New Economic Policy
Recent papers in New Economic Policy
The process of Europeanization implies a confluence of resources and outputs by the EU member states. This is mainly due to both structural economic harmonisation and institutional system-building. This paper deals with welfare... more
The establishment of British colonial administration brought the introduction of cash crops economy to Nigeria-as elsewhere in Africa. In line with the British colonial policy of providing raw materials for the industries of the... more
With the commencement of the New Economic Policy, 1991, developing countries, particularly those in Asia, have been observing an immense efflux of FDI inflows during the past two decades. The developing and the underdeveloped economies do... more
market policy within the NEP framework, which involved the collapse of the market relation between the regime and peasantry in 1927-1928. 3 When Stalin decided to embark on rapid industrialisation, grain procurement to supply the towns... more
The first study of popular opinions in post-revolutionary Russia, this volume is based on new documentation of OGPU and party surveillance on the population, extracts from private letters, diaries, British Foreign Office reports and talks... more
Borodkin, L.WAGE DIFFERENTIATION OF INDUSTRIAL WORKERS AT THE END OF THE NEP: BETWEEN “EQUALIZATION” AND LABOR INCENTIVES. Задача регулирования зарплаты промышленных рабочих в годы нэпа была одной из приоритетных в советской социальной... more
На правах рукопису Михайловський Тимур Олегович УДК 94 (477.7) «1921-1929» ДІЯЛЬНІСТЬ МІЖНАРОДНИХ ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙ НА ПІВДНІ УКРАЇНИ (1921-1929 рр.) 07.00.01 -історія України Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук... more
Over the years, the government business support services (GBSS) have worked closely along the government policies and experienced a number of transformations to suit the current needs of the SMEs and business environment. In order to... more
With the commencement of the New Economic Policy, 1991, developing countries, particularly those in Asia, have been observing an immense efflux of FDI inflows during the past two decades. The developing and the underdeveloped economies do... more
During the past decade the world experienced two simultaneous revolutions. First, a wave of democratization either replaced or challenged authoritarian regimes, beginning in Latin America in the early 1980s, and later in Eastern Europe... more
Russkiy yazyk: sistema, uzus i sozdavaemye imi riski [The Russian language: system, usage and the risks they create], by Olga B. Sirotinina, Saratov, Izdatel'stvo Saratovskogo Universiteta, 2013, 116 pp., RUB200, ISBN 978-5-292-04194-8... more
In 1927 the first crematorium was opened in Moscow. The Association of Friends of Cremation which supervised the work of the first crematorium was founded in the same year. The historiography of cremation in the USSR creates an extremely... more
The article examines the growing radicalization of the Marxist anti-Islamic discourse in the USSR as a case-study of "Soviet Orientalism". To which of Marx's five socio-economic formations should Muslim society be assigned? During the... more
"""In 1925, the USSR communist party’s Central Asian Bureau ordered an inquiry on the countryside, resulting in the series The Modern Central Asian Village. It combined pre-revolutionary methods with Soviet attention to social... more
Abstract. The author in his interview presents a major summary of the studies describing various aspects of continuity and discontinuities in the economic history of Russia. The conditions and factors of industrialization and economic... more
AbstractÐSince the creation of the National Alcohol Programme (NAP) in 1975, commonly known as`P roAlcool'', it has gone through a number of¯uctuations re¯ecting Brazilian political, economic and energy priorities. In 1996±1997 over 175... more
The process of Europeanization implies a confluence of resources and outputs by the EU member states. This is mainly due to both structural economic harmonisation and institutional system-building. This paper deals with welfare... more
... in the 1990s, local firms gradually shifted operations to the unproductive property and real ... in 1981, and since then has intervened strongly to promote heavy industry in Malaysia. ... The government's objectives here,... more
In early 1991, a major economic crisis surfaced in India which was the worst that this country had experienced since Independence. The origin of the crisis is directly attributable to the cavalier macro management of the economy during... more
In this article, the coverage of so-called “country wives’ revolts” in 1920s Soviet Russia are examined. They played a significant role in the formation of the new Soviet ideology and ideological politics within the framework of the... more
The framers of the Indian Constitution did not intend India to be a laissez fair state. They, in fact, wanted India to be a welfare state. The constitutional conception of welfare state is not limited only to provide certain basic... more
Статья посвящена неофициальным практикам партийно-советской номенклатуры. Главной ее темой является такое порицаемое явление как «пьянки» или «групповые вечеринки» районного начальства. Выдвигается гипотеза об институциональном характере... more
Searching for a new economic paradigm
The process of Europeanization implies a confluence of resources and outputs by the EU member states. This is mainly due to both structural economic harmonisation and institutional system-building. This paper deals with welfare... more
With the commencement of the New Economic Policy, 1991, developing countries, particularly those in Asia, have been observing an immense efflux of FDI inflows during the past two decades. The developing and the underdeveloped economies do... more
Over the years, the government business support services (GBSS) have worked closely along the government policies and experienced a number of transformations to suit the current needs of the SMEs and business environment. In order to... more
The era of the New Economic Policy (NEP) was the golden age of Soviet affirmative national policies. This volume of documents offers insights into Polish and German minority institutions and political practices in early Soviet Ukraine. It... more
В статье рассматриваются письма периода новой экономической политики, адресованные жителями Сибири в различные властные инстанции от партийной ячейки до ЦК РКП(б)–ВКП(б) и Совнаркома СССР. Показано, что взятые в совокупности эти источники... more
İnternette ilginç projeler yürütülüyor. Mesela bir site 1917’de Twitter olsaydı devrimin nasıl ilerleyeceğinin bir tür simülasyonunu yapmış. Lenin tam Sovyet’te konuşma yapmaya çıkacakken alıyor eline telefonu, “Ben devrime gidiyorum,... more
Despite the Soviet government's declarative efforts to engage foreign capital in rebuilding the economy during the 1920s, most concessions did not last long and were liquidated before the respective contracts expired. This article... more
В статье рассматриваются причины трудовых конфликтов, протекавших в разных формах на предприятиях Донбасса в годы новой экономической политики. Речь идет, как о трудовых спорах, разбиравшихся в расценочно-конфликтных комиссиях разного... more
The 25 years of economic liberalization had adversely affected the Indian agriculture sector specially food grains. The Present research paper is based on secondary data. It is collected from various Government of India Reports. The main... more
Book chapter discussing the Peasant Union in the 1920s, the formation of a peasant identity, and modernizing discourse.
Résumé La nouvelle orientation de la politique économique au Sénégal vise à accroître les revenus des pauvres et à attaquer la pauvreté là où elle est principalement localisée. La stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté va être mise en... more
[Untertitel] Vladimiro Giacché bietet einen Überblick über das wirtschaftspolitische Programm Lenins
Статья посвящена организации власти в провинции в середине 1920-х гг. В центре внимания – конфликт между ответственными работниками одного из районных центров Пермского округа Уральской области. Показаны особенности образа жизни местной... more