from the 8th c. B.C. This focuses on theoretical approaches to the study of indigenous societies with particular reference to the contribution of cognitive... more
Among the most widespread locally-made vase shapes in pre-Roman southern Italy, there is a distinctive type known in literature under different names (olla, olletta, olletta-kantharos, cantharos, cantharoid vase, anforetta, nestoris).... more
When in eighth century BC the first Greek settlers landed on the shores of Sicily, the region was inhabited by native peoples that the ancient historical sources mentioned as Sikeloi. Driven out from the coast, they lived much longer in... more
La necropoli arcaica di loc. Toppo S. Antonio a Baragiano: un nuovo caso di studio Michele Scalici Ruvo del Monte. La necropoli in loc. S. Antonio. Nuovi dati e prospettive di ricerca Maria Luisa Tardugno Atena Lucana: una necropoli... more
A summary about the prehistoric times in the territory around the greek colony of Gelas (South Sicily).
Saxkjær, S. G. 2018. "The Emergence and Marking of Ethnic Identities: Case Studies from the Sibaritide Region". Analecta Romana Instituti Danici 42 (2017), 7-31.
Patrocinio Angela Pontrandolfo, Michele Scafuro (a cura di), Atti del I Convegno Internazionale di Studi ISBN 978-88-87744-76-7 (cinque tomi indivisibili) © Copyright 2017 -Fondazione Paestum -Pandemos s.r.l. Proprietà letteraria... more
The facies of Licodia Eubea is the latest manifestation of the genuine indigenous culture of Central and Eastern Sicily in the archaic period, when a progressive mixing process started among native and greek colonial communities, leading... more
In copertina (in alto a sinistra) Ferrandina (MT), Museo Civico Archeologico. Vaso cantaroide a decorazione sub-geometrica bicroma dalla necropoli indigena di loc. S. Antonio Abate, VII sec. a. C. (in alto a destra) Ferrandina (MT), Museo... more
Patrocinio Angela Pontrandolfo, Michele Scafuro (a cura di), Atti del I Convegno Internazionale di Studi ISBN 978-88-87744-76-7 (cinque tomi indivisibili) © Copyright 2017 -Fondazione Paestum -Pandemos s.r.l. Proprietà letteraria... more
Forum Romanum Belgicum is het digitale forum van het Belgisch Historisch Instituut te Rome, in opvolging van het Bulletin van het BHIR, waarvan de laatste aflevering nr. LXXVII van jaargang 2007 was.
The theme of identity and relationships between different ethne has always attracted the attention of scholars. It is not easy to identify the indicators of these relationships through archaeological methods. This paper focuses on how two... more
Il Vallo di Diano rappresenta un prezioso osservatorio per lo studio delle comunità indigene della Lucania antica, per la presenza, lungo le sue pendici orientali, di insediamenti culturalmente consolidati, di cui si conserva un’ampia... more
Le ragioni di un Convegno 11.00-11.20-Grazia SEMERARO (UNISalento) Greci e Italici nella prospettiva archeologica: un rapporto complesso 11.20-11.40-Mario LOMBARDO (UNISalento) Gli Enotri nelle tradizioni greche 11.40-12.00-Sabrina MUTINO... more
Matt painted pottery formed a crucial part of the ceramic assemblages in Central Greece throughout the Middle Bronze Age and the Northwest Aegean from the Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age and has generated intensive discussions regarding... more
New archaeological data for the Middle Helladic Habitation of the prehistoric settlement of Lianokladi New excavations at the well known prehistoric settlement of Lianokladi were conducted sporadically from 2006-2011 near the centre of... more
Redazione scientifica luigi Cicala, Bianca Ferrara, luigi vecchio i volumi della collana sono sottoposti al Consiglio Scientifico del Centro interdipartimentale di Studi per la Magna Grecia e al processo di peer review, affidato a... more
Middle Helladic Settlement at Agia Paraskevi, Lamia. Excavations 2012-2013. The continuation of the excavations on the prehistoric mound of Agia Paraskevi, Lamia (site ‘Platania’) in 2012-2013 has enriched our knowledge on the... more
Il volume è stato realizzato grazie ad un finanziamento erogato al Comune di Anzi in attuazione dell'Accordo Quadro Regione Basilicata-contitolari della concessione petrolifera "Gorgoglione" e ad un accordo di collaborazione (ex art. 15... more
Télécharger sur --> Cette contribution propose un bref parcours historiographique autour de la question des relations entre Grecs et non Grecs plus particulièrement dans l’Italie... more
The archaeological research at Incoronata (Southern Italy) conducted since 2002 by a team from the Laboratoire d'Archéologie et Histoire Merlat (LAHM, UMR 6566, University of Rennes 2) allowed the discovery of a fundamental site from the... more