Multilingual Education and Development
Recent papers in Multilingual Education and Development
A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book... more
The optimal language for literature and educational materials is not the same for all Zay areas. The data gathered during the current study points to Zay as optimal for the islands on Lake Ziway and Oromo as optimal for the lakeshores.... more
Quando il bambino apprende la lingua materna è proiettato verso la stabilizzazione di ben definiti rapporti fra sè e le cose, è portato a considerare la lingua come strumento la cui utilizzazione è determinata dalle situazioni contestuali... more
This paper involves an exploration into the experiences of students in post 16 education taking traditional academic subjects, in the UK, for whom studying in English means working in a foreign language and culture. The students who... more
The chapter presents a brief overview of the characteristics of current multilingualism as opposed to the multilingualism of the past. The three main distinctions of the current multilingualism are specified: (1) the fact that the new... more
Globalization and digitization have reshaped the communication landscape, affecting how and with whom we communicate, and deeply altering the terrain of language and literacy education. As children in urban contexts become socialized into... more
Dans cet article, nous présenterons un dispositif inclusif mis en place dans une classe de petite section depuis une dizaine d'années par la titulaire, également directrice de l'école maternelle classée REP+ (réseaux d'éducation... more
This article examines the perceived effectiveness of multilingual upbringing strategies and ways of communication adopted by families where the parents are of two different nationalities. The theoretical introduction presents an overview... more
First, the author analyses the current challenges of European institutions to implement plurilingual approaches to languages in national language policy. According to EU policies, the Slovak school system should be actively open to... more
This book discusses salient moments of multilingual encounters and brings together contributions focused on the interplay between language use by individuals and societies, and language-related inequalities or opportunities for speakers.... more
This paper examines strategies and ways of communication adopted by bilingual families who have been raising their offspring with more than one language. We analyse the results of a survey carried out in 32 families, looking at the... more
In this paper, a series of ESL classroom observations of a teacher in an Indian primary level government run school are presented to show instances of concrete uses of translanguaging. The translanguaging practices were based on the... more
This paper deals with politeness phenomena which are general to all human societies, but draws many examples from Korea as understood by the writer (who is Australian). The emphasis in this analysis is on the problem of decoding... more
As multi/plurilingual research advances understandings of plurilingual speakers’ fluid language use, particularly in multilingual settings, new research methods and pedagogical orientations that address this complex phenomenon are needed.... more
Let us suppose that you are a research linguist, tormented by some doubts and questions about the state of your profession, and not constrained by having to repeat a catechism of "known truths" to Linguistics 101 students, and not worried... more
This article draws attention to language choice and language use of Austrian bi-and multilingual school children. We explore some implications of their linguistic practices with regard to social inclusion in an Austrian educational school... more
This is a project proposal, inviting suggestions for action and involvement, for rereading and completing Raja Rammohun Roy's unfulfilled mission. In this year, when Rammohun's quarter millennial celebration coincides with the celebration... more
This article reports on a study that used the online MULTITEACH questionnaire to examine the relationship between the multilingual pedagogies 111 language teachers, employed in upper-secondary schools in Norway and Russia, reported... more
This short informal paper stems from reflection on an address by Ken Hale, doyen of minority languages (and now sadly deceased). It looks at the role of linguists themselves in the dynamic of language maintenance and the twin phenomena of... more
Competence has become a key word when describing pedagogical processes which involve teachers, students, contents, methodologies, and skills to be developed. Moreover, as the school of today must provide students with the necessary... more
Cet ouvrage examine les pratiques discursives bi-plurilingues en classe pour faire une description empirique détaillée de l'apprentissage bilingue et intégré des savoirs dans diverses disciplines scolaires. En analysant les processus... more
Dans cet article, nous présentons un dispositif inclusif mis en place dans une classe de petite section depuis une dizaine d'années par la titulaire, également directrice de l'école maternelle, classée Rep+ (Réseaux d'éducation... more
This article draws attention to language choice and language use of Austrian bi-and multilingual school children. We explore some implications of their linguistic practices with regard to social inclusion in an Austrian educational school... more
This chapter deals with situated and culturally appropriate self-directed multimodal learning in terms of distance education in a South African university. This approach has become relevant at this university as both contact and distance... more
JOURNÉE D’ÉTUDE du 18 octobre 2017 ouverte à tous - Plurilinguisme et arts du langage - Pratiques et enjeux en didactique des langues et des cultures Maison de la Recherche (salle Claude Simon) 4, rue des Irlandais- 75005 Paris... more
Linguistic Typology has been a useful tool for the establishment of a unitary linguistic structure of language as a cognitive construct of the mind with the usage of various typological patterns to build a methodology that enables... more
This paper explores attitudes and reported behaviour in interactions amongst two groups of middle-class (professionally educated and employed) Australians: non-Anglophone immigrants and Anglo-Australians. ‘Non-Anglophone immigrants’ are... more
"The aim of this paper is to present my research : I am engaging typically monolingual lower secondary school students in linguistic problem solving when confronted to languages that are not being taught at school (pluralistic... more
In this paper, a series of ESL classroom observations of a teacher in an Indian primary level government run school are presented to show concrete uses of translanguaging. Translanguaging practices were based on the inputs the teacher... more
In this paper, a series of ESL classroom observations of a teacher in an Indian primary level government run school are presented to show concrete uses of translanguaging. Translanguaging practices were based on the inputs the teacher... more
This reflection illustrates the author’s teaching philosophy both as a second language composition student teacher in the United States and a German language tutor in India. He focuses on how to help his second language students be more... more
The term “multilingualism” is often used to mark one of the human social and existential behavioral conditions produced especially by experiences of migration and displacement, but also by special intensities of education. To the extent... more
This article draws attention to language choice and language use of Austrian bi-and multilingual school children. We explore some implications of their linguistic practices with regard to social inclusion in an Austrian educational school... more
Drawing on recent developments within sociolinguistics, the objective of the current article is to explore how six pre-service teachers (PSTs) discursively positioned themselves and ‘the multilingual’ across two narrating events focused... more
The language classroom is a complex environment with a multitude of factors contributing to the students’ experiences. Largely outside of the awareness of teachers, researchers, and language learners themselves, private speech forms the... more
Bangladesh is a culturally, ethnically, religiously and linguistically diverse country. There are more than 45 ethnic groups living in Bangladesh. The rich tapestry of indigenous peoples makes up approximately 2 percent of the population... more
La premiere partie de ce texte retrace le cadre historique du developpement de l'education bilingue aux USA. Avant la premiere guerre mondiale, le pays a connu une ouverture a la diversite linguistique avec l'utilisation de... more
Cet ouvrage examine les pratiques discursives bi-plurilingues en classe pour faire une description empirique détaillée de l'apprentissage bilingue et intégré des savoirs dans diverses disciplines scolaires. En analysant les processus... more
Linguistic typology's applications have contributed to the layout of a unique linguistic structure of language as a cognitive construct of the mind. This relates to the use of typological patterns to form a methodology of multilingual... more