Recent papers in Puritans
Logic and rhetoric are "the practice of the holy Ghost". 1 So says William Perkins, one of the leading godly clergy of Cambridge during the later Elizabethan period, in his commentary on the book of Revelation, posthumously published in... more
John Dury (1596-1680) grew up in England with connections to the heads of state, and was advised by an eminent chaplain that to reconcile the divisions of the protestant churches would be the greatest work of peacemaking (Matt 5:9) that... more
Although scholars have begun to explore the emotions of early Protestant groups, including those of the Puritans, they have not considered whether there might be differences in the emotions expressed and felt by Puritan men and women.... more
현대의 많은 학자들이 오웬의 신학을 삼위일체적이라고 규정했다. 대표적으로 싱클레어 퍼거슨, 칼 트루먼, 켈리 캐픽, 브라이언 키, 피터 드 프리스 등은 삼위일체론이야말로 오웬 신학의 핵심이라고 주장한다. 퍼거슨은 오웬을 가리켜 “깊이 있는 삼위일체론적 신학자”라고 부른다. 트루먼은 “오웬의 작품을 통틀어 –그 작품들이 신론이나 구원론, 혹은 칭의론을 다루든 상관없이- 삼위일체론은 언제나 근본적이다.”라고 주장한다.... more
This paper is a character analysis on the intangible antagonist, society, in "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller. I hope it is of use to you!
Contemporary societies have myriad reasons to be grateful for the modern innovations that allow for the eradication of the scourge of smallpox, which left its mark in nearly every part of the world for millennia. Even as far back as the... more
A brief history of early Plymouth settlers, both Puritan and Pilgrim plus information on Plimoth Plantation, a living history museum located in Plymouth, Massachusetts. It's a Smithsonian Institution Affiliate, the name Plimouth based on... more
The Puritans believed that habits were a means of cultivating spiritual maturity in the believer by giving a believer a greater capacity for future obedience, by uniting a believer’s will to God’s, and by conforming a believer to the... more
In Puritan-dominated New England, the consequences of sexual immorality were particularly dire for women. Female worth was measured by a woman’s reputation, which could be irreparably damaged if she sexually transgressed. Pregnancy was... more
Dit is een paper die destijds geschreven is voor een presentatie tijdens het college Kerkgeschiedenis over Richard Baxter en zijn boek 'Reformed Pastor'.
>Brief background of the puritan dispute with the Reformation CofE, Thomas Cranmer, and William Tyndale over ceremonies and song. >Compares translations and notes from the Psalms in the1537 Matthew Bible and the Geneva Bible. >Shows... more
Richard Sibbes (1577-1635) said, “A little fire is fire... a little thing in the hand of giant will do great things. A little faith strengthened by Christ will work wonders.” Sibbes penned these words to bring comfort to his readers; a... more
This essay proposes that the Reformed theology of ordinary life has promising principles that can be applied to the recent challenges of the digital age. It first examines how contemporary scholars have grappled with the challenges posed... more
Plimoth Plantation is a living history museum located in Plymouth, Massachusetts, that portrays the early seventeenth-century lifeways of English Puritans and their Wampanoag counterparts through interactive encounters. The museum’s... more
This article is a study on the representation of Puritans in William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night; or, What You Will, one of his most popular comic play in the modern theatre. In mocking Malvolio's morality and ridiculous behaviour,... more
This is a dissertation for a Masters degree in Theology from Durham University UK in 2019. This dissertation explores how the theological discourse and upheaval of the reformation created an occasion to combine classical views of virtue... more
청교도 설교자들의 왕이라고 불렸던 토머스 맨톤(1620-1677)의 시편 119편에 대한 설교들에 나타난 경건론은 팬데믹 시대에 어떻게 목회의 방향을 잡아가야 할지에 대한 여러 가지 통찰을 준다. 맨톤에 따르면 참된 경건이란 하나님에 대한 경외심과 사랑으로 구성된다. 그는 경건한 사람만이 유일하게 행복한 사람이라고 주장하는데, 경건한 사람은 행복의 목표와 그것에 도달하는 방법을 알기 때문이다. 맨톤은 최고선이 되시는 하나님... more
Manusia dilahirkan dengan kodratnya membawa hak dan kewajiban baik sebagai hamba maupun warga negara. Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah merupakan warisan yang ditinggalkan nabi kepada umatnya sebagai kompas pedoman hidup manusia. Di dalamnya telah... more
Originally appearing in the Founders Journal (#112, Spring 2018), this paper is an exposition of Chapter 14 in the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession. Edited by Tom Nettles, the essay is part of that Journal's ongoing expository series... more
EDITORIAL: The renaissance in Post-Reformation Reformed Scholasticism continues apace in Jae-Eun Park’s study of the Puritan Stephen Charnock’s Christological basis of our knowledge of God. While Charnock was accused by an earlier... more
Theme of the Pentateuch: Tripartite covenant; progeny, relationship with God, and Land.
(with Mark Jones) in Joel R. Beeke and Mark Jones, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2012), 653–679.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis 2017/2 The aim of the article “The Relations Between Puritans and Quakers in 17th Century New England” is to analyze very complicated relations between two specific religious groups after... more
1 -alle pene eterne o alla comunione della sua gloria, senza chiedere, né dare, né offrire nulla, un gesto di assoluta libertà, una sorta di atto puro, di arbitrio sovrano, orrido abisso di imperscrutabile tenebrosità". 6 III. Redenzione... more
This paper discussES Milton's employment of epic simile in " Paradise Lost " Book II. Like his predecessors, Milton also uses epic simile to make the main idea in the comparison clearer but at the same time each simile presents vivid... more
캠브리지 대학에서 오래 사역하였던 “그레이즈 인”의 설교자 리처드 십스의 성령론은 다음과 같은 특징들을 드러낸다. 첫째, 십스의 성령론은 성령의 신성을 분명히 견지한다. 십스는 삼위일체론을 부인했던 소키니우스파를 배격하고 성령의 신성을 강력하게 설파하였다. 성령은 피조물이 아닌 하나님이시다. 성령은 하나님의 영이시다. 성령은 창조와 구속의 사역을 행하신다. 성령은 순수한 영이시며, 신성에 걸맞은 이름과 위엄을 갖고... more
Cet article s’inscrit dans le débat récemment relancé sur la relation entre les théologiens scolastiques de la Réforme et les premiers réformateurs, mais propose également de l’amener dans une nouvelle direction. On y analyse... more
John Owen: Between Orthodoxy and Modernity, ed. Kelly Kapic and Willem Van Vlastuin (Brill, forthcoming).
The Ashgate Companion to John Owen’s Theology, ed. Kelly M. Kapic and Mark Jones (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2012), 249–270.
What do we mean by Further Reformation? How did it begin. This paper briefly examines the roots of this movement.
To date, there has been little scholarship on the influence of Petrus Ramus and Ramism on later Dutch Reformed theology, as mediated by Puritanism in general and by William Ames in particular. The present article first offers a brief... more
Introduction to the Theological Studies Global Church History Historical Theology I Rationale: This course is an investigation of the main theological issues, theologians, and religious movements from late Middle Ages to the 17 th... more
This short article addressed to a broader readership investigates the impact of the King James Bible upon the American founding. In order to show that impact, the article's first half portrays the political context for the formation of... more