Technology and vocational education
Recent papers in Technology and vocational education
The following is the prepublication paper The 4 th Industrial Revolution, post-capitalism, waged labour and vocational education (1)
This paper reports on the findings of a 3-year project in Australia on how to improve pathways within and between education and work. It finds that a key factor that shapes student participation in educational pathways is the structure of... more
Graduates of electrical/electronic engineering from polytechnics in Nigeria of recent find it difficult to access job placements in oil/gas and allied industries. This issue of inability of technical graduates to secure paid employment or... more
[NOTE: this is the executive summary of the full 146 page document] The intention of this community based training needs analysis is to provide an empirical knowledge base for the planning of adult and community education and training... more
Materi Kuliah Manajemen Industri Pokok Bahasan Manajemen dan Organisasi
1. Abstract: Brainstorming is an effective technique to help a quality improvement team identify a problem and come up with solutions. 1930s , brainstorming makes use of lateral... more
UU Nomor 14/2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen, mengukuhkan paradigma yang memadukan kesejahteraan dan profesionalisme. Pada satu sisi, respon yuridis semacam itu sejalan dengan prinsip-prinsip profesionalisme. Seseorang yang profesional, adalah... more
Metode peta-minda untuk penguraian masalah PENGERTIAN PETA MINDA · Peta minda adalah suatu ilustrasi grafis yang konkrit yang dapat menunjukan bagaimana suatu konsep berhubungan atau terkait dengan konsep-konsep lain yang termasuk... more
Materi Kuliah Elektronika Daya
Pokok Bahasan Konsep Dasar Elektronika Daya
Pokok Bahasan Konsep Dasar Elektronika Daya
Unemployment is one of the most serious problems facing Nigeria like many other countries in the world. Nigeria is becoming a predominantly youth society with high rate of unemployment. The development of youth is critical to economic... more
Materi Kuliah Elektronika Daya Pokok Bahasan Penyearah Daya tiga fasa
Wheelahan, Leesa & Moodie, Gavin (2016) Global Trends in TVET: a framework for social justice, Brussels: Education International:
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) proses perolehan kompetensi melalui program PI di DUDI; dan (2) hasil perolehan kompetensi siswa setelah mengikuti program PI di DUDI Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif jenis... more
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Mengetahui pengaruh pengalaman praktik kerja industri dan Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Multimedia terhadap kesiapan kerja peserta didik kelas XII SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta tahun ajaran 2012/2013; dan (2)... more
I prepared this report for the Australian Qualifications Framework Council in 2009. Here is the blurb from the AQF's website: In April 2009, the then Deputy Prime Minister asked the Chair of the AQF Council, Mr John Dawkins AO, to... more
Approximately 50 percent of individuals with Learning Disability may also have one or more "related disorders."There is a range of neurologically based disorders that are frequently found together. The basic concept is that if something... more
The bedrock of technological development in any country lies in the effective implementation of technical and vocational education programme. The desire to produce competent graduates of technical and vocational education can be achieved... more
The study explored the effect of peer tutoring instructional strategy on students’ academic achievement in Financial Accounting in colleges of education Oyo State. The study adopted a quasi-experimental research design, specifically,... more
In Turkey, most university administrators and academic staff members are not yet fully aware of intellectual property rights (IPRs). Researchers often have difficulty in licensing opportunities that can provide additional revenue streams... more
In a multilingual and divergent national realm similar to Nigeria, communication, mutual trust and nationalism amongst the various distinct groups would be difficult if not impossible, without an independent and neutral language which... more
The raising of global platinum era has powerfully effect to developing information technology. These technological developments have an impact on all areas, especially in the field of education. Teaching and learning requires a supporting... more
The purpose of the study was to strategic planning and implementation of academic information system based on website with D&M model approach. The rapid development and progress of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) today can... more
and the other a few public figures, in these several last month are present on television for promoting of Vocational High School (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan/SMK). Promotion activity by Direktorat PSMK Depdiknas, which is part of... more
sejumlah figur publik lain, dalam beberapa bulan terakhir ini sering tampil di layar kaca televisi untuk mempromosikan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Langkah promosi yang dilakukan Direktorat PSMK Depdiknas ini, merupakan bagian dari kerangka... more
This purpose of this paper is to examine the role of technical and vocational education in the reduction of poverty among youths in Nigeria after university education. The problem of this study is to ascertain the potency of Nigeria... more
Welche Chancen bieten neue Produktionstechnologien im Kontext der Industrie 4.0 für Hochlohnstandorte, um gegenüber Niedriglohnstandorten wettbewerbsfähiger zu werden und unter Umständen sogar verlagerte Produktion zurückzuholen? Dies... more
This article analyses the expansion of higher education offered by technical and further education institutes in Australia and it compares this provision with the expansion of higher education in further education colleges in England, and... more
ABSTRACT “Education, more education, education made perfect is the only panacea for our country`s ills and evils”. Revered Sir Anand Sarup Kt. The paper Vocational Education with Skill development for sustainable Economic growth focuses... more
The education industry has been transformed, in part, due to the impact of globalization. Globalization has created shifting paradigms in the way educational services are designed, how they are delivered and where they are located. For... more
1 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk ; (i) mengetahui motivasi belajar peser-ta didik yang diajar menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis Cisco IT Essential pada mata pelajaran perakitan komputer di SMK (ii) mengetahui hasil belajar... more
The education industry has been transformed, in part, due to the impact of globalization. Globalization has created shifting paradigms in the way educational services are designed, how they are delivered and where they are located. For... more
The education industry has been transformed, in part, due to the impact of globalization. Globalization has created shifting paradigms in the way educational services are designed, how they are delivered and where they are located. For... more
A river lateral lake (Coqueiral Lake marginal to Paranapanema River in its mouth zone into Jurumirim Reservoir, São Paulo, Brazil) presented fragmentation into four small isolated bodies of water during a prolonged drought period,... more
As national borders reopen after a lengthy COVID-induced pause there is renewed interest in nurturing opportunities offshore for vocational education and training (VET). Drawing on interviews, focus groups and consultations conducted from... more
The learning process is conducted by interactively, inspirative, fun, and motivates the students with technology in order to improve students' motivation and learning outcomes. Then, this research aimed to improve students' learning... more
Digitalisierung ist kein neues Phänomen. Im Bildungsbereich hat sie spätestens damals Einzug gehalten, als man begann, Leistungen durch Noten auszudrücken (digitale Daten) und Notendurchschnitte zu berechnen (Algorithmen). Der Nutzen bzw.... more