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The article discusses the current risks of a limited nuclear war and its consequences for humanity. It presents a critical analysis of the difference between the strategy of global destructive warfare as a result of the classical use of... more
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      RegionalGlobalNuclear Warjaderná válka
In 2009, after US president Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize for, amongst others, his commitment to long-term nuclear disarmament (BBC,2009), Time Magazine published an article titled “Want Peace? Give the Nuke a Nobel”. This... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryNuclear WeaponsCold War
Ao longo desse ano de 2015 temos visto se sucederem comemorações dos 70 anos do fim da II Guerra Mundial. As cicatrizes por ela deixadas nos fazem recordar as terríveis consequências de conflitos entre grandes potências militares. Nesse... more
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      War StudiesNuclear WeaponsNuclear DisarmamentNuclear strategy
Feeding Everyone No Matter What presents a scientific approach to the practicalities of planning for long-term interruption to food production. The primary historic solution developed over the last several decades is increased food... more
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      Food ScienceFood SafetyAsteroidsFood Security and Insecurity
In a message, recorded on October 15, 2010, Fidel Castro stated: “The use of nuclear weapons in a new war would mean the end of humanity,” adding: “Each and every government in the world has the obligation to respect the right to life... more
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligence and EspionageFidel CastroCouncil on Foreign Relations
The Russian Federation is currently and will remain, for the foreseeable future, the country that possesses the second largest number of nuclear warheads. This highly armed state has, like the Soviet Union before it and the US today, an... more
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      Russian StudiesPost-Soviet RegimesRussian PoliticsPost-Soviet Politics
Topics include the changing character of war, destructive capabilities of weapons, nuclear weapons, human consequences of war, soldiers after was, children and war, child soldiers, civilian casualties (collateral and targeted), Guatemala,... more
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      War StudiesNuclear WeaponsMilitary SpendingChild Soldiers
See the above BOOKS. Here, TEXT REMOVED (because of possible freedoms restrictions in Europe) (An earlier version was published in 2018 as chapter 8 in the book "Justice First") Should Ukraine and Russian governments accept or not... more
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      American PoliticsForeign Policy AnalysisPolitical SciencePolitical Violence and Terrorism
There are few remaining barriers to nuclear war.
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      Nuclear WeaponsRussian Foreign PolicyUkraineVladimir Putin
A number of catastrophes could block the sun, including asteroid/comet impact, super volcanic eruption, and nuclear war with the burning of cities (nuclear winter). The problem of feeding 7 billion people would arise (the food problem is... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringDisaster StudiesDisaster risk managementRisk and Vulnerability
The literature suggests there is ~0.3 percent chance per year of full-scale nuclear war. This event would have ~20 percent probability of causing U.S. mass starvation due to collapse of conventional agriculture from smoke blocking the... more
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      TerrorismDisaster StudiesDisaster risk managementMonte Carlo Simulation
Scomparire è ancora meglio che tuffarsi sott'acqua: al costume dei ranocchi, preferisco quello dei topi. Non penso, però, a quelli neri e grigi delle case e dei giardini, ma al topo giallo-rosso della foresta tropicale, che somiglia ad un... more
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      ZoologyNuclear WeaponsErnst BlochHistory of Zoology
The debate on the use of nuclear energy between nations is one that has occurred over decades. Nuclear energy is an immersive source of power, which when channeled for positive innovations reaps great benefits. On the other hand, the... more
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      United NationsModel United NationsNuclear War
Draft article that later was adapted into a part of my book, _Unvarnishing Reality_.
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      American LiteraturePsychologyDystopian LiteratureLiterature
The probability of nuclear war is a major factor in many important policy questions, but it has gotten little scholarly attention. This paper presents a model for calculating the total probability of nuclear war. The model is based on 14... more
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      Existential riskNuclear WarGlobal Catastrophic RiskNuclear Warfare
You're searching for the truth. What sources of information should you use and trust ? Brian Martin recommends reflecting on a topic that you know a lot about and taking note of which information sources were useful or misleading. To... more
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      HIV and AIDSInformation SourcesTacticsWriting to Learn
A review of Milligan's anarchic vision of a dystopian London, first performed in the mid-1960s.
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      ComedyArmageddonNuclear WarSurrealismo
The representation of modern warfare has always been problematic, but depicting nuclear war seems to be an almost impossible task for writers, inasmuch as a real nuclear conflict has never taken place, so that there is no “real” model... more
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      Art HistoryArtPhilip K DickThomas Pynchon
The representation of modern warfare has always been problematic, but depicting nuclear war seems to be an almost impossible task for writers, inasmuch as a real nuclear conflict has never taken place, so that there is no “real” model... more
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      Philip K DickThomas PynchonScience FictionPostmodernism
What does it mean for the video game arcade to be proclaimed dead? And, how might we interpret the arcade’s various lingering – as technology, as memory, as culture? This special issue of Reconstruction considers the “Undead... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesArchival StudiesGame studies
Decamous, G., 2022. Nuclear Warfare. In: Kurtz, L.R. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict, vol. 2. Elsevier, Academic Press, pp. 200–209. The main turning points of... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsAtomic Bomb LiteratureEnvironmental RadioactivityNuclear power
The year 1954 saw the first public detonation of an H-bomb, a weapon whose radioactive fallout challenged the existing spatialized notions of targeting and post attack recovery by making a whole country vulnerable to the vagaries of... more
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      Cold WarCold War BunkersTown and Regional planningNuclear War
Purpose During a global catastrophe such as a nuclear winter, in which sunlight and temperatures are reduced across every latitude, to maintain global agricultural output it is necessary to grow some crops under structures. This study... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringOrganic agricultureSustainable agricultureDisaster risk management
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      HistoryRussian StudiesInternational RelationsGeopolitics
An earlier version of my Cold War literature course in which I tried to give a more comparative view of the fiction being written during the conflict by including works (some in translation) by Russian writers and authors from... more
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureRussian LiteratureLiterature
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      Evolution of cooperation (Evolutionary Biology)International NegotiationsHuman natureNuclear War
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceCollective Action
A B S T R A C T Recently many methods for reducing the risk of human extinction have been suggested, including building refuges underground and in space. Here we will discuss the perspective of using military nuclear submarines or their... more
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      Future StudiesEthicsDisaster StudiesWar Studies
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      PsychologyPeace MovementsCold War historyVisual History
Until recently the international security environment had come to reflect a relative calm among major powers. The numerous proxy wars of the Cold war had largely gone silent. The number of armed conflicts between regional powers reduced... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyU.S. Foreign PolicyUse of ForceInternational conflicts
Ever since the election of Narendra Modi as Prime Minister, India has constantly been on a quest for showcasing and exhibiting its larger than life persona and proving to an audience at home and abroad, its aspirations for greater power... more
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      Nuclear WarNarendra ModiConventional WeaponsIndia and Pakistan War Conflicts
This is an excerpt of an interview which I recently conducted via skype with Katehon, a Russian-based geo-political think tank. I gave an historical overview of the evolution of U.S.-Russian relationships from the Cold War era to the... more
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsNATOCold War
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      Russian StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisGeopoliticsInternational organizations
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      Philip K DickThomas PynchonScience FictionPhilip K. Dick
This chapter from the wonderful new book explores how different people see different things when they look at Hiroshima, depending on where they are looking from cognitively.
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      Nuclear WeaponsHiroshima and NagasakiHibakushaNuclear War
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      Nuclear WeaponsMiddle East PoliticsNuclear DisarmamentIsrael Iranian Nuclear Crisis
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      Analytic PhilosophyHistory of Analytic PhilosophyThomas HobbesEthical Theory
The article addresses the contemporary risks of limited nuclear war and its threat for societies. It offers a critical analysis based on the difference between the strategy of a global destructive war following classical application of... more
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      RegionalismRegionalGlobal CapitalismGlobal
------> Now available as open-source e-book at <------ _Unvarnishing Reality_ draws original insight to the literature, politics, history, and culture of the cold war by closely examining... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryRussian StudiesComparative Literature
La via che non dà garanzie di sicurezza né dall'interno né dall'esterno: questa è la nostra. Poeti e filosofi l'hanno descritta con maggior precisione e consapevolezza a ogni nuovo passo. È la via sulla quale si profilano sempre più... more
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      PlatoFriedrich NietzscheEdmund HusserlMartin Heidegger
This article aims to present what was said by the late scientist Stephen Hawking who stated in 2018 that the human species could be driven to extinction in 100 years and that, due to this, he would force human beings to leave the Earth,... more
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      International RelationsClimate ChangeClimatologyScience and Technology
This article argues that Adorno’s resistance to thinking in terms of the “Atomic Age” should warn us against too quickly adopting the term “Anthropocene” in relation to climate change. Rather than fixating on the sublime imagery of the... more
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      Climate ChangeTheodor W. AdornoAnthropoceneNuclear War
The period known as the Cold War is commonly defined as lasting from 1946, the year of the infamous ‘Long Telegram’, to 1991, when the Soviet Union formally ceased to exist. When tackling the question of why this prolonged ‘cold’... more
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      HistoryWar StudiesNuclear WeaponsCold War
What is the relationship between the stability of the nuclear balance among nuclear-armed states and the incidence of conventional warfare? The stability-instability paradox suggests that the more stable the strategic nuclear balance, the... more
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      International RelationsNuclear WeaponsDiplomacyNuclear deterrence
Perhaps the most controversial aspect of the plan to overhaul the nation’s nuclear arsenal is the replacement program for the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) force, the land-based leg of the nuclear triad that also includes... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsAmerican Foreign PolicyU.S. Foreign PolicyNuclear Disarmament
Purpose Islands have long been discussed as refuges from global catastrophes; this paper will evaluate them systematically, discussing both the positives and negatives of islands as refuges. There are examples of isolated human... more
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      Global WarmingSurvivalCold War BunkersExtinction
Español: Desde la Crisis de Suez de 1956 hasta la Crisis Cubana de 1962, las tensiones entre Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética no dejaron de crecer, hasta el punto de que la guerra era una posibilidad cotidiana. Aunque el gobierno... more
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      Cultural StudiesNuclear WeaponsCold WarEstudios Culturales
Even when concerns about nuclear weapons are pushed out of the headlines, events have a way of reminding us that they loom in the background. With nuclear arms control facing an uncertain future and nuclear weapon states either expanding... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsAmerican Foreign PolicyNuclear DisarmamentArms Control and Disarmament