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This paper describes the scenario matrix architecture that underlies a framework for developing new scenarios for climate change research. The matrix architecture facilitates addressing key questions related to current climate research... more
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      Climate ChangeScenarios
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      Strategic PlanningBusiness PlanningScenarios
AbstractÐThe purpose of the architecture evaluation of a software system is to analyze the architecture to identify potential risks and to verify that the quality requirements have been addressed in the design. This survey shows the state... more
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      Software EngineeringScenariosQuality Attributes
Half of Earth’s land surface has been altered by human activities, creating various consequences on the climate and weather systems at local to global scales, which in turn affect a myriad of land surface processes and the adaptation... more
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      Climate ChangeCarbon SequestrationModeling and SimulationLand Use Change
The scale, rate, and intensity of humans' environmental impact has engendered broad discussion about how to find plausible pathways of development that hold the most promise for fostering a better future in the Anthropocene. However, the... more
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      FuturesAnthropoceneSustainability TransitionsScenarios
Within large integrative scenario studies, it is often problematic to fully link narrative storylines and quantitative models. This paper demonstrates the potential use of a highly participatory scenario development framework that... more
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      ParticipationForesightArchetypesFutures Studies
Social, natural and cultural systems are changing rapidly, influencing the future of Europe's fresh waters. One of the drivers shaping this future is the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. Participatory scenario development... more
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      ParticipationForesightArchetypesFutures Studies
Environmental, social and economic concerns motivate the operation of closed-loop supply chain networks (CLSCN) in many industries. We propose a novel profit maximization model for CLSCN design as a mixed-integer linear program in which... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementStochastic ProgrammingDecision Making Under UncertaintySupply Chain
The rapid growth of renewable energy (RE) is disrupting and transforming the global energy system, especially the electricity industry. As a result, supporters of the politically powerful incumbent industries and others are critiquing the... more
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      Renewable EnergyPower System ReliabilityPower System SecurityBarriers
The main objective of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) is the achievement of a good ecological and chemical status of the water environment (water bodies). This status corresponds to the limit value of Germany's Working Group... more
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      Water qualityNutrient ManagementSWATWater Framework Directive
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      Dynamical SystemsMixed MethodsComplexity TheorySystems Theory
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      Computer ScienceMultidisciplinaryKey wordsFishery Management
Increasing evidence-synthesized in this paper-shows that economic growth contributes to biodiversity loss via greater resource consumption and higher emissions. Nonetheless, a review of international biodiversity and sustainability... more
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      Climate ChangeEcosystem ServicesEcological EconomicsEnvironmental Policy and Governance
Actors in competitive environments are bound to decide and act under conditions of uncertainty because they rarely have accurate foreknowledge of how their opponents will respond and when they will respond. Just as a competitor makes a... more
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
Development of sustainable water management strategies involves identifi cation of vulnerability and adaptation possibilities, followed by an effect analysis of these adaptation strategies under different possible futures. Recent scenario... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationForesightModeling and SimulationDecision Making Under Uncertainty
We propose a new scenario archetypes method generated by extracting a set of archetypal images of the future from a sample of 140 science fiction films set in the future using a grounded theory analytical procedure. Six archetypes emerged... more
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      Strategic ForesightScience FictionForesightScience Fiction Film
Growing scientific evidence shows that world energy resources are entering a period shaped by the depletion of high-quality fuels, whilst the decline of the easy-to-extract oil is a widely recognized ongoing phenomenon. The end of the era... more
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      System Dynamics ModelingPeak OilGlobal WarmingScenarios
The Mediterranean region faces significant challenges to supply its growing population with food and living space. The region's potential to do so in the future is even more uncertain in the light of global change effects. Climate change... more
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      Modeling and SimulationGlobal Environmental ChangeRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchLand Use Change
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of CIFOR, ASB or ICRAF. The information provided is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate although we do... more
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      ForesightArchetypesFutures StudiesScenario planning
Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore extant distinctions between plausibility and probability in scenario planning and re-frame the either/or stance in the literature within a broader set of methodological choice... more
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      Scenario planningScenariosScenario Building
The influence of a changing wind climate on the sea surface elevations along the North Sea coast was investigated, with a statistical down-scaling technique and with a dynamical model. Firstly, in an analysis of past variability the two... more
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      ScenariosStorm SurgesAlternative Futures
In today's competitive dynamic world/markets, providing a desirable framework for exploring future perspectives is a crucial challenge to support robust decision making and proper policy making process. This research proposes a novel... more
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      Iranian StudiesEnergyOil and gasScenario planning
Two patterns of inquiry in futures and foresight science have been called into ques- tion, namely, the conflict of interest inherent in the practice of self-observation among facilitators and the inadequacy of retrospective scientific... more
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      Sociology of ScienceFutures StudiesScenario planningFutures Studies and Foresight
a b s t r a c t Urban areas are expanding at a very fast rate worldwide. The task of managing urban growth has increased in both scope and complexity and has become one of the most important challenges in the 21st century. This article... more
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      Landscape EcologyUrban GeographyDisaster risk managementUrban Planning
Quantitative point forecasts of energy and emissions have experienced difficulty with responding to uncertainty. Accuracy issues arise even in the short term with consequences for policy. The technique of scenario analysis is increasingly... more
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      Future StudiesEnergy EconomicsCarbon DioxideEnergy Policy
Billions of dollars and hundreds of millions of hours are invested every year in executive education. However, much of this investment dies in a familiar "Valley of Death" (VoD) wherein what is learned in the classroom is not applied when... more
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      ForesightQualitative ResearchFutures StudiesScenario planning
Despite the high profile of climate change in scientific and policy discourse, the Russian government has thus far failed to commit to an emission reduction target based on the latest science. Given Russia is a key supplier of fossil... more
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      Energy PolicyRenewable Energy PoliciesRenewable Energy SystemsRussia
Different mechanisms drive land use and land cover changes (LUCC). This paper presents an exploratory analysis aimed at understanding the complex dynamics of LUCC based on farmers' intentions when they are faced with four scenarios with... more
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      Probabilistic Markov ModelingCellular AutomataScenario planningLand-use planning
This paper examines the dominant scenario of the communist manager's social role, using the metaphor of the theatre. Through an extensive retrospective study, mainly by means of a critical analysis of the press focusing on dominant... more
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      SymbolismScenariosSocial RolesOrganizational Symbolism
In a turbulent environment characterized by unexpected events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, a sharp oil price decline, and dramatic economic crises, many organizations face not only challenges but also an “identity crisis” as they are... more
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      Operations StrategyOrganizational IdentityFutures StudiesScenario planning
Future land use/cover change (LUCC) analysis has been increasingly applied to spatial planning instruments in the last few years. Nevertheless, stakeholder participation in the land use modelling process and analysis is still low. This... more
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      Participatory PlanningParticipatory Decision MakingScenariosPeriurban Agriculture
With growing demand and highly variable inter-annual water supplies, California's water use future is fraught with uncertainty. Climate change projections, anticipated population growth, and continued agricultural intensification, will... more
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      Modeling and SimulationLand-use planningLand Use ChangeWater Demand
Widespread use of promising solar energy is an integral attribute of governments toward global efforts in mitigating future emission and reducing the fossil fuel consumption trajectory. However, the outlook of solar energy development at... more
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      Future StudiesRenewable EnergyConcept MappingMathematical Modelling
We develop a novel approach for quantitatively analysing future storylines of change by combining econometric analysis and Monte Carlo simulation for four different storylines of change in the EU's energy innovation system. We explore... more
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      Energy PolicyEconomics of InnovationScenarios
Use Cases are widely seen as suitable for defining functional requirements for software. There is controversy about the suitability of Use Cases for Systems other than Software, and for Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs). This centres on... more
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      Requirements EngineeringScenarios
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      Ecosystem ServicesLand Use ChangeScenarios
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      Future StudiesConstruction ManagementScenario Based PlanningStrategic Management
Despite the recent popularity of multi-scale scenario exercises, a review of the literature reveals missing elements regarding local-scale scenario-building. Scenarios built at the local level are often downscaled from higher-scale... more
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      Participatory ResearchLocal Government and Local DevelopmentScenario planningAgency
Over the past few years the sharing economy has grown tremendously, driven in part by traveler desires for authentic and unique experiences. In response to these modern changes, peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplaces (e.g. Airbnb) are seeking... more
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      Future StudiesRevenue ManagementFutures StudiesScenario planning
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      Game DesignVideo GamesGameMobile games
In this paper, we examine the impact of information and communications technologies (ICT) on government departments/agencies and the contribution of external agents to change and development programs. We present empirical evidence of... more
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      Public ManagementE-GovernmentScenarios
Author: Joachim H. Spangenberg. Abstract: In situations of uncertainty, scenarios serve as input for scientifically informed decision making. However, past experience shows that not all scenarios are treated equally and we hypothesise... more
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      Scenario planningScenariosWorld Views
The Three Tomorrows of Postnormal Times is a new method for foresight and futures researchers and practitioners. Designed and developed to explore the complexity, chaos, and contradictions of postnormal times and what might come next, the... more
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      ManagementComplexity TheoryStrategic ForesightStrategic Management
Over the last 20 years, transfer of the management of natural resources to local populations has been a major trend in the tropics. Many of these initiatives today incorporate the development of monitoring systems based on Criteria and... more
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      BiodiversityTropical forestScenariosSustainable Landscapes
Little has contributed more to the emergence of today's world of financial globalization than the setup of the international monetary system. In its current shape, it has a hierarchical structure with the US-Dollar (USD) at the top and... more
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      Institutional EconomicsMoney and BankingChinaTheories of Money
UbiComp has been envisioned to bring about a future dominated by calm computing technologies making our everyday lives ever more convenient. Yet the same vision has also attracted criticism for encouraging a solitary and passive... more
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      Human Computer InteractionDesignUbiquitous ComputingInteraction Design
The Mediterranean has been identified as one of the most responsive regions to climate change. It has been conjectured that one of the effects of a warmer climate could be to make the Mediterranean Sea prone to the formation of... more
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In multi-organisational contexts, scenario building has been used to engage stakeholders in a critical discussion on issues of mutual importance, and to gain their support with regards to possible future responses. A review of existing... more
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      Future StudiesConstruction ManagementOrganisational ChangeScenario Based Planning
This exploratory project emerged from the question, "do different scenario building methods generate distinctively different outputs?" Using base data from a completed scenario project, the authors and volunteer participants re-processed... more
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      ForesightArchetypesFutures StudiesScenario planning
Coastal regions provide vital ecosystem services for the human well-being. Rapid economic growth and increasing population in coastal regions is exerting more pressure on coastal environments. Here we develop four plausible scenarios to... more
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      Coastal ManagementEcosystem ServicesConservation BiologyConservation