Productivity and Efficiency Measurement
Recent papers in Productivity and Efficiency Measurement
Happiness measures, reflecting individuals’ well-being, have received increasing attention by policy makers. Policies could target absolute happiness levels when aiming at increasing a society’s well-being. But given upper bounds of... more
The duality between measures of economic and technical efficiency has been extensively studied in the productive efficiency analysis. This duality ensures a meaningful interpretation of technical efficiency as economic efficiency... more
2005) -Communication Relations entre le Big Five Inventory français et le manuel diagnostique des troubles mentaux dans un échantillon clinique français Relations between the French version of the Big Five Inventory and the DSM... more
The trend of capital investments is increasing in horse breeding, as one of the major livestock branches in the Republic of Croatia. A long tradition of horse breeding and natural resources eligible for horse breeding contributed to the... more
This paper applies a 'port function matrix' to analyse the administrative and ownership structures of major container ports in Asia. The relative efficiency of these ports is then assessed using the cross-sectional and panel data versions... more
| We analyze the application of Shannon entropy and Bhattacharyya distance for the characterization of polarimetric interferometric synthetic aperture radar (PolInSAR) images. We discuss the relevance of the decomposition of the Shannon... more
The rapidly increasing electricity demand for data center operation has motivated efforts to better understand current data center energy use and to identify strategies that reduce the environmental impact of these buildings. This paper... more
L'échelle neuro-affective de personnalité (The Affective Neuroscience Personality Scale [ANPS], a été conçue afin d'offrir aux chercheurs et aux cliniciens une mesure efficace des différences individuelles dans six grandes dimensions de... more
Choosing the appropriate multimedia for the learning modules or systems is critical to designing an efficient web-based asynchronous learning systems or modules. In response to this need, a study was conducted to gauge the effectiveness... more
The paper gives a brief review of the nonparametric approach to efficiency measurement or Data Envelopment Analysis as it is known in the operations research literature. Inequalities are derived between the efficiency measures when... more
Proper management of resources in construction projects can yield substantial savings in time and cost. As construction is a labor-intensive industry, this paper focuses on labor efficiency and how this can be measured as accurate as it... more
This article reports on the multi-institutional development and validation of an instrument that attempts to operationalize Garrison, Anderson and Archer's Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework (2000). The results of the study suggest that... more
Motivated by subdiffusive motion of bio-molecules observed in living cells we study the stochastic properties of a non-Brownian particle whose motion is governed by either fractional Brownian motion or the fractional Langevin equation and... more
DNA methylation is a key regulator of gene transcription. Alterations in DNA methylation patterns are common in most cancers, occur early in carcinogenesis and can be detected in body fluids. Reliable and sensitive quantitative assays are... more
With the setting of ambitious international health goals and an influx of additional development assistance for health, there is growing interest in assessing the performance of health systems in developing countries. This paper proposes... more
In 1957 Farrell demonstrated how cost inefficiency could be decomposed into two mutually exclusive and exhaustive components: technical and allocative inefficiency. This result is consequence of the fact that—as shown by Shephard—the cost... more
We divided the whole series of Shenzhen stock market into two sub-series at the criterion of the date of a reform and their scale behaviors are investigated using multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA). Employing the method... more
In this paper, the performance analysis of the Indian auto component industry is carried out from the perspectives of an original equipment manufacturer and a component supplier. Various efficiency measures are estimated using Data... more
versão eletrônica P e r i ó d i c o d o I n s t i t u t o B r a s i l e i r o d e P e s q u i s a e E n si n o e m F i s i o l o g i a d o E x e r c í c i o w w w . i b p e f e x . c o m . b r -w w w . r b o n e . c o m . b r
L-Prolinium picrate was synthesized and its solubility in the mixed solvent of acetone and water was estimated. Employing temperature reduction method crystals of size 22 Â 4 Â 3 mm 3 were grown. The cell dimensions were obtained by... more
To be affordable, a house must be designed and constructed to last; an approach to building that embraces sustainability principles. Energy efficient construction is proven to reduce the long-term costs of owning a house; it also improves... more
In this paper, we show the importance of accounting for heterogeneity among sample firms in stochastic frontier analysis. For a fairly homogenous sample of German savings and cooperative banks, we analyze how alternative theoretical... more
This paper discusses the perspective of renewable energy (wind, solar, wave and biomass) in the making of strategies for a sustainable development. Such strategies typically involve three major technological changes: energy savings on the... more
L-Prolinium picrate was synthesized and its solubility in the mixed solvent of acetone and water was estimated. Employing temperature reduction method crystals of size 22 Â 4 Â 3 mm 3 were grown. The cell dimensions were obtained by... more
Using energy more efficiently is a key strategy for reducing global carbon dioxide emissions. Due to limitations on time and resources, actions must be focused on the efficiency measures which will deliver the largest gains. Current... more
Channel migration in deltaic lowlands tends to be complicated by marine processes and intensified cultural practices. Understanding the ways in which river channels have migrated through time is critical to tackling many geomorphologic... more
This paper investigates the relationship between firm efficiency and leverage. We consider both the effect of leverage on firm performance as well as the reverse causality relationship. In particular, we address the following questions:... more
Positive temperature coefficient ͑PTC͒ thermistor sensors have been used successfully for sensing and measurement of gas flow through a tube. Tuned detection technique using an ac signal is found to be a more efficient measuring circuit... more
Do Islamic banks perform efficiently? Although the phenomenon of Islamic banking and finance has developed significantly in recent years, only very few studies have tackled this central question. This paper provides new evidence on the... more
The study of DNA damage at the chromosome level is an essential part of genetic toxicology because chromosomal mutation is an important event in carcinogenesis. The micronucleus assays have emerged as one of the preferred methods for... more
This paper addresses the possibility of testing, with high accuracy, triangular waveform generators using a procedure inspired on the Ramp Vernier Test of Analog to Digital Converters. This allows the use of a low cost data acquisition... more
The spectroscopic, lasing, and thermal properties of chromium-and neodymium-doped gadolinium scandium aluminum garnet (Cr:Nd:GSAG) are reported. The Judd-Ofelt parameters, radiative lifetime, and branching ratios were determined, and an... more
The recognizance about the efficiency level for the textile firms has vital importance mainly for the firms of small scale. This research work measures the efficiency scores of the small-sized textile firms of Punjab, Pakistan. Efficiency... more
Data Envelopment Analysis is used for evaluating the technical efficiency of museum institutions. This approach enables us to create for each museum a relative efficiency measure, which takes into account both the resources used by... more
High-energy particle accelerator UHV systems subjected to energetic charged particle or photon bombardment are particularly sensitive to surface contamination. Well-established cleaning procedures employing solvents such as Freon and... more
Affiliations of the other authors: K.U. Leuven and UFSIA; and UFSIA and KULAK respectively. The authors thank J. COUDER for his superb programming assistance and I. JANSSENS, D. DE GRAEVE, the editor of this journal and two referees for... more
Several European countries have considered introducing choice of public or private health insurance - usually by allowing people to ‘opt out’ of the statutory scheme - under the assumption that enhancing consumer choice and stimulating... more