Showa period 昭和時代
Recent papers in Showa period 昭和時代
This texts deals with Japanese Interwar belic and propagandistic re ad missappropiations of Japan's most popular folk character: Momotaro (first part).
In perhaps the most memorable line from Japan's surrender radio broadcast of 15 August 1945 Hirohito 裕仁, the Shōwa Emperor (Shōwa tennō 昭和天皇), expressed a desire to "pave the way for a grand peace for all the generations to come by... more
The story “The Execution of Ten’ichibō” (Korosareta Ten’ichibō), written by the lawyer, politician, and mystery writer Hamao Shirō (1896-1935), is sometimes remembered as a small masterpiece of the so-called "Golden Age” of Taishō- and... more
In Japan, marriage ceremonies prior to 1900 wedding of the crown prince used to be secular events, featuring some differences from the current matrimonial practice. This essay explores the Meiji era social engineering invention by looking... more
This paper examines the Japanese crown prince and emperor Hirohito during the 1920s to think more critically about how fashion historians can analyze “western” dress in non-western contexts. In particular, this essay looks at Hirohito’s... more
This article examines the popular fascination with what was known as "ryōki" (curiosity-hunting) in Japan during the 1920s and 1930s. In the 1920s, there emerged with the rise of the mass printing industry, a large number of publications... more
The status of women performers in Noh has been a subject of debate before women's entry into the Nohgaku Kyokai (Nohgaku Performers' Association) in 1948. In 1948, just a few years after the Second World War, several women were allowed to... more
The development of populated spaces in Modern Japan into distinct places by government and private actors has been the target of much recent scholarship, particularly concerning the development of urban identities in major cities.... more
La tesi fornisce una nuova prospettiva nei confronti della produzione di Yamanokuchi Baku (1903 - 1963), specialmente quella poetica, analizzando in chiave contemporanea una selezione di poesie (13) a poco più di cinquant’anni dalla sua... more
This paper is the first study of Ikeda Sakae's letters and articles in the journal "Light from the East" and his theories elucidated therein that Jǐngjiào (Nestorianism) came to Ancient Japan. The paper provides a descriptive overview and... more
This article makes use of the most recent western and Japanese scholarship on pre-war Japan’s consumer culture and the so-called moga (modern girls) phenomena in order to more deeply explore the consumption patterns, shopping-based... more
In 1958 thousands of Japanese teenagers, heavily influenced by the new "rockabilly" music that had recently swept the U.S., and emboldened by the new post-war consumer culture, fashioned a so-called rokabiri bumu, the first... more
L'auteur analyse la spécificité de l'institution impériale japonaise, capable de surmonter toutes les ruptures historiques nationales, de la période Tokugawa, à la Rénovation Meiji, à 1945. Cette résilience pose la question de la... more
This article makes use of the most recent western and Japanese scholarship on pre-war Japan’s consumer culture and the so-called moga (modern girls) phenomena in order to more deeply explore the consumption patterns, shopping-based... more
The contributions of Korean and Taiwanese authors to the many and varied formulations of interwar pan-Asianism have so far remained a relatively unexplored subject of scholarly research, despite an unbroken interest in the trajectory of... more
This paper is about Tanizaki Jun’ichirō’s views on Japanese aesthetics through the images of ideal women in his landmark work «Each to his own» (蓼食う虫, 1929). This novel was published in parts during twelve months in the newspapers... more
Few events have symbolized the interwar Japanese intellectual community’s inability to put up a principled resistance to the Japanese government’s growing authoritarianism like the tenkō phenomenon of the 1930s (the political and/or... more
Le conservatisme semble avoir au Japon une force peu commune, si on en juge par la longévité au pouvoir du Parti Libéral-Démocrate et ses liens avec le monde des affaires. Pourtant, alors que le Japon connaît plus que jamais des tensions... more
in Tanguy L’Aminot, Reinhard Bach et Catherine Labro dir., Rousseau et l’Allemagne à l’époque contemporaine, Montmorency, SIAM-JJR Musée Jean-Jacques Rousseau Publications du Mont-Louis, 2010, p.101-116.
In meinem Blog erinnere ich an den 7. Januar 1989 - den Tag also, an dem der Shôwa Tennô verstarb.
Compte rendu: "Emperor Hirohito and the Pacific War", Noriko Kawamura, 2015, Seattle University of Washington Press, 238 p.
In early 20th-century Japan, the son of lower-class goldfish sellers falls in love with the beautiful daughter of his rich patron. After he is sent away to study the science of goldfish breeding, with strict orders to return and make his... more
Mutsuo Takahashi is one of contemporary Japan's best known poets and one of the most daring queer writers of the mid-twentieth century. Takahashi’s writing shows an almost gleeful willingness to subvert the boundaries that have... more
(I am more than happy to send you an electronic copy upon request. You should also be able to find a PDF by Googling the title.) Japan in the 1930s was a culturally complex land combining various syntheses and juxtapositions of Western... more
"Se levanta el viento”, o del cúmulo de las filias." ("Wind rises (2013), or the philiae accumulation) deals with the main literary and visual topics in Hayao Miyazaki's last movie.
Despite its centuries-long tradition of literary and artistic depictions of love between men, in the late nineteenth century, Japanese culture began to portray same-sex desire as immoral and even pathologically deviant. Writing the Love... more