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The issue of whether polite language usage should be taught in a foreign language classroom is actually preceded by the equally complex question of what gestures, language strategies, or attitudes represent politeness for a given culture.... more
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      Interlanguage PragmaticsPragmatic Competence
Cet article présente une simulation de médiation (civile) enrichie de données authentiques et de techniques d’Apprentissage sur Corpus dans le cadre d’un cours universitaire de français sur objectifs spécifiques (FOS). Notre simulation... more
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      MediationMediation (Law)SimulationDidactique Du Français
Abstract Interlanguage pragmatic learning strategies (IPLS) are a specific class of learning techniques that are responsible for enhancing pragmatic competence. Given the importance of such strategies and the scarcity of research in this... more
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      Speech actsPragamticsPragmatic CompetenceMDCT
Este estudio investiga la producción a través del role-play de tres actos de habla en español por parte de tres grupos diferentes de hablantes: nativos de español, nativos de inglés con un nivel avanzado de español, y nativos de inglés... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionPragmaticsSociolinguisticsCorpus Creation
The appropriate use of pragmatic markers – non-propositional well, you know, of course, etc. – is necessary for successful business communication (which is, for the most part, cross-cultural communication), however, pragmatic markers take... more
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      Business EnglishDiscourse MarkersTESOLTextbook Analysis
Effective cross-cultural communication requires awareness and acquaintance of target language cultural and pragmatic aspects. Nevertheless, insufficient attention is paid to the enhancement of cultural and pragmatic awareness in foreign... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationLanguages and LinguisticsPragmaticsEnglish language
The theme of the research is represented by the pragmatic competence in the process of learning English as a foreign language, with a particularization on the EFL textbooks in Romania.My thesis starts from the goal of analyzing the... more
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    • Pragmatic Competence
The translator must have a sort of competencies to carry out his work, namely: linguistic competence, communicative competence, organizational competence, syntactic competence, textual competence, pragmatic competence, cultural or... more
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      Communicative CompetencePragmatic CompetenceLinguistic CompetenceTextual Competence
This paper is motivated by the premise that little is known about the use of requestive strategies in request emails in Chinese English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) context. Specifically, the paper examines and compares requestive... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionPragmatics
Speech acts are considered to be one of the principal components of pragmatic competence. The need for language learners to use speech act of request that involves a series of strategies was the significance of the study. The participants... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsLinguisticsSpeech Act Theory
The field of language teaching and curriculum development has been characterized by its constant development, with a concomitant impact on the quality of education and training. The drive is mostly due to the rapidly changing world... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationTeaching English as a Second LanguageTeaching of Foreign LanguagesCurriculum Development
Le mémoire vise à envisager l’entrée dans l’écrit d’un public adulte et hétérogène par le biais de la production d’un document iconique. Dans le cadre de la formation linguistique dispensée par l’association Frate formation conseil, ce... more
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      Collaborative LearningMigrantsDidactique du français langue étrangèrePragmatic Competence
When engaging in verbal communication, we do not simply use language to dispense information, but also to perform a plethora of actions, some of which depend on conventionalised, recurrent linguistic structures. Additionally, we must be... more
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      PragmaticsRelevance TheorySocial EpistemologyIntercultural Pragmatics
Chomsky’s generative paradigm has swept through and informed linguistic research and hence all linguistic subfields. The field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) has not been exempted from this ostensible invasion. Yet, research... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionTeaching EFLCross-Cultural CommunicationInterlanguage Pragmatics
Professionalism in communication is a matter of concern for speakers of all languages. Awareness about some features such as face-threatening property of refusal speech acts leads language users to apply some specific linguistic forms.... more
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      RefusalSpeech actsCultural variationPragmatic Competence
This exploratory study discusses findings pertaining to university students" pragmatic and intercultural communicative competence in the context of Uzbekistan. It begins with a brief review of the research literature related to... more
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      Intercultural PragmaticsPragmatic Competence
The aim of the present study was to investigate sociolinguistic abilities of Turkish senior students of ELT departments in comparison to native speakers of English. Fifty Turkish and twenty-five American students participated in the... more
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      Speech actsPragmatic CompetenceSociolinguistic CompetenceDiscourse Completion Task
The present study investigated pragmatic transfer in the refusals of advanced Saudi learners of English as a foreign language (SEFL) in terms of the frequency and content of the emantic formulas, and whether their refusals correspond more... more
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      Speech actsPragmatic CompetencePragmatic transferDiscourse Completion Test (DCT)
Many language teachers recognise the importance of integrating intercultural learning into language learning, but how this can be best achieved is not always apparent. This is particularly the case in foreign language learning contexts... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationPragmaticsTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageIntercultural Competence
AWEJ Vol.2 No. 4 .December 2011 pp.171-193 Raising Pragmatic Awareness of Students through Classroom Activities Dr. S.Devaki Reddy Indian Institute of Technology Madras Abstract English Language curricula pay adequate attention to... more
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      PolitenessPragmatic CompetenceMitigating Strategies
Since there have been few pragmatic studies, especially at the local level, that have dealt with the adolescents, and since the language and culture are inseperable, this study examines pragamtically requestive speech acts realizations... more
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    • Pragmatic Competence
According to Kasper (1992), L2 pragmatic knowledge affects all communicative acts. It can be described as the speaker’s ability both to adapt linguistic formulae to social contextual constraints and to understand the implications of... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesDigital Learning ResourcesPragmatic CompetenceTeaching Italian as a Foreign Language
In this article, in order to study the identity issues involved in the development of pragmatic competence, we focused on the discourse that Iranian expatriates bring on their experience of intercultural communication in France. Firstly,... more
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      Linguistic PolitenessIntercultural PragmaticsSecond Language Learner Self and IdentityPersian Linguistics and Politeness
This paper proposes a prototypic assessment tool for intercultural communicative competence. Because traditional discourse completion tasks (DCTs) focus on illocutionary competence rather than sociolinguistic competence, a modified... more
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      AssessmentPragmatic Competence
The current study set out to explore the effect of two instructional strategies; i.e. explicit and implicit teaching on developing Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) upper-intermediate level learners' pragmatic knowledge of the... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionPragmaticsApplied LinguisticsFormulaic Language
While aptitude has been seen to contribute to second language (L2) development, most studies have examined its contribution as a fixed trait, rather than viewing it as a dynamic, changing variable. There appears to have been little or no... more
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      Speech actsSpeech Acts Request and ApologyLanguage learning aptitudePragmatic Competence
English, as a communication tool, is playing an extremely significant role in cross-cultural communication.
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      Cross-Cultural CommunicationPragmatic Competence
In the pedagogy of language education, the importance of teaching English pragmatic competence has received considerable attention lately. As an attempt to contribute to literature in this field, this study investigated the importance of... more
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      Teaching EFLmethodology of teaching EFLPragmatic CompetenceEnglish EFL TEFL learning
In an insightful article published in Nature human behavior on November 2020, the effectiveness of 46 "non-pharmaceutical interventions" (NPI) regarding Covid-19 pandemic have been compared 1. One of these 46 categories, the one which is... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsCognitive LinguisticsCognitive Lexical Semantics
The study compares how three groups of learners at different educational levels in CLIL, post-CLIL and EFL classes modify their requests which were elicited by means of a written discourse completion task with two situations (different... more
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      CLILPragmatic Competence
Since there have been few pragmatic studies, especially at the local level, that have dealt with the adolescents, and since the language and culture are inseperable, this study examines pragamtically requestive speech acts realizations... more
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      PsychologyPragmaticsPoliteness theorySocial Context
Pragmatic competence is among the explicitly acknowledged sub-competences that make the communicative competence in any language (Bachman & Palmer, 1996; Council of Europe, 2001). Within the notion of pragmatic competence itself, "... more
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      PragmaticsLanguage TestingIntercultural PragmaticsSpeech acts
This exploratory study discusses findings pertaining to university students" pragmatic and intercultural communicative competence in the context of Uzbekistan. It begins with a brief review of the research literature related to... more
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      Intercultural PragmaticsPragmatic Competence
La competencia pragmática en español L2: un caso de inmigrantes rusohablantes en inmersión lingüística continua Olga Ivanova En este artículo nos centramos en el problema de la adquisición de la competencia pragmática en español L2.... more
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      ImmigrationSpanish as a Second LanguageCommunicative CompetencePragmatic Competence
This study aims at comparing the pragmatic competence of Turkish EFL Learners to that of native speakers of English when performing the speech acts of refusals. The study was conducted with 26 Turkish EFL Learners, who were junior year... more
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      Speech actsPragmatic Competence
This paper studies the pragmatic competence of U.S. heritage learners of Spanish in an attempt to determine (a) the degree of pragmatic transfer from English to Spanish experienced by heritage learners when producing different types of... more
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      PragmaticsApplied LinguisticsTeaching of Foreign LanguagesSpanish as a Foreign Language
English hedges are common in native speakers’ communication, without hedges speakers may be perceived as unnatural or too direct. It has been thought that teacher talk is a means which can facilitate EFL learners’ awareness and use of... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguagePragmaticsEnglish languageEnglish
Two very important components of the concept of Communicative Competence are sociolinguistic and pragmatic competences. Since the advent of the Communicative Approach a lot of attention has been paid to the design and development of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTeaching English as a Second LanguageTextbook EvaluationCommunicative Competence
English hedges are common in native speakers’ communication, without hedges speakers may be perceived as unnatural or too direct. It has been thought that teacher talk is a means which can facilitate EFL learners’ awareness and use of... more
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      PsychologyPragmaticsEnglish languageEnglish
The aim of the current preliminary study is to explore the speech act of thanking in formal communicative contexts. More specifically, it investigates the possible differences in the expression of thanking by... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage AcquisitionPragmaticsGreek
Pragmatic competence is one of the main components of communicative ability in a second language. Recently, a great deal of research has been done regarding the acquisition and teaching of pragmatics of Italian as a foreign language.... more
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      Moodle (Education)Pragmatic CompetenceInteractive Language Learning
The present study sought to evaluate the pragmatic competence of heritage learners of Spanish in regard to compliment sequences and the impact that pragmatic lessons would have on these students. To this end, pre and post tests to assess... more
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      Spanish as a Foreign LanguageHeritage language studiesIntercultural PragmaticsCompliments
Pragmatic competence has become, especially in the last few decades, one of the issues that attracted attention in the field as an essential part of language competence. The realization that having a good command of linguistic knowledge... more
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    • Pragmatic Competence
This study aims to investigate how Turkish Teacher Trainees of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) interpret implied meanings, which is an integral but lesser-studied component of pragmatic competence. The conduct of the study began with... more
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      PsychologyPragmaticsLanguage Teacher TrainingIntercultural Pragmatics
This collection argues for the need to promote intercultural understanding as a clear goal for teaching and learning pragmatics in second and foreign language education. The volume sees the learning of pragmatics as a challenging yet... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationPragmaticsStereotypesIntercultural Competence
This study aims to investigate how Turkish Teacher Trainees of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) interpret implied meanings, which is an integral but lesser-studied component of pragmatic competence. The conduct of the study began with... more
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      PragmaticsLanguage Teacher TrainingIntercultural PragmaticsSpeech acts
The main goal of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a proposed unit in developing pragmatic competence of English Department students, Faculty of Education, Tanta University.
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      Second Language AcquisitionDirect InstructionSpeech actsRequests