Sebastiano Serlio
Recent papers in Sebastiano Serlio
In 1525, Isabella d’Este’s son, Federico, commissioned architect Giulio Romano to build him a pleasure palace at the family’s stables at the south end of Mantua. Giulio took the mantle of Mannerism from the late Andrea Mantegna and... more
O antigo mosteiro cisterciense de N.ª Senhora do Desterro, apesar das vicissitudes que sofreu e da obscuridade em que permaneceu a história da sua construção permanece, ainda hoje, como um marco arquitectónico fundamental na imagem da... more
Only the page proofs of part 1 are attached here. Adjunto solo la primera parte del libro en forma de machote.
The analysis of two Renaissance drawings offers the occasion for a discussion of light in ecclesiastical architecture. The first exemple considers the well-known drawing – drafted on parchment by Giovanni di Gherardo Gherardi da Prato in... more
Form and function of light in architecture between Antiquity and the Fifteenth Century, through the analysis of the texts of Pausanias, Vitruvius, Pliny the Elder, Julian of Ascalon, Isidore of Seville, Pius II Piccolomini, Leon Battista... more
Breve ensayo revisionista que subraya el valor del tratado de Sebastiano Serlio y su impacto en Europa y en el México virreinal. Brief essay that underlines the impact of Sebastiano Serlio's architectural treatise, both in Europe and... more
Seconda edizione:
"Il Rinascimento italiano", fa parte di "La grande storia dell'arte", Milano 2015, vol. 1, cap. 8, pp. 208-223
"Il Rinascimento italiano", fa parte di "La grande storia dell'arte", Milano 2015, vol. 1, cap. 8, pp. 208-223
Giulio Pietrobelli, Alvise Cornaro’s “suntuosissime et accomodate fabriche”. A study on the decoration of the Odeo Cornaro in Padua This paper presents the results of a research dedicated to the decoration of the rooms of the Odeo... more
a cur a dell ' istituto di studi rinascimentali di ferr ar a 40 -41 · 2011 pisa · roma fabrizio serr a editore 2012 Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Pisa n. 8/10 del 10 maggio 2010.
Análisis del origen del concepto de módulo en la teoría arquitectónica del Renacimiento y de su implantación en el panorama español.
Focusing on sixteenth-century engravings of architectural details, this article reevaluates the role of print in Renaissance architectural culture. By demonstrating the fluidity between drawings, prints, and treatises, this article... more
The aim of this essay is to accomplish a new critical review of the foreign career of Filippo Terzi, the bolognese architect and military engineer invited to work in Portugal in 1576. Dedicated mainly to military engineering and to the... more
O Colégio jesuíta de Antão-o-Novo foi um dos maiores empreendimentos arquitectónicos da centúria de Seiscentos, tendo o seu risco conhecido várias alterações no período filipino, no sentido de um classicismo monumental italianizante,... more
Le immagini riprodotte nel volume sono tratte dalle Cinquecentine, conservate, in gran parte, nella Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa (vedi il sito): Nella prima metà del Cinquecento, in concomitanza con... more
El tempietto di San Pietro in Montorio, proyectado por Donato Bramante a comienzos del siglo XVI en Roma, y con el que se contribuyó a fijar el lenguaje de la Renovatio Urbis del epicentro del catolicismo y, de modo general, del... more
After “major” Bolognese painters, it is now the moment of “minor” ones, namely those responsible of a limited number of works. The first part includes artists born in Quattrocento, as Antonio da Crevalcore, Ercole Banci, Guido Aspertini,... more
Proprietà artistica e letteraria riservata per tutti i Paesi Ogni riproduzione, anche parziale, è vietata Deroga a quanto sopra potrà essere fatta secondo le seguenti modalità di legge: Fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono... more
[«Il latino e i volgari italiani negli scritti di architettura dal Medioevo al Rinascimento»] In the Italian Renaissance there was a great variety of the architectural texts and besides the treatises of the architects (for exemple, Leon... more
The first page of the "Third book" (Venice, 1540) of Sebastiano Serlio describes the effect of natural light inside of the Pantheon. It provides also a wider exploration of the reception of antiquity about lighting system in the... more
El presente estudio ofrece una nueva cronología e historia de la construcción de la iglesia de San Francisco de Quito a través de documentos históricos inéditos que demuestran, contrariamente a lo postulado en la historiografía... more
O presente artigo incide sobre os antecedentes da fundação do Mosteiro de Santa Clara-a-Nova de Coimbra, caracterizado pela tratadística arquitectónica e militar da época da Restauração, partindo da pesquisa documental propomos... more
Following the work of Daniele Francesconi (1799), the "Letter to Leo X" by Raphael and Castiglione has frequently been interpreted as the description of a project designed both to draw a map of the ancient city and to protect the... more
Separata incluida en Andrés de Vandelvira : V Centenario / Aurelio Pretel Marín, coordinador. -- Albacete : Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses "Don Juan Manuel" , 2005.
In the last decade, many investigations and studies have appeared on Renaissance style architectural episodes in Calabria and yet, nevertheless, something always appears to be missing. It might be identified, however, if we look beyond... more
In 1540, immediately after the publication of Sebastiano Serlio’s "Terzo Libro", Torello Saraina published his "De Origine et amplitudine civitatis Veronae", the first treatise ever written on the history of Verona. Rather than the... more
In "Masters of the Trade: Native Artisans, Guilds, and the Construction of Colonial Quito," Susan Verdi Webster questions the received wisdom about the nature of indigenous participation in colonial Latin American architecture by... more
Intorno alla metà del ‘500, Camillo Trevisan (1515-1564), celebre avvocato del ceto cittadinesco veneziano, accolto nell’Accademia Veneziana (1557-1561) e amico di poeti e letterati, si fece costruire a Murano una «casa [...] per sua... more
The architect Sebastiano Serlio linked the act-of-drawing to the act-of-knowing through the theory of ‘linee occulte’ (hidden lines) which connected the material world to the neo-platonic one. This research will explore the correlation... more
Historians have long compiled a differentiated understanding of the emergence of apartments as a separated dwelling unit, but it remains still obscure how the very conception of apartments took form in architectural discourse. The... more
A presente tese de Doutoramento aborda o fenómeno de implementação da figura do Arquitecto e suas repercussões na prática arquitectónica em Portugal no período cronológico 1521-1557. Trata, pois, do momento de viragem das concepções... more
The years when ‘Liber Septimus’ was in circulation, written by Sebastiano Serlio and posthumously published in 1575 in Vienna, correspond to the postseismic period of reconstruction in Ferrara. Pirro Ligorio directly investigates the... more
Discussion of the perspectival elements of Rembrandt's small panel of presumably 1629 in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston
In early 1543 the lost play, I Vecchi, a multi-authored drama by the Affumati, was staged in the convent of Servi di Maria in Bologna. The reconstruction of that performance is based on a careful study of the little-known contract between... more
Here we propose a discussion about the "mandorla" or "vesica piscis". It is a type of 2-dimensional lens, that is, a geometric shape formed by the intersection of two circles with the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the... more
A igreja do Menino-Deus é uma das maiores jóias arquitectónicas que o Terramoto poupou e constitui um marco fundamental na arquitectura barroca portuguesa. A sua autoria ainda não foi documentalmente provada, mas o projecto é... more
The recent rediscovery of an early seventeenth-century mural painting hidden beneath an eighteenth-century painting on canvas on the nave crossing arch of the Church of Santo Domingo provides striking visual evidence of individual and... more
Séminaire 2018 : 3e séance. Nous examinons d'abord l'emploi des temps narratifs en français, avec de nombreux exemples. Ensuite, nous montrons que le personnage qui raconte l'histoire, tantôt veut s'en distancer, tantôt veut en être ;... more
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