Social Research
Recent papers in Social Research
Maximise learners social learning instances in an informal learning setting by using technology in Contemporary Australian Organisations as part of a broader learning ecosystem.
"Eng: A brief consideration in Italian Language on the communication between the institutions and the effects of the interviews carried out during the research for monitoring the Tuscany Region system of "Accoglienza diffusa" (widespread... more
Research Symposium on Field Data Collection for Ph.D. Scholars of Social Science in Interdisciplinary Studies of University of Mumbai and for field Practitioners was held on 22nd March, 2014 at University of Mumbai. This was jointly... more
Κανόνες και Δεοντολογία της Επιστημονικής Έρευνας.
The main purpose/objective of this study is to assess the fraternity's level of influence to the needs of the selected student-members of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa.
No son muchas las oportunidades en las que el investigador toma conciencia que su labor, métodos y resultados, y no sólo los fenómenos que indaga, pueden ser también un productivo objeto de estudio. Más raro aun es, por la vía de poner de... more
A Antropologia cada vez mais tem questionado a hegemonia dos saberes biomédicos nos processos de revisão ética de projetos de pesquisa social atualmente vigente no Brasil, regulado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos de... more
"Emergent Digital Ethnographic Methods for Social Research" aims to equip social researchers in academia and industry with the knowledge to understand five emergent technologies and their methodological applications to digital... more
research book related to badi community in Nepal.
Previous studies have noted the dominance of official sources within the news process and their unique ability to shape media narratives. This research addresses the role and implications of news sources in contributing to the... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
This document shows the sample on research matrix, highlighted based on few core elements that commonly discussed by academic journals.
Having worked (paid and voluntary) consistently with vulnerable people (UK and Africa) for close to three decades, author submits that mental health survivors navigate multiple challenges, which fundamentally include struggling with the... more
this paper will try to cover the introduction and beginning of a research with respect to selecting some variables....
El campo de la Administración Pública como “área de investigación” ha cobrado mayor relevancia en América Latina en los últimos años. Esto se explica por diversas circunstancias, entre las cuales destacan tanto el fortalecimiento... more
Gender norms govern the lives and behaviours of Rohingya communities yet there is little research on how displacement and the humanitarian response have resulted in redefined norms. Using a feminist approach and qualitative research... more
En este trabajo analizo críticamente la distinción entre metodologías cualitativas y cuantitativas y el debate cuali/cuanti derivado. Reviso voces que han cuestionado la relevancia y utilidad de la distinción: autores/as que 1. proponen... more
Reflexivity is valuable in social research because it draws attention to the researcher as part of the world being studied and reminds us that the individuals involved in our research are subjects, not objects. By being reflexive we... more
With reference to definitions of validity and reliability, and drawing extensively on conceptualisations of qualitative research, this essay examines the correlation between the reliability of effort to find answers to questions about the... more
This article discusses the relevance of qualitative and participatory methodologies in education, bearing in mind the principles etnopedagógicos in the construction of social research in the educational field. In circumstances of... more
ABSTRACT ¿Qué nos aporta el libro Iniciación a la Sociología: Los Fundamentos Básicos? Esta obra pretende ser un mapa sociológico desde una perspectiva innovadora en la utilización alternativa de diferentes recursos, que guíe en las... more
There is a widespread idea that in grounded theory (GT) research, the researcher has to delay the literature review until the end of the analysis to avoid contamination – a dictum that might turn educational researchers away from GT.... more
کاربران ایرانی توییتر به چه میزان خود را در حلقهی همفکران خود محدود می¬کنند؟ به چه میزان در معرض ارتباط با دیگری¬ها قرار میگیرند؟ این موقعیت¬ها از چه الگوهایی تأثیر میپذیرند؟ در این تحقیق سعی کرده¬ایم برای پاسخ دادن به این سوالات، ضمن... more
In developing and least developed countries, the numbers of blood banks are limited and it is hard to find blood donor or exact blood group. That’s why patients have to suffer a lot and in some cases patients dies very often. Emergency... more
Bu çalışma 15 Temmuz 2016 tarihli menfur darbe girişimi sonrasında, hükümet tarafından, muhtemelen, 3 ay bile sürmesine gerek duyulmadan kaldırılacağı beyanları ile ilan edilen, ancak ilk 3 ayı dolduktan sonra, 7 sefer daha uzatılarak... more
There is a shift of attention experienced by young social scholars who are continuously engaged in either studying or doing research. This continuous endeavor of exploring about social research made them to question their past notions of... more
Indice INTRODUZIONE 11 PREMESSA 15 1. ESPERIENZE DI RICERCA 23 8 Luci e ombre sul lavoro di gruppo 87 Definizione di Ambiti ruoli e responsabilità 89 Comunicazione 89 Attività e modalità fisse 90 Preparazione e lavorazione delle... more
In this article, the author explores the uses of poetic forms in qualitative health research, analyzing thematically a poem written from a patient's perspective of being treated in an emergency room. From the themes identified, he created... more
TARKI Social Research Institute was awarded a contract by the European Commission to prepare a feasibility study on “Monitoring pension developments through micro socioeconomic instruments based on individual data sources”. From the onset... more
Article based on paper presented as part of Panel 24: ‘Looting, Refusing, Negating, Embodying’ ‘Critical Refusals’ Fourth Biennal Conference of the International Herbert Marcuse Society, University of Pennsylvania, 27-29th October... more
La investigación social apela frecuentemente a la noción rural, bien sea para delimitar el territorio objeto de estudio o para aludir a una forma de vida. El análisis de las distintas perspectivas que confluyen en la construcción de esta... more
The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates... more
Edited version of published paper presented at 'Is Black and Red Dead?' Conference, Centre for the Study of Social and Global and Justice (CSSGJ) University of Nottingham, 7-8 September, 2009... more
I designed a method to define the unit of analysis called PDocs on Atlas.ti, which consists of a gradual approach to the content using the ❝Word Cruncher Tool❞.
Soziologie und Sozialforschung sind nicht einfach zwei Lager innerhalb desselben Territoriums. Vielmehr handelt es sich um zwei verschiedene Arten Territorien abzustecken und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung zu betreiben. Das bedeutet,... more
In this article, I discuss the fact that doing “anthropology at home” involves the same core anthropological methodology as undertaking research abroad. This implies that while doing anthropology at home may have some advantages... more
Magyarország a kezdetektől, az 1970-es évek óta részt vesz a fontosabb nemzetközi tudásszint-vizsgálatokban, így a magyar iskolarendszer kimenetének alakulását nemzetközi kontextusban is több évtizedes perspektívában lehet értékelni.... more
This article outlines major trends in the development of social semiotics during the last four decades of its existence. The starting point was the interface between functional analysis of the semiotic system of language and the... more