Public Order Law
Recent papers in Public Order Law
The Constitution (First Amendment Act), 1951 remains one of the most deeply contested changes to the Indian Constitution. This article revisits the debates in the Interim Parliament focusing on aspects related to crowd action and unrest... more
Public Order, Private Rules: Representations of the Crowd and Behavioural Recommendations in Italian Police Handbooks This article aims at contributing to the debate on policing protest, focusing on police knowledge and its role in the... more
This article focuses on the problems related to the freedom of circulation of default judgments in the EU judiciary space, in particular with the public order exception concerning the respect of the right of defense and fair trial in the... more
In Italy, Marco Minniti was appointed Minister of the Interior in December 2016. Since then, he has not radically changed the norms and the policies about immigration, although he has added some original elements. Specifically, Minniti... more
L'articolo unico della l. 17 aprile 2014 n. 62, entrata in vigore il giorno immediatamente successivo, ha integralmente sostituito il testo dell'art. 416-ter c.p. (Scambio elettorale politico-mafioso). Il presente commento si prefigge di... more
This paper looks at the response to the 1992 Los Angeles Riot for insight into the organizational factors which can contribute to the failure or shortcomings of response. An analytical model first developed to examine the causes of... more
Nuova serie dei delitti e delle pene Fassin (2013), "La forza dell'ordine. Antropologia della polizia nelle periferie urbane" (La Linea). Recensione di Enrico Gargiulo 3 gennaio 2017 centrostudiricerca Rivista Ciظà, Police e policing,... more
The surveillance capacities of professional sports clubs and Leagues are directly related to their modes of governance. This paper identifies how private sports clubs enact surveillance through processes of inclusion and exclusion. Using... more
Con sentenza n. 24001/2014 la Corte di Cassazione italiana ha stabilito che, poiché la maternità surrogata è contraria all’ordine pubblico, il minore nato a seguito di contratto di surrogazione di maternità concluso ed eseguito all’estero... more
This article concerns the internal security acts of France and Portugal as well as – in contrast – India. These states have adopted such kind of laws due to various reasons and motives. In the paper a set of factors is identified which... more
"This paper examines an aspect of how public order offences have been used in the context of Intervention in Central Australia, and explores the question of whether the criminalisation of certain events is legitimate from a socio-legal... more
The surveillance capacities of professional sports clubs and Leagues are directly related to their modes of governance. This paper identifies how private sports clubs enact surveillance through processes of inclusion and exclusion. Using... more
Sul sapere di polizia e sulle sue ambiguità Una lettura ragionata del volume "Dieci anni di ordine pubblico". Presentato nella sede istituzionale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri... more
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the informal, privately run body that manages the Domain Name System. ICANN recently expanded the top level of domain names by launching the new generic Top-Level Domain... more
ID scanners are promoted as an effective solution to the problems of anti-social behavior and violence in many urban nighttime economies. However, the acceptance of this and other forms of computerized surveillance to prevent crime and... more
In recent years, a growing emphasis has been placed on the use of zonal banning to address violence and anti-social behaviour associated with alcohol consumption. While we recognise the longer historical links between territory and crime,... more
Sul piano giuridico, l'ordine pubblico è una categoria che presenta due accezioni diverse: una "ideale" e una "materiale".
Computerised ID scanning technologies have permeated many urban night-time economies in Australia, the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. This paper documents how one media organisation’s overt and tacit approval of ID scanners... more
il lavoro culturale ISSN 2384-9274 L'Idra dalle molte teste: le folle nel sapere di polizia /le-folle-nel-sapere-di-polizia/ Conoscere le soggettività sociali con cui si trova quotidianamente a interagire è un'attività... more
It is remarkable that the Abbott government has singled out one law, section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, as stifling free expression, but has remained silent on other more draconian laws that limit speech in Australia.
""Public order became significant at the end of the period of the Roman Republic. Ongoing civil wars, all kinds of formal and informal gathering, as well as organized crime led to growing problems of public order. In this social context,... more