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      GeographyArchaeology of Roman HispaniaPorts and HarboursRoman Baetica
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      Underwater ArchaeologyMediterranean Underwater ArchaeologyRoman portsMaritime and Underwater Archaeology
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      Maritime HistoryRoman EpigraphyRoman EconomyRoman ports
Version mise à jour en février 2022 : peu après la publication de cet article nous avons modifié le classement et chronologie de la pièce de monnaie de l'épave Monaco A (p. 184). La datation de l’émission entre 186 et 189 ap. J.- C. ne... more
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      Ancient ShipwrecksRoman portsAncient Mediterranean portsConnectivity
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      Roman portsAncient Ports and HarboursRoman Archaeology
Atlante tematico di topografia antica 28-2018. Roma, urbanistica, porti, insediamenti e viabilità. Edided by: Quilici Gigli Stefania and Quilici Lorenzo Series: Atlante Tematico di Topografia Antica, 28 ISBN: 9788891316776 Year: 2018... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural Heritage ConservationTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Imperial Rome
This paper examines several interrelated aspects of maritime connectivity within the Roman Mediterranean. First, it considers Fulford’s suggestion of a divide between eastern and western trading zones along the North African coast in the... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyClassicsMaritime History
This paper examines several interrelated aspects of maritime connectivity within the Roman Mediterranean. First, it considers Fulford’s suggestion of a divide between eastern and western trading zones along the North African coast in the... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyClassicsMaritime History
Hispania and the Mediterranean: 3rd to mid 6th centuries 3.1. The 3rd century: a world in transition 3.2. The 4th century: Hispania, north Africa and the East 3.3. 5th century deposits in the West and exports from the East 3.3.1. The late... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesPost-Roman BritainRoman PotteryLate Roman Empire
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      GeomorphologyCoastal GeomorphologyPorts and HarboursRoman Trade Networks
Between 1999 and 2003 the University of Southampton conducted excavations on the site of Quseir al-Qadim (western shores of the Red Sea), a place that had not been examined since the excavations by the Oriental Institute of the University... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyRoman fishing and fish processingRoman portsAncient Fishing
A check carried out on fragments 23 and 24 b-d of the Forma Urbis Romae allowed to definitively exclude the presence of other epigraphic traces preceding the already known letters in rustic capital 'I A'. This evidence does not therefore... more
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      Roman portsAncient Roman TopographyForma Urbis RomaeEmporium
Con ocasión de unas obras en el entorno de la iglesia parroquial del pueblo costero de Suances (Cantabria), se redescubrieron vestigios de una población romana. El trabajo da a conocer el hallazgo de estructuras arquitectónicas que... more
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      Terra SigillataRoman portsArqueología romana / Roman archeologyUrbanismo romano
This book is an analysis of the commercial activity of Mediterranean ports in the early Roman Empire (1st-3rd cent AD). Abstract though this approach may seem, the problems addressed are concrete and down-to earth. Its main purpose is to... more
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      Roman LawRoman EpigraphyRoman Trade NetworksRoman Marble trade and distribution
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      Roman Trade NetworksRoman portsRoman Amphorae
Scientific research conducted over the past decade at the outskirt of Fréjus help to trace the change in the landscape, especially in relation to the river Argens. It is now possible to delimit the shoreline in the Antic period. Those... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyCoastal GeomorphologyRoman ports
This work made a comparative analysis between which was the main southern port of the Iberian Peninsula before the arrival of Rome -Gades - and which will assume that predominant condition after the conformation of... more
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaPorts and HarboursRoman BaeticaHarbour Archaeology
A pesar de la atención prestada por la historiografía al problema del sistema portuario antiguo gaditano persisten aún numerosas lagunas en su conocimiento. La génesis de este sistema se remonta a la colonización arcaica fenicia y su... more
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      Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)Roman portsNon-Invasive MethodsBaetica
Headline: Traces the relationship between legal, economic and social change in the Roman world Blurb: Bringing together archaeologists, economic historians, and legal historians, this book provides new perspectives on long-distance trade... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawRoman EconomyRoman ports
Presentation of the Monte Castêlo (Guifões, Matosinhos -Porto) archaeological site within the context of sailing on the River Leça and, in general, in Ancient times. This late Roman site seems to prove the existence of intense commercial... more
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      ArqueologíaRoman portsCastros Culture in Nortwestern IberiaNavigation Roman
A presente Dissertação não teria sido, de maneira alguma, possível sem o apoio e contributo de diversas pessoas, a quem muito agradeço.
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      Archaeology of the Iberian PeninsulaRoman portsRoman AmphoraePollentia (Roman city, Mallorca)
We present in this article an important underwater discovery of a fragment belonging to a Roman amphora, located in the Miño river in the proximity of the city of Tui (Pontevedra). Presentamos en esta noticia un destacado hallazgo... more
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      Maritime Trade Ceramics (Archaeology)Roman Trade NetworksAncient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Amphorae (Archaeology)
In Roman mural painting, ports (as Vitruvius explains) and maritime or lake villas are recurrent subjects. However, both these themes posed some graphic problems, because the ports were vast and complex infrastructures, not easy to... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyMediterranean archaeologyRoman portsCoastal Ancient Topography
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      Ostia (Archaeology)Roman portsAncient HarborsOstia, Portus
The Archaeological Project, conducted between 2008 and 2010, analyzed the performance of various geophysical techniques in an area of great diversity in terms of seabeds (sand, gravel, slime, rocks), with diverse depths and sites that... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyPhoeniciansRoman PotteryIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)
The great need for stone as a building material in Roman Istria is attested by a large number of quarries along the Istrian coast, and several in the interior. The more or less high-quality limestone from these quarries could have been... more
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      Roman roadsRoman QuarriesAntiquityRoman ports
The Roman city of Ossonoba, located under the current city of Faro in the Portuguese Algarve, was one of the South’s most notable cities of Lusitania. From the time of Augustus this maritime city, whose name denotes Iberian origins,... more
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      Roman UrbanismRoman portsAncient Roman economy, trade and commerceRoman Portugal
GN 281, 2015, 322-330
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryPorts and HarboursHarbour Archaeology
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaHarbour ArchaeologyAncient History of the Iberian Peninsula/HispaniaRoman ports
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      Roman QuarriesRoman portsTarracoRoman Quarry
La organizacidn del Congreso no se hace responsable de las posibles erratas que aparezcan en los textos originales de cada autor. Plgiaa 1. Mapa con los yaclrnientas estudiados del litoral ailcantind.
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      Late Roman RepublicRoman portsArcheologia RomanaLate Roman Republican Spain
The geomorphologic and archaeological research that currently is being developed in the Odiel Marshland Nature Reserve −Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO−, especially in the sand barrier of La Cascajera, have provided interesting results that... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyCoastal and Island ArchaeologyTsunamiPaleogeography
This paper presents the project framework that has generated a whole series of investigations related to the betica and Lusitanian Atlantic ports as qell as their commercial and economic relations with the Western Mediterranean,... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyOstia (Archaeology)Archaeology of Roman Hispania
Between 1999 and 2003 the University of Southampton conducted excavations on the site of Quseir al-Qadim (western shores of the Red Sea), a place that had not been examined since the excavations by the Oriental Institute of the University... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyGreek EpigraphyAdaptive ReuseRoman Economy
The Porto Canale di Paola is a Roman a fossa channel equipped with port facilities. It was built for commercial purposes in order to connect Lake Paola with the Mediterranean Sea by cutting a channel between the end of the coastal dune of... more
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      Roman ports3D surveyRoman ArchaeologyAerofotogrammetria
Nell’autunno del 79 d.C., la catastrofica eruzione vulcanica che seppellì Pompei e tutta la fascia marittima vesuviana da Ercolano a Stabia, fu il teatro dell’intervento umanitario delle quadriremi della flotta imperiale di Miseno al... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryVolcanologyNaval History
Referència d'una vella excavació al nord de Menorca d'un magatzem portuari del segle II dC., època d'Adrià, amb un depòsit de fragments de marbre, crustae, de vuit pedreres importants d'Anatòlia i de l'Egeu, possib le recuperació antiga... more
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      Menorca / MinorcaBaleares /Balearic IslandsRoman portsBalearic Archaeology
Se corresponde con una factoría de salazón a la que se le asocia un área industrial subsidiaria, un espacio de carácter doméstico y un extenso ámbito de necrópolis. La factoría quedará principalmente representada por cuatro cubetas de... more
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      Late Roman ArchaeologyArchaeology of Roman HispaniaRoman Trade NetworksRoman fishing and fish processing
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryMalta (Archaeology)Roman ports
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      Classical ArchaeologyAncient UrbanismRoman portsAncient Mediterranean ports
La factoría romana de salazones situada en el yacimiento ibérico y romano de La Picola (Polígono Urbano de Salinas, Santa Pola) fue descubierta y excavada en parte hace décadas. Desde 1997 el equipo científico MMar-UA ha continuado las... more
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      Garum and salsamentaRoman portsCetariaePorts
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaRoman Trade NetworksRoman portsAncient Mediterranean ports
After more than four decades of archaeological excavations in Huelva the current state of the researches reveals important aspects relating to his urbanism and evolution for the Roman period, from republican moments up to the late... more
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaPorts and HarboursHarbour ArchaeologyRoman ports
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      Ancient HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyRoman LawRoman ports
Between 1999 and 2003 the University of Southampton conducted excavations on the site of Quseir al-Qadim (western shores of the Red Sea), a place that had not been examined since the excavations by the Oriental Institute of the University... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyRoman fishing and fish processingRoman portsAncient Fishing
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      Roman EconomyRoman portsFish-SaltingRoman Archaeology
Il contributo s’inserisce nel filone di studi sull’area archeologica di Ostia Antica, specificatamente nei suoi rapporti con le Province africane comprese nell’attuale Tunisia caratterizzati da diversificate influenze, eredità, lasciti e... more
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      Ostia (Archaeology)Roman provincesTunisiaArchaeology of Roman Provinces
El puerto romano de Puteoli es uno de los sitios más interesantes para el estudio de las infraestructuras comerciales marítimas de la antigua Roma. Sus poderosas estructuras, aún conservadas en gran parte por debajo del nivel del mar... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyMediterranean Underwater Archaeology
In recent years, the study of maritime signaling systems has acquired a notable role in the analysis of ports. The new research carried out on these infrastructures, such as the case of the Brigantium or Turris Caepionis lighthouse, as... more
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      Roman BaeticaRoman portsAncient Mediterranean portsAncient Roman economy, trade and commerce
La fouille pluriannuelle des aménagements portuaires d’Aizier (Eure), menée entre 2009 et 2013, a donné lieu à la découverte d’un petit corpus d’instrumentum, composé de 84 objets. Son analyse fonctionnelle et contextuelle apporte un... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyDress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology)Metal Finds (Archaeology)Roman Trade Networks