Sociology of Culture and Communication
Recent papers in Sociology of Culture and Communication
Deriving pleasure and meaning from one’s job is especially potent in the cultural industries, where workers routinely sacrifice monetary rewards, stability, and tidier careers for the nonmonetary benefits of self-expression, autonomy and... more
Finito di stampare nel mese di settembre 2012 presso Digital Print-Service, Segrate (Milano) Progetto grafico e impaginazione: Agnese Tomassetti In copertina: August Macke, Farbige Formenkomposition, 1914, olio su tela, collezione... more
Recent years have seen not just a revival, but a rebirth of the analogue record. More than merely a nostalgic craze, vinyl has become a cultural icon. As music consumption migrated to digital and online, this seemingly obsolete medium... more
This book is about Aesthetics and Sociology of Comics and Cinema. The preface is written by Anna Fici, the postface by Alessio Arena. The book has: 1) Preface "È pienamente arrivato il tempo del fumetto?" by Anna Fici. 2) "Il fumetto... more
This book offers a much-needed new political theory of an old phenomenon. The last decade alone has marked the highest number of migrations in recorded history. Constrained by environmental, economic, and political instability, scores of... more
This book, written with Federico Provenzano, talks about History of Comics and like comics are a modality of communication. The introduction is written by Alessio Arena. There are also articles by Armando Bisanti, Alberto Becattini,... more
questo è il programma di Sociologia della Comunicazione per il corso di laurea magistrale in Strategie e Tecniche della Comunicazione dell'Università di Siena. Avendo studenti che provengono da differenti corsi di laurea, tra cui molti da... more
Per buona parte della storia umana: SOLO interazioni faccia a faccia = scambio di forme simboliche all'interno di un luogo fisico condiviso
The aim of this research paper is to explore and describe the ways in which adolescents of popular sectors of Buenos Aires City search for Internet dating through the social network Facebook. For this, we investigate the information they... more
En esta investigación se ofrece una historia de vida de Gerardo de la Torre, centrada en su desarrollo como escritor, y se realiza una lectura del cuento "El vengador" desde una perspectiva sociológica. El trabajo es una adaptación de la... more
The widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT´s), coupled with global changes have taken place in most social environments. The subject of research are the university students at the School of Philosophy and... more
Eterogenei nei contenuti ma legati da un unico filo rouge, gli originali contributi di questo volume tendono a rappresentare, con un approccio multidisciplinare, i caratteri del mutamento sociale. Il nucleo tematico di fondo, orientato... more
Negli ultimi decenni i sociologi ed economisti hanno sottolineato come il mondo del consumo sia sempre più caratterizzato dalle componenti culturali, sociali ed emotive. La marca cessa di essere semplice depositaria di benefit tangibili e... more
YouTube is a particularly popular online video sharing site. It is not only used for entertainment and commercial purposes but also to disseminate and obtain information and knowledge concerning science and medicine. So far rather little... more
In this article, interpretation of Bahá’í writings regarding language, cultural diversity, and worldwide communication leads to the seemingly paradoxical position that the promotion of linguistic minority rights in must coincide with... more
This paper aims to further investigate some aspects of Baudrillard’s analysis of the media society, influenced by Benjamin’s aesthetic teaching and McLuhan’s mediological legacy. His purpose is to probe the effects of the symbolic speedup... more
SOCIOLOGY OF EVERYDAY LIFE Η «καθημερινή ζωή» θεωρήθηκε ασήμαντη από την κυρίαρ-χη ιδεολογία της «προόδου» (γι' αυτό και άργησε να απασχολή-σει την επιστήμη). Η «αφήγηση» όμως της υπαρξιακής εμπειρίας από τις σύγχρονες πολιτιστικές... more
Nobel laureate Niko Tinbergen coined the term ‘supernormal stimulus’ after discovering that birds who lay small, pale blue eggs speckled with grey prefer to sit on larger, bright blue eggs with black polka-dots. He found that he could... more
Nell’ultimo decennio i morti viventi hanno invaso le tavole dei fumetti, le pagine di libri e riviste, e, gli schermi, cinematografici, televisivi, ma anche dei monitor, degli smartphone e dei tablet. Nessun terreno mediale è rimasto... more
In this chapter, I analyze a specific configuration of practices of the sacred in which soccer becomes a particularly pertinent matrix. Using an ethnographic case study in Argentina, I show how gestures, practices and meanings... more
We recently spoke with Thomas Nail, an associate professor at the University of Denver, to talk about his recent book “The Figure of the Migrant.” In it, Nail develops a theory of what he calls kinopolitics and argues that the migrant has... more
Tratto caratterizzante di un’élite, la gastronomia è stata tradizionalmente affidata ad una expertise esclusiva. Se da un lato guide e valutatori hanno rinforzato la dimensione normativa della gastronomia - un esempio è il modello della... more
Dans cet entretien avec Eric Darras, Rodney Benson présente ses premiers résultats sur les États-Unis et explique en quoi les nouvelles perspectives diffèrent des études plus classiques sur la concentration économique dans les medias.... more
O discurso em favor da liberdade de imprensa configurou-se num argumento necessário para a sobrevivência da mídia e se reveste de relativa verdade. Isso porque o pressuposto é de que a imprensa estabeleceu-se como vigilante do Estado para... more
The aim of this study is to analyze the discourse on later life in the TV series 'M jak miłość', season one (2000) and season eleven (2010). Additionally, I also analyze fragments of the TV series 'Plebania', season one (2000) ans season... more
La costruzione delle regole in un mondo globale ed intangibile L'arte contemporanea ha assunto il ruolo di esplicitazione culturale della destrutturazione e liquefazione dei tempi postmoderni e globali nei quali viviamo; il volume in... more
Quote as: Salvatore, Armando (ed). 2001. Muslim Traditions and Modern Techniques of Power, Yearbook of the Sociology of Islam, 3, Hamburg: Lit; New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. [You'll find the Introduction in the section 'Book Chapters... more
The relation between gaming consumption and subcultural feelings represents an issue challenging to explore because of the current multiplication of identity affiliations. Furthermore, games are a cultural sector characterized by constant... more
Graduate teaching in art and humanities is undergoing a transformation parallel to the one that museum management has shown in recent decades. Research tools applied to teaching have also evolved deeply and very quickly with the online... more
The visual art of the last decades privileges, explicitly or implicitly, social rather than art historical or aesthetic issues. In sites ranging from university classrooms and journals to museums and biennials, the emphasis is usually put... more
Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli 23.05.2019 - ore 13.45 *** Chi è e cosa fa un digital influencer? Nati come blogger e migrati poi su piattaforme visuali come Instagram, gli influencer si sono rapidamente affermati come nuovi... more
This book is published by Fondazione Ignazio Buttitta, Palermo, 2019. It is edited by Massimo Bonura and Antonino Frenda. It concerns the connections among comics and cinema with a lot of articles written by professors or experts. My... more
La costruzione delle regole in un mondo globale ed intangibile L'arte contemporanea ha assunto il ruolo di esplicitazione culturale della destrutturazione e liquefazione dei tempi postmoderni e globali nei quali viviamo; il volume in... more
La presente tesis estudia la constitución espacial del underground porteño de los 80 analizando su expansión territorial y problematizando sus temporalidades específicas dentro del proceso histórico argentino entre dictadura y democracia.... more
Edited by Monica Centanni, Fernanda De Maio, Michela Maguolo
Icons constantly punctuate social life and yet sociology has thematized cultural iconicity only very recently. This article describes what cultural sociology can gain by incorporating iconicity into the catalogue of its explanatory... more
" Abstract: The subject of this study is to examine the intercultural sensitivity and social self-esteem in a sample of adolescent, third and fourth grade students of the International School of Sarajevo. The Instruments consisted of... more
La programación propuesta persigue comunicar socialmente información que contribuya a movilizar el potencial existente, para que la población de las localidades de la Región de la Ribera del Rio Hondo y de la Región Limítrofe con el... more
Este informe tiene como objetivo describir y analizar las políticas de internacionalización editorial adelantadas en la última década por seis países latinoamericanos (Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Uruguay). El estudio... more