Nationalist Discourses
Most cited papers in Nationalist Discourses
This article explores the ways in which feminist and women’s agency is articulated in the Cypriot context through the paradigms of nationalism, peace, and conflict. It does so to broaden our understanding of gendered and peace agency in... more
Parliamentary debates on the definition of the nation-state and national identities are a very revealing discursive domain of tracing the cues of the social construction of this category. Integrating social-psychological and discourse... more
In this chapter, I build on my ethnographic fieldwork to examine how Serbian nationalist NGOs and movements used religious nationalist discourse in their struggle against LGBT Pride Parade. In the first part of the chapter, I offer a... more
La Volksunie a vécu. Depuis novembre 2001, deux formations en sont issues : la Nieuwe Vlaams Alliantie (NVA), guidée par Geert Bourgeois et Spirit, emmené par Anne-Marie Van de Casteele. Comment cette formation, qui a incarné le... more
Romanian history, and it was intended to offer a new and revised historic view of Romanian communism.
This paper explores, briefly, the circulation in the River Plate (and Chile) of the discourses and concepts elaborated by Giuseppe Mazzini in the context of his Giovine Italia movement, with an emphasis on the concept of "nation", and its... more
In the sociopolitical space of divided Cyprus the political problem dominates, leaving little space for discussions about the exclusions it produces. The accentuation of existing patriarchal structures and essentialist gender role... more
L'articolo prende in esame la mitizzazione e l'uso della storia medievale islandese da parte della cultura nazionalista e nazionalsocialista in Germania, con particolare riferimento a Felix Dahn e a Will Wesper.
Tagore's women are distinguished for their radical worldview and actions, successfully heralding the 'new Indian women' of modern India. The women's question that proves crucial not only for the colonial justification of a foreign rule... more
Sind die rechtsradikalen Minister der ukrainischen Regierung "Faschis.
Форум новейшей восточноевропейской истории и культуры -Русское издание № 1, 2013 - 7 I. Правый радикализм в сегодняшней Украине* Введение Андреас Умланд
9780691125992, £13.95 (pbk) Stefan Breuer, Nationalismus und Faschismus: Frankreich, Italien und Deutschland im Vergleich, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft: Darmstadt, 2005; 202 pp.; 3534179943, E44.90 (hbk) A. James Gregor, The Search... more