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Science is a field of study based on the Newtonian paradigm of objective, measurable and provable facts pioneered by experts such as Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Francis Bacon, and others (Darity, Jr., 2008). Because of this experts of the... more
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      PhilosophyThe SelfConsciousness StudiesSelf-Realization
The relationship between self‐realization, and so what I really wholeheartedly endorse and owe to myself, and morality or what we owe to others is normally thought of as antagonism, or as a pleasant coincidence: only if I am indebted to... more
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Depression is emerging as one of the major threats to public health in the 21st century. Yet, unexpectedly few studies have looked into how defining features of late modernity, like increased complexity, detraditionalization and... more
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      DepressionLate ModernityThematic AnalysisYoung Adults
An essay of what it means to be human in a relationship, what kind of relationships feel meaningful, Buber's I-It and I-Thou, and how relationships can be a path to isolation or self realisation.
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      PsychotherapyInterpersonal RelationshipsSelf-RealizationI - Thou Relationship of Martin Buber
The aim of the research is to explicate the importance of understanding bio-centric equality in the process of Self-realization. It focuses on how the 17 th century Western concept of Selfrealization, through the process of individuation... more
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      African American LiteratureLiterary TheoryEcotheology (Environment)African American Women Writers
PERSONAL LANDSCAPE TRANSFORMATIONS FOLLOWING THE TRAUMATIC WAR EXPERIENCE The personal landscape transformations are defined as the territory of a person's life, which has special dynamics, structural and functional characteristics,... more
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      Personality PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsNarrative PsychologyTime Perception
On the one hand, it is commonly agreed that we make choices in which we are guided by a core of personal commitments, wishes, feelings, etc. that we take to express who we are. On the other, it is commonly agreed that some of these... more
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      Self and IdentitySelf-Realization
Psychological support is considered as a mediator of constructive personality transformations, which is a specially organized activity aimed at restoring and maintaining psychological health, professional self-realization, and deepening... more
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      Personality PsychologyPsychotherapy and CounselingSocial InteractionMedia psychology
This chapter examines the interactions between artistic critique on capitalism and the social change, focusing on the normative role of artists in the context of "network capitalism" and the imperative to creativity in the "Creative Age"... more
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      Social ChangeCreativitySociology of ArtsCapitalism
Personal fulfilment depends upon knowledge of one's identity. A person discovers her identity by trial and error. The experimentation and critical evaluation that are indispensable for that are inhibited by various strands of the... more
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      MulticulturalismSelf and IdentityAggression (Psychology)Social Identity
We know that we are, but what and why we are, that we do not know. What is the true nature of the Self? The term Self-Realization indicates the awareness of our true nature. This paper shows the direct way to Self-Realization. It also... more
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University of Luxembourg Faculté de Lettres, des Sciences Humaines, des Arts, et des Sciences de l’Éducation EXPLORING LEARNING PROCESSES WITHIN A COLLABORATIVE STUDY CIRCLE Cultural-historical activity theory perspective on... more
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      Social sciences and valuesCultural Historical Activity TheorySubjective Social IndicatorsGroup Decision Making
Tolsztojtól származik az a mondás, amely szerint a boldog családoknak nincs története, nem lehet belőle regényt írni, mind egyformák. Ennek az Anna Kareninából származó gondoltnak manapság számtalan változata elterjedt, főként az... more
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      PsychologyPositive PsychologyHumanistic psychologyHappiness
A person's own inner most awareness and the movements within their awareness field bring forth their direct personal experience of their cosmological archetypal field of awareness. This spontaneous event is given to us within the... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionHinduismComparative Religion
Shashi Deshpande is one of the brightest stars in the august galaxy of contemporary Indian women writers who in her various works has depicted the contemporary middle class women’s outer and inner world with rare acumen and insight. The... more
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      English LiteratureHumanitiesEnglishSilence
This presentation is based on a traditional Indian parable about the relationship between a spiritual seeker and his or her spiritual teacher. In the original myth the seeker cannot believe that he or she is actually spiritual and strong.... more
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      Advaita VedantaDiscipleshipYoga Meditation and LearningSelf-awareness
When we grow and develop in our lives, we do so by interacting with others and demonstrating different versions of ourselves. What happens when the ideal self and the real self are not close to each other? How does conditional... more
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      GrowthLocus of ControlProcess ImprovementSelf-Realization
The humanistic perspective on personality emphasizes the individualized qualities of optimal well-being and the use of creative potential to benefit others, as well as the relational conditions that promote those qualities as the outcomes... more
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      ConstructivismTranspersonal PsychologyPhenomenological PsychologyHumanistic psychology
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      PlatoWestern EsotericismPlatoneSelf-Realization
la possibilità di influssi orientali sulla nascita della filosofia è respinta da Zeller con due ordini di considerazioni: 1) tale opinione era stata sostenuta per la prima volta «non da Greci ma da rIFerIMeNtI BIBlIoGrAFICI I riferimenti... more
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      PlatoYoga PhilosophyYoga MeditationSocrates
S pesso si è portati a credere che l'interesse per la metafisica tradizionale o filosofia autorealizzativa coincida con un'evasione dai problemi contingenti e un disinteresse dalla problematica sociale e politica. Ma se è vero che la... more
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      HinduismBhagavad GitaSelf-RealizationPhilosophical Analysis
This essay is an exposition of the inner journey through the unconscious and the process of self-realization. The sections in this essay are: the inner journey, the hero’s journey, the psyche, the call, dark night of the soul, dream... more
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      PsychologyMythologyTranspersonal PsychologySpirituality
radically different in their paths to self-realization, conceptions of the divine, and attitudes to worldly life. Ramana taught the practice of self-enquiry (vichara) as means to realization of the Self, and is widely seen as exemplifying... more
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      HinduismIndian PhilosophyAdvaita VedantaMahatma Gandhi
The concept of "Self realization" is formulated on the basis of knowledge among own self.
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      Game studiesPhenomenologyHeideggerBoredom
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      Critical TheorySocial MovementsSocial TheoryPhilosophy
Philosophy of Science and Science of Philosophy Abstract The form less God and Soul are subject of philosophical/ theological discussion. The history goes back to the six systems of philosophy and Religion. It starts from the worship of... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy Of ReligionOrigin of LifeSelf-Realization
The human mind is central to comprehend and manoeuvre the natural world. Though it is the crown expression of Nature in the mortal world, it is inherently inconsistent. It is often captivated by many animalistic habits. One of the... more
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      SikhismTheologyTransformational LeadershipMemes
Изследванията върху личността (напр. на невробиологията, еволюционната биология или генетиката) не успяват да представят понятието за личност в неговата пълнота и остават външни за разбирането му. Тези научни дисциплини могат единствено... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyPhilosophyPhilosophical Anthropology
This article is devoted to different approaches that describe the problem of self-realization. The paper presents the essence of self-realization. The publication focuses on the model of self-realization that consists of levels (low,... more
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    • Self-Realization
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      HandicapIntegrationCapabilities ApproachSelf-Realization
We habitually think of our Self as a conscious agent operating largely in terms of how we consciously experience those operations. However, psychological and neuroscientific findings suggest that mental operations that seem to be... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of AgencyConsciousness (Psychology)
I offer a personal case-study to show how poor self-knowledge due in part to self-deception led to wasted life, a life lacking in meaning, and descent into severe anxiety and depression. A meaningful human life connects with things of... more
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      Self and IdentityCritical ThinkingMeaning of LifeAutobiography
The aim of this paper is to provide a philosophical analysis of the relationship between self-realization and social recognition on the basis of a view that I characterize as “pragmatist.” According to this view, an individual realizes... more
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      PragmatismPersonhoodSocial OntologySelf-Realization
В статті розглядаються проблеми творчості та самореалізації особистості. Досліджується їх роль у розвитку особистості в ранньому юнацькому віці, аналізуються прояви творчих здібностей і особливості самореалізації, їх характеристики та... more
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      Social PsychologySelf-Realization
Каждый человек желает самореализации как индивид, как личность, как субъект определённой профессиональной деятельности. Самореализацияэто сложный процесс, включающий в себя потребность, возможность и
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      Cognitive PsychologyCommunicationSelf-Realization
Drawing from Alan Watts’s philosophy of paradox, this essay aims to articulate an integrative framework of ontological paradox (i.e., that all aspects of existence feature distinct and integral dimensions). The metaphysical tenet of... more
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      MetaphysicsTranspersonal PsychologyPsychology of ReligionExistential Psychology
İnsanın dünyadaki asıl amacı tamamlanmışlık hissine ulaşmaktır. Hümanist psikologlar bunu insan davranışlarını yöneten en önemli güdü olan kendini gerçekleştirme güdüsü olarak tanımlarlar. Temel ihtiyaçların (beslenme, barınma, türünü... more
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      PhotographyExistenceNan GoldinSelf-Realization
Published in Human Rights Review, Volume 10, Issue 4 (2009), pp. 583–604; online at
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      Social TheoryPhilosophyApplied PhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
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      ConsumerismFashion ethics and sustainabilityEnvironmental SustainabilityLifestyle & Consumption
In this article, we explain, explore, and problematize the formation, organization, leadership, and daily educational life of the first (to our knowledge) international democratic university of students (UniS) in the 21st century. UniS is... more
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      Democratic EducationSelf-EducationFreedomSelf-Realization
My first attempt in studying Chinese Philosophy. This paper was submitted for my Term Paper I subject at St. Thomas of Villanova Institute of Philosophy. It may not be as scholarly as the other papers, but I hope that it can help you in... more
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      EducationChinese PhilosophyConfuciusSelf-Realization
La tesis pretende reconstruir críticamente la reflexión realizada por el filósofo estadounidense Harry G. Frankfurt a partir de los años 1960 sobre las fuentes de la normatividad práctica. No es descabellado caracterizar los múltiples... more
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      NormativityMoral PhilosophyPhilosophy of LoveAnalitical Philosophy
The lucidity of awareness is experienced directly through the doorway of our subjectivity as our own innermost awareness. As we gaze into our own interiority we can experience the unfolding of the manifestation of this field of radiance... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionGnosticismBuddhism
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      Transfer PricingIslamQuranResearch Writing
The paper presents the results of theoretical studies of self-realization. This article is devoted to different approaches that describe the problem of self-realization in the modern world. The publication focuses on external and internal... more
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      PsychologyProblem solving (Cognitive Psychology)Event-Related PotentialsSelf-Realization
This article analyzes acmeological grounds of self-development of a higher school teacher.  In this paper we present characteristics of of self-development of a higher school teacher and his acmeological grounds of self-development.
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      Self-ActualizationSelf DevelopmentSelf-Realization
Research Objective: the article discusses the mutual influence of professional self-realization and the psychological well-being of specialists of caring professions. Methodology: correlation and comparative analysis in different... more
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      Psychological well-beingWork-Life BalanceBurnoutSelf-Realization
Personality textbooks come in two forms, each with their own style of organizing content. They will either be organized in terms of historical affiliation (e.g., Freud and those theories that are historically affiliated with Freud, etc.)... more
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      Personality PsychologyEvolutionary PsychologyMulticulturalismFeminist Theory