Greek Geometric Pottery
Recent papers in Greek Geometric Pottery
Der Aufsatz beschäftigt sich mit einer These von Karl Schefold, die von der Forschung bislang kaum gewürdigt worden ist.
The presently accepted ceramic chronology places the earliest episodes of Greek colonisation in Libya some three to four decades earlier than the traditional historical dates. A similar offset between the archaeological and historical... more
This paper focuses on a group of potsherds coming from the excavations conducted by the University of Florence in the area known as ‘S. Marco nord-est’, in the archaeological park of Monasterace Marina. All these finds can be dated within... more
Αθήνα: Ιάμβλιχος 2012
(317 σελίδες, 442 Α/Μ εικόνες, 9 πίνακες, 1 χάρτης)
ΙSBN: 978-960-268-201-2
(317 σελίδες, 442 Α/Μ εικόνες, 9 πίνακες, 1 χάρτης)
ΙSBN: 978-960-268-201-2
Nif (Olympos), situated within the borders of Kemalpaşa, Torbalı, Buca and Bornova districts of Izmir, used to be part of ancient Ionia and Lydia regions in the antiquity. Prof. Elif Tül Tulunay has initiated first detailed and systematic... more
Στο κείμενο αυτό στον Τιμητικό Τόμο για την καθηγήτρια κα. Ε. Σημαντώνη Μπουρνιά παρουσιάζεται ένας αριθμός αδημοσίευτων θραυσμάτων αγγείων γεωμετρικών χρόνων, από τις ανασκαφές που πραγματοποίησε ο Κ. Κουρουνιώτης στην Ερέτρια στις αρχές... more
According to the ancient writers, Cyme was founded during the 11th century B.C. a period archaeologists refer to as the Protogeometric period. The previous ten years of research offers confirm for this, although the evidence for such an... more
From two excavation pits in the lower part of the Agorà of Aiolian Cyme (Izmir, Turkey) an undisturbed late 8th - half of 7th century B.C. stratigraphy was recovered. During the excavation, a small group of disks (few centimeters... more
This article briefly presents some of the author’s research on art in archaeology. Drawing on previously published works, the text reviews the general problems of art research in archaeology before focusing on investigations of... more
A necessidade de concisão dos agradecimentos apresentados para a publicação não faz jus à gratidão às pessoas aqui mencionadas que desempenharam, por um lado, um papel fundamental na execução prática de um trabalho imenso, difícil e, à... more
In E. Okan, C. Atila (eds.), Prof. Dr. Ömer Özyiğit’e Armağan (Studies in Honour of Ömer Özyiğit), Istanbul 2015, pp. 69-86 (Ege Yayınları, Istanbul, ISBN 978-605-4701-96-4). Abstract Cyme, situated on the coast of Aeolia, is one of... more
The topic of this paper is the G 2-3 pottery from Lemnos. This poorly studied class of ceramics has been found in different areas of the archaic settlement of Hephaestia, in its necropolis and in the Kabeirion of Chloi. An abundant... more
Céramique minoenne et mycénienne; céramique géometrique attique et béotienne (par J. Haas-Lebegyev); vases corinthiens (par A. Márton). Year: 2017 Series: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum - Hongrie ISBN: 978-88-913-1281-5 ISBN: 978-88-913-1283-9... more
Poster presented at the international conference "There and Back Again: Greek Art in Motion. Conference in Honour of Sir John Boardman on the Occasion of his 90th Birthday", Lisbon, 3-5 May, 2017 The Tomb of the Roaring Lions at Veii... more
Beilagenteil I zu: Mikrokosmos Westquartier von Eretria: Zur Rekonstruktion eines früheisenzeitlichen Siedlungsplatzes - Text
Η μεγάλη ποσότητα των κεραμικών ευρημάτων από τον χαμηλό λόφο της Αγίας Κυριακής στις Αμύκλες παραμένει η σημαντικότερη μαρτυρία για τη χρήση του χώρου και τις δραστηριότητες, που λάμβαναν χώρα κατά τη μακρά περίοδο που προηγήθηκε της... more
Οι Κορίνθιοι ήταν από τους πρώτους κεραμείς και αγγειογράφους που εγκατέλειψαν τη σκιαγραφία του γεωμετρικού ρυθμού και υιοθέτησαν τη τεχνική του περιγράμματος για να αποδώσουν τόσο τις ζωικές όσο και τις ανθρώπινες μορφές. Η ύστερη... more
A general overiew of Aiolis Cyme during Geometric period. I present here the status quaestionis of previous researches and a synthesis of new researches in the central area of the City. The data we have allow some preliminary... more
Far from being the most common issue, recognising connections between visual arts, in particular between the principles of construction and decoration of works of art, and certain identifiable rules of metrology has a long tradition in... more
Parian and Cycladic Pottery of the Geometric and Archaic Periods: new archaeological records and research perspectives on production, functions and diffusion Η παριανή και κυκλαδική κεραμική της Γεωμετρικής και Αρχαϊκής Περιόδου: νέα... more
Bu derginin tüm yayın hakları saklıdır. Tanıtım için yapılacak kısa alıntılar dışında yayıncının yazılı izni olmaksızın hiçbir yolla çoğaltılamaz, CD ya da manyetik bant haline getirilemez. (Kaynağı belirtilmemiş görseller, makalelerin... more
Article in English (PDF), abstract in Greek - Η διατροφή είναι ένα από τα πολυσυζητημένα θέματα του καιρού μας, όμως και οι διατροφικές συνήθειες των αρχαίων λαών υπήρξαν σύνθετες και ενδιαφέρουσες. Η αρχαιά διατροφή μπορεί να εξεταστεί... more