Social Reform
Recent papers in Social Reform
This article considers the Greenwich House Handicraft School as an example of a craft workshop that was shaped by contradictory Craftsman and Settlement House ideals, and suggests this duality may account for its longevity. Greenwich... more
Shifts in governance can be conceived of as a response to policy capacities being shared-in a material sense-between centralized and decentralized levels of government. A comparative case study is conducted of three conceptually different... more
his paper follows the lives of three generations of a Buckland, Massachusetts family, from the late eighteenth to early twentieth centuries. The mental illness of one family member, Josiah Spaulding, imprisoned for 57 years in a cage in... more
Claudius made substantial changes to the laws governing women as he "upgraded the mother's right to inherit. This concession to her contribution to the family was also a move in line to the 'cognatic' principle of wills, which tended to... more
This article throws new light on the troublesome question ‘what is popular music?’ by pursuing a genealogy of discourse in Britain during a crucial period from 1860 to 1920 in which modernity is increasingly characterised by an... more
Sessie 7:
Internationale congressen in de negentiende eeuw: een vergrootglas voor lokale, nationale en universele ambities en contrasten
Internationale congressen in de negentiende eeuw: een vergrootglas voor lokale, nationale en universele ambities en contrasten
Frances Joseph-Gaudet (1861-1934) was a transformative African American social activist who remains little-known outside Louisiana. Her autobiography, He Leadeth Me (1911), provides an account of Joseph-Gaudet’s prison reform work and... more
The world is in urgent need of ways to change in order to avert runaway climate change and ecological catastrophe. In this essay I examine the radical alternatives to be found in the utopian visions of two poets and polymaths, one from... more
Dr B R Ambedkar is a multifaceted personality, anything and everything ranging from caste annihilation to constitution framing; water and electricity policy to economic reforms. Babasaheb is prolific and a genius. A public intellectual... more
In 1863 Orange County, New York resident Lydia Sayer Hasbrouck refused to pay her city taxes. Her reasoning was simple; she would not pay taxes if she could not vote. An outspoken hydropthic physician and editor of the dress reform... more
General William and Catherine Booth accomplished in practical ways what many social reformers merely dreamed of. They had 'buy-in' from the residents of East London who 'owned' their own spiritual and social revolution. Societal changes... more
El 14 de septiembre de 1943, el periódico pro-gobiernista La Tribuna publicó un aviso titulado "Todo Costa Rica en las calles de San José". Con ese título, ese diario se unía a un plan que consistía en tomar las calles de la capital el... more
It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the Kandukuri Viresalingam. The past century has seen the rapid social change and social development in many communities in Andhra. However, these rapid changes are having a serious effect... more
Essays from four continents by Terry G. Carter, P. Sam Daniel, George Ella, C. P. Hallihan, Vishal Mangalwadi, Bruce J. Nicholls, Thomas Schirrmacher This volume reprints essays by seven authors from three continents, including two... more
This essay aims to understand the role of religion in the social work of Pandita Ramabai (1858-1922). By focusing on a twenty-five-year period commencing with her conversion to Christianity in 1883, we argue that religion constructed a... more
Pernah pula salah seorang muridnya telah berkata: (Wahai Abu 'Abdullah: Apakah pendapat kamu terhadap syair yang mengandungi sebutan syurga dan neraka? Beliau berkata: Seumpama apakah syair itu? Muridnya menjawab: Mereka berkata:... more
Middlemarch, in contrast to Adam Bede, represents the accomplishment of two apparently irreconcilable tasks. George Eliot succeeded in creating both a realistic novel about contemporary conditions and a Victorian romance. In her monograph... more
Priča o Urukagini, kralju i reformatoru Lagaša
My translation of an important early essay entitled "Balyabibher dosha" by Ishvarchandra Vidyasagar.
In this chapter, the points of intellectual consonance between Jane Addams and John Dewey are explored, specifically their (1) shared belief that philosophy is a method, (2) parallel commitments to philosophical pragmatism and (3) similar... more
The paper studies the notion of class in D H Lawrence’s last novel Lady Chatterley’s Lover. It argues that Lawrence offers his vision of social and cultural reform in the aftermath of the Great War. The paper sheds a rehabilitative look... more
L'étude de la Société générale des prisons, lieu de production des réflexions sur les pénalités à la fin du XIXème siècle, mi-société savante, mi-commission extra-parlementaire, territoire privilégié de ce groupe socio-professionnel... more
Costa Rica experienced tremendous social tension from 1940 to 1948. President Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia, who won the 1940 presidential elections with almost 85 percent of the votes, organized the first and clearest instance of a... more
Teaching Resources: William Blake and the Campaign Against Cruel Treatment of Children. "So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm." Many social and political reformers sought to improve the lives of animals and children through... more
Elizabeth Cady Stanton is widely regarded as one of the most important women’s rights orators of the 19th Century. She is credited with opening new rhetorical spaces for women through brilliant rhetorical appeals. In her 1854 speech to... more
This paper looks at Vidyasagar's programme for widow marriage while also discussing his campaign against Kulin Brahmin polygamy, child marriage and prostitution – some of the evils that plagued nineteenth-century Bengali society.... more
Fecha de recepción: mayo 2005 Fecha de aceptación y versión final: febrero 2006
Based on an extensive exploitation of the ILO archives, this book analyzes the emergence of a development discourse and practices at the international level between 1930 and 1946. It challenges several presumptions with regard to the... more
As Putnam’s title suggests, he attempts to indicate how the USA once came together (beginning in the Progressive Era) and how now in the midst of our polarized age we can so again. The post-Civil-War Gilded Age “was startlingly similar to... more
A pioneer with a number of firsts to his credit, he is the first Indian to write extensively on Hinduism in English as well as the first Hindu with the recorded use of the word "Hindu" in English language to refer to his own religion.... more
The early history of the Canadian Save the Children Fund from 1922-1946
В статье проводится сравнительный анализ двух крупных приватизаций в российской истории ХХ в. – крестьянских наделов в ходе столыпинской аграрной реформы 1906–1916 гг. и жилья в начале 1990-х гг. Делается попытка объяснить черты сходства,... more
The Victorian era lasted during the reign of Queen Victoria, establishing the foundations for social, cultural and moral ideologies. The British rule in India during the19th century witnessed the peak of their rule, as India was... more
This paper explores the history of the Everyman's House in Kalamazoo, MI which was designed by social reformer Caroline Bartlett Crane in 1925.