Project Portfolio Management
Recent papers in Project Portfolio Management
The selection and scheduling of a portfolio of projects is a task frequently found among the strategical activities performed by management staff in several industries. When choosing a project to be selected and scheduled into a... more
One of the important steps in a probabilistic risk assessment is the recognition of the statistical correlation among cost components. Ignoring the correlation results in an underestimation of total cost variance. This becomes even more... more
This Conference Paper is brought to you by the Information Services at ePublications@bond. It has been accepted for inclusion in Information Services papers by an authorized administrator of ePublications@bond. For more information,... more
A Projekt és Portfolió Menedzsment (PPM) megoldásokkal a szervezetek egy rendszerben integrálhatják valamennyi projektjük, emberi erőforrásaik és pénzügyeik kezelését. A rendszerek az egész szervezet működésére kiterjedően képet nyújtanak... more
The decision quality framework has been useful for integrating decision analytic techniques into decision processes in a way that adds value. This framework extends to the specific context of portfolio decisions, where decision quality is... more
The objective of this paper is to summarize the past and present literature on project portfolio selection. In particular, it highlights six groups of project portfolio selection methods. Based on the literature review, the content of... more
This paper takes de Bono's explanation of 'design thinking' as the starting point for a report on a doctoral research project that began with a conventional 'why?' question, and then, instead of looking for an 'explanation', chose to look... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
Portfolio selection problem is an important issue in financial engineering which has been solved by a variety of heuristic and non-heuristic techniques. The most studies are concentrating on classical mean-variance model. In this paper,... more
This paper describes the methodology and results obtained after productivity improvement work conducted on two consecutive building construction jobs. The first one was used to evaluate production rates and productivity, current... more
This article consists of a review of the literature on the main PPM models, in addition to a critical analysis to build a theoretical framework. Four case studies are presented of companies from different sectors, which aim to identify... more
This book deals with the project portfolio management (PPM) concept and its functions. The book begins by explaining project, program and portfolio management principles. This introduction is followed by an attempt to transfer portfolio... more
Managing innovation initiatives requires making structured decisions in environments of uncertainty and complexity. Palisade DecisionTools offers an integrated platform for quantifying risks / opportunities, gaining analytical insights,... more
Słowa kluczowe zarządzanie portfelem projektów -zarządzanie strategiczne -organizacja zorientowana projektowo Streszczenie Artykuł prezentuje problematykę zarządzania portfelami projektów w organizacjach zorientowanych projektowo. Tekst... more
The implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems has become generalized in companies and organizations, as a way to achieve the supply chain integration, to improve productivity and gain competitive advantages. Those... more
Wariantowanie to proces, którego celem jest dokonanie wyboru optymalnego rozwiązania określonego problemu, przy czym może ono wynikać z potrzeby usprawnienia aktualnie funkcjonującego systemu, bądź stanowić odpowiedź na nowe... more
Leadership traditionally centred around the idea of a “person in charge” leading subordinates / team members (i.e. vertical leadership), however recent literature indicates that leadership may be shared in a team by assigning the... more
Project business management is high risk for all parties involved. For organizations performing projects for paying customers, a very central area of uncertainty is profitability from one or more projects. A second one is liquidity, and... more
Current business uncertainties in dynamic environment drive the banking industries to keep on in shape of competitive in the market. The organizations are forced to formulate and implement their strategic initiatives in a form of... more
When we look at project management as it is taught and discussed today, there is a common focus on internal projects, performed by mostly also internal teams. The concept of a project there is that an organization builds a project team, a... more
Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is a combination of projects or a set of business practices that integrates projects under the sponsorship organizations. These require different approaches, strategies, models, and practices when... more
Objective: Public projects are used to delivery policy objectives. From a financial perspective, the Major Projects Authority (MPA) estimated a whole life investment of £488 billion for 199 major projects in 2014, only a small subset of... more
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
This work presents ways for project management through the integration of the FEL (Front End Loading) processes, PMI (Project Management Institute) Standard for Portfolio Management® and OGC (Office of Government Commerce) PRINCE2®, as... more
Abstract-Oil and gas industry plays an important role for Indonesia's economy. There is a phenomena where projects in the oil & gas industry still often have experiences in the schedule delays and cost overrun compared to the plan. The... more
Nigeria is a west African country with abundant natural resources and harbours a long term aspiration is to be among the top 20 economies in the global world by the year 2020. These lofty objectives can only be achieved and or realized... more
Applying Portfolio Management principles through implementation of a robust process is no easy task in a corporate en-vironment. This is especially true in the unique area of corporate shared services where the business unit is not a... more
Faced with a direct competitive challenge, Canica Design Inc.'s Executive Vice President, Alden Rattew, and his team must navigate unique pressures and expectations to protect the company's flagship product. He is tasked with delivering... more
This paper explores the nature of organizational settings, where a large extent of the operations is organized as simultaneous or successive projects. Anchored in qualitative case studies, the paper analyzes why the resource allocation... more
Current business uncertainties in dynamic environment drive the banking industries to keep on in shape of competitive in the market. The organizations are forced to formulate and implement their strategic initiatives in a form of... more
The ever-increasing penetration of projects as a way to organise work in many organisations necessitates effective management of multiple projects. This has resulted in a greater interest in the processes of project portfolio management... more
Nigeria is an African country with abundant natural and human resources with an aspiration to be among the top 20 economies in world by the year 2020. Such objective can only be achieved through requisite infrastructural development... more
This is a presentation oriented towards practitioners summarizing the theory behind, derivation of, and application of the cost of capital concept in corporate finance and financial decision making.
Project portfolio Management has the ability to deliver significant benefits to organizations. Albeit project portfolio management increase project success, not all organizations have a fully adopted PPM mechanism in place. Contributions... more
Many authors point out that the front-end of new product development (NPD) is a critical success factor in the NPD process and that numerous companies face difficulties in carrying it out appropriately. Therefore, it is important to... more
Purpose: The objective of this research is to provide a step by step guide with a mix of tools for managers to align strategic objectives with the business unit project portfolio. Design/methodology/approach: The proposed model is... more
LOOKING FOR A CAREER IN THE DESIGN INDUSTRY? YOU NEED A PORTFOLIO THAT WILL HELP YOU STAND OUT! A refreshing and practical departure from conventional books on portfolio building, Stand Out provides a logical, step-by-step approach... more