Social protests
Recent papers in Social protests
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (2019) 39 (2): 313–327 The article, based on two years of fieldwork, examines the meaning of displacement for Palestinian citizens of Israel who live in Jaffa. Specifically,... more
In recent years, the period between ca. 1280 and 1330 has attracted a growing interest among scholars who study Italian communes. As regards in particular the greatest popular communes, a specific attention to institutional dynamics has... more
The paper examines the dynamics of social protests in Lebanon from October 2019 till March-May 2020 when the government imposed unprecedentedly rigorous restrictive measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 infection. The paper identifi... more
This essay contributes to participatory critical rhetoric (PCR) by offering a Rancièrian aesthetic approach to the rhetoric of social protest at the 2014 People’s Climate March (PCM). Although the PCM has been praised for its democratic... more
This thesis examines the central driver of recent mobilizations to be the need felt by society to seek a reinterpretation of democracy. This need for change is seen to emerge due to the damages caused to the social fabric by the impact of... more
Loadenthal, Michael. “Cells, Communiqués and Monikers: The Insurrectionary Networks of Anti-State Attack.” In Routledge Handbook of Radical Politics, edited by Uri Gordon and Ruth Kinna, 326–40. New York, NY: Routledge, 2019. Abstract:... more
Introducción: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar una revisión de literatura que de cuenta del fenómeno de las protestas sociales en Latinoamérica y los factores que determinan el aumento o disminución del uso de los mecanismos de... more
Interviews about how Gay Pride went from being political protest by lesbians, queers and transgender folks to a commercialized party for straight people.
Brazil Beginning in June 2013, Brazil was struck by a series of explosive, chaotic, and oft-violent protests. Rallying around the slogan " A Gigante Accordou " (" The Giant Has Awakened "), these protests were the largest displays of... more
That author of this study draws attention to a case of resistance against the communist regime, which occurred in a Czech rural district almost 60 years ago. The work deals with peasants’ protest rally in front of the District National... more
The text is an analysis of the socio-political situation in Western Pomerania during the political crisis in the Polish People's Republic at the turn of 1971. Szczecin lay in the heart of the workers' protests, however, it was the events... more
This paper presented at The Kondiaf conference 2017 is a survey of the era of populism in the US. By retracing the genesis, rise, and fall of the movement of agrarian in the late nineteenth and early and twentieth century it... more
ספר ועדות המומחים מחאה 2011
Scholarship on LGBTQ rights in library and information science remains lamentably underdeveloped. This research excavates the hidden history of the American Library Association’s Task Force on Gay Liberation between 1971 and 1986. Despite... more
, Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2009, 599 pp.
Guest editor of a special issue of the Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society 2(1) (2016), ‘Gender, Nationalism, and Citizenship in Anti-Authoritarian Protests in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine’.... more
Souvent rabattue sur des stéréotypes réducteurs, la protection animale constitue une cause militante des plus anciennes et complexes. Du début du XIX e siècle jusqu'à nos jours, de multiples entrepreneurs de morale s'indignent du... more
This article examines the activism of a specific subset of Chilean communist women – those whose loved ones were abducted and who mobilised to demand justice – against the Pinochet dictatorship. It focuses on a well-organised and... more
No se pueden analizar las protestas del estudiantado universitario sin partir de una premisa fundamental: el derecho a la libertad de expresión constituye una piedra angular en la existencia misma de una sociedad democrática pues es... more
Esta investigación presenta la delincuencia como una expresión encubierta de malestar y conflicto en uno de los momentos de mayor tensión social de la España contemporánea, el primer tercio del siglo XX, en un distrito judicial agrario,... more
Intro and table of contents of the forthcoming book
Cosa significa protestare per le strade, perché occupare uno spazio nella città? Veniamo da un recente risveglio, da anni che hanno riportato la politica nelle piazze e nelle strade. In tutto il mondo uomini e donne sono scesi in piazza... more
In light of the renewed interest in the Black Panthers’ protest movement, 40 years after it had been founded and on the background of summer 2011 social protest, I wish to return to the press photographs of the Black Panthers... more
Throughout the twentieth century and the outset of the twenty-first, Puerto Rico's sociopolitical and pro-independence struggles from US colonial rule have been influenced by the emergence of mobilizations for environmental justice. This... more
מה נותר ממחאת האהלים, ומהו חותמה על החברה והפוליטיקה בישראל? מאמר זה עונה לשאלות אלה תוך דיון במחאה שלאחר המחאה. המאמר סוקר את ההסברים למחאת האהלים ב-2011, ומציע לזהות שני שחקנים פוליטיים - הגמונים וכפיפים - הלוקחים חלק במשחק האגוני שערער... more
Na obra o autor explora o direito de reunião no direito brasileiro a partir de sua concreção na atividade policial. A norma escrita na constituição, nas leis e nos precedentes judiciais, são confrontados com casos práticos, evidenciando... more
Although Social Media Activism has been widely investigated following the latest social uprisings worldwide, the processes through which online-based protests are brought offline did not catch scholars' attention. Therefore, this study... more
Review of Steve McQueen's 2008 British-Irish historical drama film Hunger, starring Michael Fassbender (as Republican leader Bobby Sands), Liam Cunningham, and Liam McMahon. The film is concerned with the 1981 Irish hunger strike.
REINVENTING THE LEFT. THE POLITICAL, CULTURAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL BASES OF PODEMOS. With the worsening of the economic crisis, unemployment and social inequalities in Europe, an analogy spreads between the economic and political crisis of... more
Performances and performance cultures are often seen in our discipline as indicative of the political unconscious in the way they shape dramatizations of collective myths and identities. Yet they are also so much entangled with the... more
This is the pre-print working paper version, see the full printed version: The protests that began in Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv on 21 Novem- ber 2013 and became... more
Women's activism in Kuwait has historically intersected with nation building and regime perpetuation projects. The government has attempted to combine instances of modernity with growing political demands from the tribal and Islamist... more
Through an engaging unit, students learn the issues of police brutality and racism affecting Black communities in the United States.