Silver Economy
Recent papers in Silver Economy
In this article, we first outline the rationale for engaging seniors, before listing a series of examples and case studies from Portugal and beyond, showing the different ways this can be done. In a final section, we share lessons learnt... more
Starzenie się społeczeństw stanowi wyzwanie, które wymaga opracowywania i wdrażania horyzontalnej polityki społecznej. Polityka ta powinna uwzględniać zróżnicowanie osób starszych oraz odmienność działań skierowanych do osób starszych i... more
Article published in Kairós (peer-review academic journal)
Main objective of this paper is to describe emergence of a Polish Universities of the Third Age model. These are a multidisciplinary non-formal education centers, which allow formation of positive responses to the challenges of an ageing... more
Various sources dealing with demographic trends such (e.g. UN Population Division, WHO, ILO) point out that population across the world is getting older. By the 2050 there will be more than 20% of world population age 65 and over. This... more
In the summer of 2000 an intriguing find was made during excavations by the Fröjel Discovery Programme, Gotland, Sweden. In a pasture known as “Irma’s hage”, which had never been ploughed, traces of a silver casting workshop were uncovered.
* Summary in English Ozdoby ciała i stroju pełniły ważną funkcję kulturową. Z jednej strony miały znaczenie typowo utylitarne związane z potrzebą podtrzymywania elementów ubioru (np. klamry, zapinki, szpile), z drugiej zaś biżuterii... more
The author is broadly interested in: law and history; slavery and freedom; colonialism and decolonization; cultural history; besides discussions on race, sexuality, gender, and discrimination. João Sodré has published articles, among them... more
The paper discusses finds of silver cupellation and assaying waste from Sigtuna and Gotland, in minting contexts as well as in jewellery workshop contexts, and the processes' links to the measuring of value and means of payment in the... more
Metallurgic ceramics form a common group of Iron Age/Early Medieval workshop finds. These highly specialized refractory ceramics carry a lot of information; telling us not just about the blacksmiths’ and goldsmiths’ skills in handling... more
Effets démographiques générationnels et augmentation de l’espérance de vie : ces deux phénomènes combinés, inédits dans l’histoire de l’Humanité, confrontent la société française à de nombreux défis. En 2014, la France compte 16 millions... more
The 2006 excavation revealed a late 10th-early 11th century smithy, where an extensive mass-manufacture of Viking truncated iron/copperalloy weights had taken place. In the latest phase of the smithy itinerant glass workers started to... more
Annotation The human population is ageing. This phenomenon is a major challenge for the society, but it can also be a great opportunity for business and economy. The competition for a better position in the ageing segment of the economy... more
In the summer of 2000 the remains of a late Viking Age building were located and excavated on the property Bottarve 1:19 in Fröjel parish, Gotland. The site proved to be a workshop partly devoted to metallurgical production. Two refilled... more
"Finds from 11th century Sigtuna have supplied archaeological research with a range of different types of refractory ceramics, of which some have been rather recently identified. One example is melting bowls, i.e. clay packaging material... more
A short notice on a smithy in Fröjel, Gotland, excavated in 2000. In the workshop silver armlets had been cast, obviously after refining the silver. The finds included mould- and crucible fragments and litharge-cakes from the refining... more
Participation in a survey made by Giacommetti Comunicação and Zhuo Consultoria on population aging, public polices and silver economy
A very rare intact silver ring from the Viking Age recently had been found in the borough of Buren. Cees-Jan van de Pol detected the ring with his metal detector. On the same location also a piece of melted silver in the form of a drop... more
The paper presents the concept of the "silver economy" as an economic system related to population aging and underlines the features of this policy idea. The study first introduces the discourse and stages of constructing this system by... more
The site, and particularly house A 79 from the period 1000-1025 commonly called “King Olof's Mint”, gave finds of beads, tesserae and glass rods. SEM-EDS analyses may indicate that a furnace in the house partly was used as a glass furnace... more
So far, no convincing traces of glass furnaces are secured and the fragments of crucibles are few. However the site, and particularly house A 79 from the period 1000-1025 commonly called “King Olof's Mint”, gave finds of beads, tesserae... more
The approach to analysing population ageing and its impacts on the economy has evolved in recent years. There is increasing interest in the development and use of products and services related to gerontechnology as well as other social... more
Кулешов Вяч. С. Древнерусские весовые граффити на евхаристической чаше XII в. из Пермского Предуралья // Нумизматические чтения Государственного Исторического музея 2018 года (Москва, 27 и 28 ноября 2018 года) : К 100-летию отдела... more
Main objective of this paper is to describe emergence of a Polish Universities of the Third Age model. These are a multi-disciplinary non-formal education centers, which allow formation of positive responses to the challenges of an ageing... more
"Nel settembre 2005 nello scavo del “podere Chiavichetta” di Classe (RA) è stato rinvenuto un tesoretto di oggetti in argento, di piena epoca bizantina (V-VII sec. d. C.), formato da alcuni cucchiai e una coppa. Già dalle prime... more
Technical ceramics include a wide range of different refractory vessels and packages used in various metallurgical processes. The project “Metallurgical ceramics 800–1200 AD” was initiated for two purposes: to study materials that have... more
Wykorzystanie samouczących się sieci neuronowych w analizie zachowań zakupowych i identyfikacji ich wzorców wśród konsumentów w wieku 60 lat i więcej Wykorzystanie samouczących się sieci neuronowych… Wstęp Z początkiem XXI wieku... more
A. Klimczuk, Pokolenie 50+ w cyfrowym świecie - perspektywa gerontologiczna (Generation 50+ in the Digital World - Gerontological Perspective). Lecture: Podlaski Zjazd Latarników Polski Cyfrowej w ramach projektu "Polska Cyfrowa Równych... more
The global fertility rate has been falling dramatically. Experts from the department of Washington University evaluating health statistics (Institute for Health Metrics and Evolution) stated that the fertility rate fell to 2.4% worldwide... more
The paper explores the needs and demands, related to tourism and traveling, of senior citizens of Bulgaria. Data from previous research is used to shape the specific social landscape in the country. Findings from the discussion of a focus... more
A. Klimczuk, Srebrna gospodarka jako odpowiedź sektora prywatnego wobec starzenia się społeczeństwa (Silver Economy as a Response of the Private Sector for Population Ageing), "Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu" 27.05.2013, electronic... more
Google's interest in the subject of aging is growing. The company is now a player in longevity economy (or silver economy) in the world. The article discusses the acquisitions of technology giant in the area and shows how other companies... more
Jednym z głównych wyzwań współczesnego rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego jest proces starzenia się ludności. Złożony charakter zmian z nim związanych uzasadnia podejmowanie interwencji uwzględniających wyzwanie utrzymania solidarności... more
The concept of the "silver economy" is one of the complex response trials to the challenges of ageing societies. Its key objective is to bring goods and services to meet the needs of older people through gerontechnology. Article... more
Labor Transitions is a paper that is part of Chapter 2 "Psychosociology and age management" of the "Guide to Age Management and Occupational Risk Prevention", published by Osalan - Basque Institute of Occupational Safety and Health of the... more
The continuing growth in the number of adults aged 60-plus has raised global alertness of population restructuring. This demographic change, on the one hand, reduces productivity and increases public expenditure due to aging, resulting in... more
Wzrost długości życia ludzkiego sprzyja rozwojowi dóbr i usług skierowanych do osób starszych. Opracowanie przybliża zjawisko srebrnej gospodarki jako systemu ekonomicznego opartego na zaspokajaniu potrzeb starzejących się społeczeństw. W... more
Salutogenesis ensures that physical environments promote wellbeing across people’s lifespan. Although this has influenced medical architecture, it has not yet penetrated into the domain of urban development. Despite the gradual decrease... more
W artykule przedstawiono zjawisko grania wśród osób dojrzałych i starszych. W tym celu przeprowadzono w 2017 roku badanie w podejściu do wirtualnej etnografii, obejmujące dwa ważne fora internetowe dla graczy w wieku 25 lat i starszych:... more
In this paper, we discuss the urban question and its relation to population aging. We show, in a summarized way, the effect of financial capital, in the 20th and 21st centuries, on urban space, labor and social security. We argue that the... more
A. Klimczuk, Guest Blog: The Future of the Economy in an Ageing Society: The silver economy: one or many?, International Longevity Centre - UK, 30.11.2015,... more