Radical Democracy
Recent papers in Radical Democracy
The central challenge for theorists and practitioners of radical politics today is to develop the tools for collective action on a global scale, but also account for the specificity of diverse local struggles and promote the free... more
"Re-imagining 21st century education is ambitious, an ambition born of a sadness as I reflect on a book written 30 years ago. And I shall of course fall far short of the ambition. Just to reiterate again the question raised in the... more
The volume "In Need of a Master: Politics, Theology, and Radical Democracy" discusses how our so-called postmodern age of widespread ideological critique paves the way for reactionary and conservative political movements. At center stage... more
This work asks questions on the relationship between innovative collective actors, such as the 'new social movements' and the political institutions of representative democracy starting from an underlying hypothesis: the idea that civil... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
Im Interview kommt Jacques Rancière auf die Genese seines egalitären Denkens, auf seine Methoden, auf die Rolle des ›Intellektuellen‹ sowie auf prägende politische Momente der Vergangenheit und der Gegenwart zu sprechen.
In this short piece I argue that recent acts of naming the Irish Republic, either as a “Vulture Republic”, or as a “Republic of Opportunity”, stand as linguistic attempts to resolve the ongoing housing crisis in Ireland, which has its... more
From the mid-1990’s on, contingency developed into one of the leading key concepts of the social science and achieved an axiomatic status in leftist political and social theory, first and foremost through the central postmarxist thesis of... more
This is a conference paper for an invited talk. It basically asks whether leadership and democracy are compatible. It adopts the position that they are not and hence to safeguard the development of democracy one has to constrain the... more
This report evolved from contributions to the Society of Existential Analysis conference in London " Being and Doing " November, 2015. I briefly describe opening the conference with a guided Focusing session since this practice is... more
Les altermondialistes et les indignés ont déployé une culture militante « alteractiviste » dans laquelle la démocratie est une revendication centrale mais aussi - et avant tout - un ensemble de pratiques et une exigence personnelle. Cet... more
Der Pragmatismus zählt als eines der bedeutsamsten Theorieparadigmen der Philosophie des einundzwanzigsten Jahrhunderts sowie als eine der wirkkräftigsten Perspektiven der gegenwärtigen philosophischen Forschung. Das Proseminar bietet... more
Wall – a radical in my view in his integration of scholarship and Green political and movement activism in the UK – has written a book for other radicals – here I would humbly include myself in this category give my own academic-activist... more
A quantitative investigation of the crowd size at the August 1819 Peterloo rally in Manchester using modern mapping techniques including google earth, along with techniques used today by event organisers and police.
"De multiculturele samenleving is failliet. In naam van de vrijheid geen hoofddoeken aan het loket. De islam bedreigt onze waarden. De tolerantiedrempel is overschreden. Er is dringend nood aan actie, de tijdbom tikt", zo bulderen vele... more
The standard opposition between political representation and participation is based on an exclusive conception of representation (excluding those represented). But a concept of representation that is inclusive can be understood, most... more
Im Jahr 2011 bricht die tunesische Revolution aus. Bürgerinnen und Bürger besetzen im ganzen Land öffentliche Plätze, fordern politische Freiheits- und Gleichheitsrechte und soziale Gerechtigkeit. In dieser Studie kommen die Akteurinnen... more
When female intellectuals become celebrities in America, much of their notoriety seems to derive from their sex. The female intellectual is packaged as a personality. Publicists and the public feel no shame in gossiping about such women's... more
In this chapter we show how a new type of political knowledge can be harnessed from everyday communication flows between citizens to support community and policy development processes. The emergence of this new knowledge will be enabled... more
For over a century the US has conducted an experiment in commercialized journalism by treating news as both a commodity and a public service.
Within its first month in power, SYRIZA has increased its domestic popularity even as it confronts deep institutional resistance to its anti-austerity agenda. Drawing on James Scott's conceptualisation of the charismatic relationship,... more
In this paper, I examine the radical approach to politics of President Rodrigo Duterte. I will retrace the roots of this radicalism to the colonial history of the Philippines in which the Spanish regime has established an elitist... more
The article explores the relationship between theory and practise in terms of gender-based equality and justice within both the armed units as well as the political-legal movement linked to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in Turkey and... more
Building «the People»: Ernesto Laclau’s Theoretical Contribution and the Perspectives of Contemporary Populisms Populism is a relevant topic in current political debates and analysis. The global financial and social crisis is fostering... more
En el presente artículo (publicado el 17 de octubre de 2017 en la Revista Éufrates) se analizan las principales ideas reflejadas en el Discurso de Pericles, recogido por Tucídides en el Libro II de la Historia de la Guerra del Peloponeso.... more
The discourse of the society of equals emerged at the time of the American, French and Haitian revolutions and since then associated with radical democratic movements. Its core theme of equality as being coextensive with freedom is the... more
The deliberative systems approach is a recent innovation within the tradition of deliberative democratic theory. It signals an important shift in focus from the political legitimacy produced within isolated and formal sites of... more
Can a democratic society and Sharia law co-exist? This question increases in importance as the number of nations who follow Sharia law while modernizing is increasing. One argument suggests that there is no difference between allowing... more
Chantal Mouffe has long been regarded as one of the pinnacle authors of radical democratic theory which aims to offer a left, alternative, model of democracy. In this paper a discussion of one of the most fundamental elements of... more
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
Gerechtigkeit sollte die Grundlage allen politischen Handelns sein. Doch was, wenn staatliche Maßnahmen und Gesetze dieser Norm widersprechen? Können dann auch in Demokratien Akte des zivilen Ungehorsams gerechtfertigt sein? Und wenn ja,... more
מה נותר ממחאת האהלים, ומהו חותמה על החברה והפוליטיקה בישראל? מאמר זה עונה לשאלות אלה תוך דיון במחאה שלאחר המחאה. המאמר סוקר את ההסברים למחאת האהלים ב-2011, ומציע לזהות שני שחקנים פוליטיים - הגמונים וכפיפים - הלוקחים חלק במשחק האגוני שערער... more