Recent papers in Rurality
As desigualdades de gênero no mundo rural produzem a invisibilidade das atividades produtivas e reprodutivas das mulheres na agricultura familiar, afetando as representações sociais e o seu reconhecimento enquanto trabalhadoras e sujeitos... more
Purpose This purpose of this study was to investigate how consumers’ degree of rurality and preference for specific ad types are associated with their attitude toward femvertising (pro-female advertising). Design/methodology/approach An... more
Documento parte de la serie 2030 Alimentación, agricultura y desarrollo rural en América Latina y el Caribe
Das Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit entspricht einem Bedarf der aktuellen Wissenschaft, die sich mit der Problematik noch selten beschäftigt hat. Zudem ist der Versuch, dem Begriff 'Kleinstadt' eine allgemeine Bedeutung zu geben,... more
In this paper I demonstrate how an attention to rural queerness offers a beneficial and necessary opportunity to examine queer subjectivies through the lens of space, place, and class. I highlight how individuals' claims to queerness can... more
Nativitas, al sur del estado de Tlaxcala, es uno de los municipios más antiguos del estado, enclavado en el centro del valle poblano tlaxcalteca, se caracteriza por la calidad de sus tierras y la abundancia de agua para labores... more
Colombia is one of the largest pesticide consumers in South America. These products have a variety of negative consequences on the health of rural populations, especially neurocognitive disorders in children. In this work, the prenatal... more
Gerontologists have promoted positive representations of ageing to challenge stereotypes of degeneration and decline, in order to change social practices and to encourage wellbeing . Subsequently, a range of 'active ageing' policy... more
The Upper Hunter region of New South Wales (NSW) around Scone is reputed to be the second most significant thoroughbred breeding region in the world after the Bluegrass region of Kentucky. This article identifies the importance and... more
The study examined the influence of media reportage in economic development in rural communities in terms of economic knowledge, training and management using Ilemona community in Oyun Local Government area of Kwara state, Nigeria as... more
Historically rooted in cities, GLBT identities and communities have been mapped onto a narrative of rural-to-urban migration. Often represented as homophobic, rural space is valued insofar as it is left behind. !is article posits rurality... more
On June 23rd, 2014 Reverend Charles Moore drove his car to a nearly empty parking lot, doused himself in gasoline, and committed self-immolation in the small town of Grand Saline, my hometown in East Texas. Leaving a note on his... more
Rural Survey Documentation
Un caso inusual que nos da esperanzas
This essay examines vacillating affective responses to pop star Britney Spears. I juxtapose Spears’s career ascent as a teen queen from the rural American South to her career descent into “white trash” rebellious adulthood. I contend that... more
The present volume analyzes the long process of transformation of the society and economic structure of Dumbrăvioara, a settlement situated on the southern margins of Szeklerland, on the border between the Transylvanian Plain and Mureș... more
El libro “Reflexiones regionales sobre el desarrollo sustentable en contextos interculturales” representa un aporte fresco y aleccionador para la comprensión de las realidades y problemáticas socioambientales que emergen en diferentes... more
This paper is concerned with bringing together and drawing out some diverse strands of thought and action that are striving-from within a broadly green anti-capitalist agenda-to produce a rural space that is different from and a challenge... more
The multigrade class setting involves learners from different grades learning together in a single classroom, with their teacher having to cater to, and accommodate, the learners’ diverse learning styles. This article investigates the... more
Los procesos democráticos son cíclicos y para el caso argentino comienza la cuenta regresiva respecto a renovar a quien dirigirá aquel país del continente latinoamericano por los siguientes cuatro años. No obstante, es importante que los... more
Abstract:Rurality refers to the characteristics that define a village, namely, the characteristics that differentiate rural from urban. The problem of hollow villages refers to the phenomenon of 'an increasing loss of land resources in... more
How do rural villagers, as the insiders, construct rurality in rapidly urbanizing China? How do they perceive the changes on themselves, their families and their villages brought by rapid urbanization? What insights with regard to... more
Los paisajes del desarrollo han sido unas de las herramientas analíticas que nos han permitido evidenciar cómo, por medio de los discursos y las operaciones del desarrollo, se ha agenciado la producción social del espacio. En este... more
La investigación social apela frecuentemente a la noción rural, bien sea para delimitar el territorio objeto de estudio o para aludir a una forma de vida. El análisis de las distintas perspectivas que confluyen en la construcción de esta... more
A publicação apresenta ao governo e à sociedade brasileira os produtos da primeira fase do projeto consubstanciados, sendo dividida em: introdução, na qual se descreve e analisa todo o processo de elaboração do projeto e seus principais... more
En los umbrales del siglo XXI, con toda su complejidad, se hace necesario repensar el papel desempeñado por las ciencias sociales; por la gran cantidad de acontecimientos socioculturales que lo significan, algunos no son nuevos, otros son... more
Oukaimeden, Aoukai n mden, la traversée des Hommes, imazighen, ou autres personnes vers le sud, le sahara, l’au-delà du Sahara, les ruées vers l’or et les nègres ; ou pour descendre vers le bas, le ventre, Al kerch, d’où les mots,... more
The ”rural” has become a collage of all kinds of images. The material authenticity of the rural has blurred by imaginative representations. Rural areas in Taiwan are transforming from agricultural productivism into a postmodern... more
Site/Seal/Gesture is a collaboration between cultural geographer Rupert Griffiths and archaeologist Lia Wei. This collaboration develops a shared language of fieldwork, process and making. Working together as artists and from our... more
Țările din Europa Centrală şi de Est sunt cele mai mari exportatoare de plante medicinale şi aromatice de pe continent. Deşi România deține doar o mică parte din piața aceasta, industria locală are o lungă istorie, iar folosirea plantelor... more
Las comunidades campesinas e indígenas eran consideradas los espacios con más arraigo y con un tejido social compacto, sin embargo, hemos sido testigos de cómo se ha derrumbado este mundo idílico de lo rural. Durante los once congresos... more
Die Ethnologie hat ein paradoxes Verhältnis zu Dörfern. Ein wesentlicher Teil klassisch orientierter ethno-grafischer Feldforschung findet zwar nach wie vor in mehr oder weniger abgelegenen Dörfern statt, jedoch wird das Dorf selten... more
In 2016, Italian production of wine exceeded 51 million hectolitres and among the twenty regions, the region with the most production by volume (millions of hectolitres) was the Veneto region, north-east of Italy, with almost 11 million.... more
Ein Ausstellungsprojekt von Studierenden der Abteilung Kulturanthropologie der Universität Bonn.
Hier die Einleitung als Teaser.
Hier die Einleitung als Teaser.