Migrant Women
Most downloaded papers in Migrant Women
A partir de las historias de un centenar de mujeres migrantes detenidas en la estación migratoria del DF durante 2005, se realizó una investigación que reconstruye las estrategias de viaje de las mujeres en su tránsito por México, los... more
Migrant women are often stereotyped. Some scholars associate feminization of migration with domestic work and criticize the “care drain” as a new form of imperialism that First World imposes on Third World. However, migrant women employed... more
El ACNUR estima que para el 30 de junio de 2016 había 137 mil 600 refugiados y solicitantes de asilo de los países del Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica (TNC) en la región (Estados Unidos, México y Centroamérica). Este artículo... more
Este libro reúne las ponencias presentadas en las Jornadas Familias, niños, niñas y jóvenes migrantes: rompiendo estereotipos, celebradas en La Casa Encendida de Obra Social Caja Madrid los días 19, 20 y 21 de noviembre... more
Das ursprüngliche Staatsbürgerschaftskonzept geprägt von Marshall als Synonym für soziale Rechte und Gleichheit ist für das Verständnis und die Überwindung von sozialen Ungleichheiten, denen sich viele Migrantinnen und Migranten... more
How ‘at home’, if at all, migrants feel in their everyday lives abroad is a neglected research issue, with meaningful implications for immigrant, social and housing policies. Their employment as live-in care workers with elderly clients... more
Participation in the labor market is one of the most important components of integration in the host country. This study is situated on two broad topics: female migration and labour mobility within the European Union. Throughout the... more
The European Union expansion in 2004 resulted in significant changes in migration in Europe. For Spain, which did not open its labour market to the new accession countries until 2006, the extent of Polish migration has been substantially... more
This article revisits the migration-care nexus through the lens of subjective well-being, building on a case study of immigrant women employed as live-in care workers in Italy. Based on their constructions, practices and displacements of... more
Across South Asia, women migrate for employment within their home countries , within the region, and to more distant destination countries. Despite regular and ongoing transit, they are subject to restrictions on their mobility. How do... more
Migration not only afects society and individuals socially, culturally, and physically but it also has a signiicant efect on health care and health variables. Migration process has an impact on physical and mental health, especially of... more
2015, “Prendiamoci cura di chi ci cura”, in Chemotti S., La cura come relazione con il mondo. Sapienza delle donne, costruzione o costrizione, Il Poligrago, Padova, pp. 263-272, ISBN 978-88-7115-907-2;
This paper draws on qualitative research in Basel, Switzerland with highly skilled migrant women from various European nationalities employed in a number of professional sectors. It seeks to contribute to the literatures on the... more
La identidad tiene un claro componente de unidad y continuidad en donde interactúan las definiciones internas y externas del sí mismo y en el que se incorporan los distintos puntos de vista sobre el individuo. En el proceso de integración... more
A distinct Europe-wide problem of migrant homelessness has become increasingly apparent. However, the available evidence base on migrant homelessness remains relatively weak and there is a particular dearth of research on the homeless... more
Like many Western governments, the Australian government increasingly views migration through the lens of economic efficiency, arguing that skilled professionals achieve the best employment outcomes and therefore constitute the ideal... more
Migration is a state of life where a person or groups of persons travel from one place to another in search of livelihood. Broadly, two categories of people migrate, (1) The well offs, in search of better education, employment, favourable... more
Throughout the Western world, governments have increasingly viewed migration through the lens of economic efficiency. In the era of globalisation, they argue, migrants should be selected on the basis of their skills and qualifications.... more
Conference Report & Summary of Conference Proceedings, June 15-18, 2008 at York University, Toronto, Canada This was the inaugural Conference of the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS). The event was... more
A fin de contribuir a futuras investigaciones sobre mujeres centroamericanas migrantes y solicitantes de asilo que favorezcan un entendimiento y propuestas regionales para atender esta situación, IMUMI decidió publicar un capítulo de... more
This training manual, written for UN Women, aims to provoke thinking and action around migration and development from a gender and rights-based perspective, questioning the remittances-for-development model, bringing to the fore migration... more
La dimensione femminile dell'immigrazione in Italia’, in Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS (Ed.), Dossier Statistico Immigrazione, 2015.
Within a post-colonial framework, this paper explores the possibilities and difficulties of feminist alliances among migrant women and autochthonous feminist groups in the Basque Country. In particular, it focuses on a close reading of... more
This Research Paper presents selected findings from a primarily qualitative study of homeless women in Ireland. The study set out to conduct a detailed examination of the lives and experiences of homeless women with specific attention to... more
L'aspiration à l'égalité dans le couple et l'idéalisation des hommes européens comme partenaires constituent un motif important dans la décision de femmes qui migrent par amour, de contracter un mariage binational et de migrer en Suisse.... more
En texto cedido al CLAM, la investigadora y activista ecuatoriana Kruskaya Hidalgo discute género y racismo en Europa través de un relato en primera persona de su formación como investigadora feminista y de sus interlocuciones con mujeres... more
The Covid-19 pandemic teaches a number of painful lessons. Yet, for many, particular inhabitants of yet less affected regions in Europe, the current pandemic is probably mainly the first experience of an overwhelming and immediate... more
My chapter examines the costly trade-off between emotional and economic considerations incurred by Peruvian and Paraguayan women doing domestic/care work in Argentina in the backdrop of evolving geo-political, socio-economic and legal... more
First and second generation immigrant women constitute a growing reality in Italy, even with regard to abuse and violence among family members. The great variety of reasons that there are for immigrating - women following their husbands... more
Post-migration hardship often affects the integration processes of migrants from non-English speaking countries and in particular of migrant women who often come as 'dependents' of male migrants. Institutional, social and cultural... more
Drawing on ethnographic data, this article explores migrant women’s relationships and encounters with the state in South Africa’s largest city, Johannesburg. Focusing on the experiences of people in this marginal location, the article... more
La guía se elaboró en el marco de un proyecto de colaboración entre ONU Mujeres y el Instituto para las Mujeres en la Migración, A.C. (IMUMI), auspiciado por la Unión Europea. Aporta herramientas prácticas para elaborar una legislación... more
The basic urban demands of excluded groups who could not be represented in local decision making mechanisms play actually a crucial role in shaping the urban rights. The exclusion of women by urban plans is nothing more than the physical,... more
Purpose Migrant and refugee women are at risk of negative sexual and reproductive health (SRH) outcomes due to low utilisation of SRH services.
Öz 1990'ların başında SSCB'ye bağlı ülkelerin bağımsızlıklarını kazanmasının ardından ülkelerinde ortaya çı-kan aşırı yoksulluk, ücret düşüşleri ve siyasi istikrarsızlık gibi nedenlerle bu ülkelerden, ülke sınırlarının dışına yoğun göçler... more