Recent papers in Terence
The theme that unites the first four papers in this collection (counting the two elements of the second paper as two separate papers for the purposes of this summary only) is the view of Geta as very much the nexus-figure for three... more
The paper aims at examining different types of talk represented in the plays by Plautus and Terence. To this end, it combines Goffman's participation framework with tools of Conversation Analysis, which serve to offer a more nuanced... more
Las cartas que Cicerón escribió a su esposa durante los meses que duró su exilio muestran que esperaba que Terencia actuara públicamente para favorecer sus intereses. Partiendo del supuesto de que toda imagen de sí es necesariamente... more
Is literature inherent to our human condition?
What is the contemporary role of literature?
What is the contemporary role of literature?
What might it mean to use books rather than read them? This work examines the relationship between book use and forms of thought and theory in the early modern period. Drawing on legal, medical, religious, scientific and literary... more
The scope of Hamilton’s project is not historical reconstruction, but an “attempt to show what the Romans were as they appear in their great authors” (263). Hamilton’s aim is to pinpoint the peculiar Roman qualities that distinguished... more
C'est à une lecture inédite que vous êtes convié, bien loin de l'habituelle vision sado-masochiste associée à ce poème, et à Baudelaire. Tous les commentaires seront les bienvenus. Cordialement.
Henri-F. Rivet
Henri-F. Rivet
Society in the 3 rd /2 nd Centuries. The period of the Punic Wars (roughly speaking, the mid-3 rd to the later-2 nd century BC) witnessed far-ranging changes at Rome. At the beginning of this period Rome was a moderately powerful... more
Blackwell Companion to Plautus, eds. Dorota Dutsch and George F. Franko.
El teatro es un proceso de comunicación que tiene como objeto al ser humano en todos los sentidos; pero el individuo no sólo sirve para dar sentido al teatro, sino que es su condición de posibilidad: nace en el creador de la obra... more
La breve descrizione terenziana del legame di preferenza che lega Taide al giovane Fedria è stata obliterata dalla tradizione successiva
Parker, Holt N. - Plautus vs. Terence : audience and popularity re-examined. AJPh 1996 117 (4) : 585-617. • The ancient sources are clear in stating that both Plautus' and Terence's plays had a large and popular following. There is no... more
Attraverso una ricognizione delle testimonianze letterarie e degli ultimi studi, il lavoro si propone di offrire un quadro il più possibile completo della musica e della danza nel teatro di Plauto e Terenzio. L'elemento musicale della... more
Terentiu, Eunucul. Phormio.
Seneca, Medeea. Octavia
În românește de Nicolae Teică și Ion Acsan.
Prefață și note de Eugen Cizek
Seneca, Medeea. Octavia
În românește de Nicolae Teică și Ion Acsan.
Prefață și note de Eugen Cizek
Hecyra est huic nomen fabulae. haec quom datast / nova, novom intervenit vitium et calamitas / ut neque spectari neque cognosci potuerit: / ita populu' studio stupidus in funambulo / animum occuparat. nunc haec planest pro nova, / et is... more
An anthology of essays discussing Romanesque and Gothic styles in major medieval texts. These essays have been on the Web as an e-book in .html essays and which are now re-typeset in .pdf format.
This study focuses on the influence of classical authors on Ben Jonson’s dramaturgy, with particular emphasis on the playwrights Aristophanes, Plautus, and Terence, and the literary satirists Horace, Juvenal, Persius, and Lucian. Jonson... more
1. La scena d'apertura della commedia terenziana è ben nota: si tratta di un dialogo fra due senes, Menedemo e Cremete; quest'ultimo osserva con un misto di curiosità e pena il suo vicino mentre senza risparmio e senza apparente motivo si... more
The new volume 11 (2021) of our journal, the Logeion, is now available. The contents and abstracts have been uploaded to the website of the journal (https://logeion.upatras.gr/node/263). With this volume, the Logeion is beginning its... more
Prove tecniche di recitazione in Terenzio.
The present paper falls within a question that is wider than that of the simple behaviour of ellipsis in some specific verb(s). That general frame refers to the particular behaviour of the verb sum, especially applied to its... more
This article proposes a new interpretation of the Ep. IX 12 of Pliny the Younger. In the middle of the text we find a reference to ll. 101-110 of Terence's Adelphoe, while the concluding sentence (et hominem esse te et hominis patrem)... more
In the prologue of Terence's Eunuchus, written, according to the didascalia, in 161 BC, the author of the play defends himself against the charge of literary theft. He denies completely any knowledge on his part that the Greek plays he... more
The excerpt here is the first page of uncorrected proofs for this article, to be published in Journal of Medieval Latin in 2015.
An appendix to my PhD thesis that lists Classical allusions in Jonson's comedies in tabular form.
This article examines a sequence of four elegiac couplets and two iambic senarii that was etched into the northern wall of the basilica in Pompeii. I argue that this graffito was produced by multiple writers and that it alludes to... more
A set of commentaries on Terence, whose witnesses appear for the first time in the XII-XIIIth century and show certain common features, are known as 'commentarii recentiores'. Despite their significance in the history of the Terentian... more
This paper aims to investigate the use of time-related features of talk in evoking (im)politeness in Roman Comedy. To this end, I use evidence from the scansion of the text to identify syllable shortenings and accumulations of heavy... more
In contrast to the comedies of Menander and Plautus, in Terence sacrifice is wholly absent. Sacrifice was an important part of ancient Roman domestic life. Yet Terence neither stages nor mentions any ritual whatsoever. Terence... more
By using the methods of Conversational Analysis, the present chapter aims at investigating the placement of Nominal Address (here: personal names) throughout the verbal interaction in the comedies by Plautus and Terence. After describing... more