Raymond Carver
Recent papers in Raymond Carver
This essay examines Carver's minimalist style as a response to postmodern culture. Taylor Johnston suggests that Carver's spare prose has the effect of stripping away as many consumer artifacts as possible without jettisoning... more
Trying to write a poem while it was still dark out, he had the unmistakable feeling he was being watched. Laid down the pen and looked around. In a minute, he got up and moved through the rooms of his house. He checked the closets.... more
This master's thesis explores the work of Raymond Carver in terms of postmodernism, the Reagan-era United States, and conspicuous consumption.
Carver in the Age of Trump a valuable opportunity to consider the perspective of that demographic in detail. Carver's work reminds readers that these are often " decent men " who have been dealt bad hands " in a plentiful world " and... more
This article explores several elements of Raymond Carver’s oeuvre and its various applications to ESL and remedial English literature, comprehension, and composition classes. Due to the difficulty inherent in teaching ESL students... more
Many people, like the protagonist of Dorothy Parker's short story "Too Bad," wonder "what did married people talk about, anyway, when they were alone together?" Raymond Carver's short story "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" is... more
Learning To Love You More (2002-2009), a creation by Harrell Fletcher and Miranda July, is a collective and contemporary online artwork piece. In this multimedia website, Fletcher and July gave assignments addressed to the public in... more
How Raymond Carver's unique storytelling perspective supports the theme of "Popular Mechanics". In-class essay for my Short Story 12 class. Written in 40 minutes.
What do we learn about the narrator's wife and the blind man in the expository summary of paragraphs 2-5? How did her relationship with Robert compare with that with her first husband, the air force officer who had been her childhood... more
I edited this variorum edition of Carver's story, which delineates over two hundred differences between the Atlantic Monthly 1981 edition and the Vintage 1984 edition.
Almost without exception, critics endorse the idea that Raymond Carver's Cathedral marks a turn toward affirmation in the context of his career. That the stories themselves strongly suggest otherwise shows the degree to which Carver... more
The place of the editor in literary production is an ambiguous and often invisible one, requiring close attention to publishing history and (often inaccessible) archival resources to bring it into focus. In The Art of Editing, Tim... more
Ragionar per ficta Il minimalismo tragico di Raymond Carver Scrittore celebre soprattutto per la narrativa, Raymond Carver non mancò mai di sottolineare l'importanza della sua opera poetica, testimoniata da un'assiduità anche più tenace e... more
Preguntas de lectura sobre "Catedral" ("Cathedral," 1983) de Raymond Carver (1938-1988).
Dirty Realism is a literary movement which arose in the USA during the 70’s and 80’s. It aims at showing some of the worst aspects of Western society during the postmodern era. Dirty Realism reaches readers mainly through the novel and... more
Jan Berge Y12 Literature of 1 2
In his short story, Carver provides deep underlying messages warning the reader of a wasted life through love, relationships, alcohol, and light.
Polyester is his favorite, second to snakeskin and he has taken to pairing them, so you judge for yourself what kind of impression we make at the Officer's Club. We go there Fridays, which is, consequently, the only night he's up for... more
One of the most persistent myths about philosophies that “proceed from the ordinary” is that any kind of philosophy that emphasizes the ordinary does so in order to find true and original sense, not contaminated by “philosophy.” This is... more
This essay discusses the creation and maintenance of communities in Raymond Carver's short-story collection Cathedral through shared consumption of food.
La autora utiliza lenguaje cotidiano, con palabras y expresiones coloquiales que la identifican con el lector. La economía en las descripciones evita romper el suspenso. El relato se basa en episodios y escenarios históricos que la... more
In this draft of a chapter in my book Intermediality and Narrative Literature. Medialities Matter, I apply my heteromedial three-step model on Raymond Carver's well-known short story "Cathedral".
The author uses everyday language, with colloquial words and expressions that identify her with the reader. The economy in the descriptions avoids breaking the suspense. The story is based on historical episodes and scenarios that the... more
An analysis on Raymond Carver's masculine characters in the short stories "Nobody Said Anything", "Are These Actual Miles?" and "Nightschool".
Raymond Carver published his short stories collection Cathedral in 1983. The stories of Cathedral are different from Carver’s earlier minimalistic works. The improvement of author’s livelihood urged him to regulate the writing of his... more
Je souhaiterais tout d'abord remercier Monsieur le Professeur Daniel Roulland du soutien indéfectible qu'il m'a apporté, de ses conseils, toujours avisés, de l'attention scrupuleuse qu'il a portée à mon travail en toute circonstance, et... more
Un lettore che incontri per la prima volta il nome di Raymond Carver potrà forse indugiare sul segno di abrasione al quale il sostantivo inglese sembra rimandare: carver come incisore, intagliatore, scultore. Approfittando dunque della... more
Repeat any word, over and again, for longer than half a minute or so in order to experience the psychological phenomenon of "semantic satiation." In laymen's terms, the portion of the brain responsible for parsing sounds into words... more
Forma breve, non minore, questo è il punto di partenza di una tesi che si propone di indagare le problematiche del racconto all’interno del mercato editoriale contemporaneo. Dopo la presentazione di una serie di questioni d’ordine... more
Examining the working class struggles in the short fiction of Raymond Carver and Dagoberto Gilb